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Je viens d'installer la version 2021 de Autocad


Et je me pose (déjà) une question :

Y'a t'il moyen de déplacer la position des onglet Objet et Présentations juste en dessous du dessin,

et non pas en dessous des barres d'icône ?






CLIC sur n importe quel onglet / Bouton droit / Derniere option ...


LA SANTE (Stay Safe), Bye, lecrabe "triste"

Automne 2020, la retraite

Autodesk Expert Elite Team


Salut Frédéric du 67,


Lorsque tu parles de la zone dessin, peut-être veux-tu parler de l'espace objet ?

Si ta ligne de commande est ancrée en dessous de l'espace objet, on ne peut pas avoir les onglets de présentations juste en -dessous de l'espace objet.




A moins que la ligne de commande soit flottante, alors oui, tu peux avoir les onglets de présentations juste en-dessous de l'espace objet.




Pour le taf; Windows (et ses emmerdes) sinon pas d'AutoCAD.

Pour le perso Linux Mint et pas de problèmes. Mais pas d'AutoCAD.

En rêve; AutoCAD sous Linux.



comment vous faites pour insérer une image ?

J'ai une masse de mal à faire ça.

Vous passez aussi par site d'hébergement ?

ça prends du temps, non?


Salut Frédéric du 67,


Lorsque tu parles de la zone dessin, peut-être veux-tu parler de l'espace objet ?

Si ta ligne de commande est ancrée en dessous de l'espace objet, on ne peut pas avoir les onglets de présentations juste en -dessous de l'espace objet.




A moins que la ligne de commande soit flottante, alors oui, tu peux avoir les onglets de présentations juste en-dessous de l'espace objet.









C'est assez rapide :


- tu fait une capture d'écran avec [imprime écran] à droite de la ligne des [Fx] sur ton clavier


- tu ouvre Paint et tu fait [Ctrl + V] pour l'y coller


- tu la redimensionne en faisant "sélectionner" en 1 puis "rogner" en 2





- éventuellement tu l'édite, je ne ferait pas l'insulte de t'indiquer le texte ou le changement de couleur, mais tu peut mettre en valeur des point particulier avec des ovales ou des rectangles en 3 (ça c'est pas forcément évident.. je croie)


- tu l’enregistre n'importe où et tu l'héberge sur un site externe, plus d'infos ici : (liste pas du tout exhaustive)


- tu peut supprimer l'original


N'oublie pas que selon le type de lien CadXP le gère pas toujours très bien, utilise toujours l'éditeur complet du forum et prévisualise ton poste pour t'assurer que la visualisation est correcte. Teste les différents type de lien au besoin si tu n'utilise pas un des rare site que j'y propose et pour les quels je précise lequel est le mieux adapté.



Je suis dysorthographique alors lâchez-moi les basques avec ça, je fait déjà de mon mieux.
Membre d'Extinction Rebellion, car pour sauver le monde il n'est jamais trop tard, amour et rage !
Pour écrire un vraie point médian (e·x·e·m·p·l·e) [Alt + 0183] ou ajout d'un raccourci clavier personnalisé (ex. [AltGr + ;])

Utilisateur d'AutoCAD 2021 sous Windows 10

  • 5 mois après...

merci pour la répons du crabe.. c'était le petit truc qui m'énervait aujourd'hui.

AUTOCAD 2019 + COVADIS 17c + MENSURA 9 & 10 sous Windows 10 64bit


Pour les captures d'écran, sous Windows 10 perso je fais :


- Appuis sur la touche windows pour afficher le menu démarrer

- je tape "capt" pour qu'il propose l'outil de capture de Windows

- Je sélectionne la zone à capturer

- Je fais des annotation dessus si nécessaire et hop enregistré



Plus rapide que d'ouvrir Paint pour une simple capture (a mon humble avis ^^)

AutoCAD Map 3D 2025
Covadis 18.3c + AutoPiste
Windows 11 Famille v.24H2 - 64 bits

Toujours à l'affût des bonnes astuces


Je connaissais pas, pratique. Mais encore plus si épinglé au menu démarrer ^^

Je suis dysorthographique alors lâchez-moi les basques avec ça, je fait déjà de mon mieux.
Membre d'Extinction Rebellion, car pour sauver le monde il n'est jamais trop tard, amour et rage !
Pour écrire un vraie point médian (e·x·e·m·p·l·e) [Alt + 0183] ou ajout d'un raccourci clavier personnalisé (ex. [AltGr + ;])

Utilisateur d'AutoCAD 2021 sous Windows 10




Mon outil prefere pour "tripatouiller" les Presentations / Layouts

est la Routine Lisp de Lee-Mac : TABSORT


Voir ci-dessous une version avec Boite de dialoge PLUS LARGE / LONGUE !


LA SANTE, Bye, lecrabe ... Deja 48 jours de retraite ...


;; Vers 2.2.1 avec Boites de dialogue plus larges / longues 
;; Parametres : width & height
;;             "  : list_box { key = \"tabs\"; width = 40 ; height = 40 ; fixed_width = false; alignment = centered;  multiple_select = true; }" 

;;--------------------=={ TabSort.lsp }==---------------------;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  A program designed with the intention to aid in the       ;;
;;  organisation of layout tabs in a drawing.                 ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  The program enables the user to organise each layout tab  ;;
;;  using buttons to move the tabs up, down, to the top, and  ;;
;;  to the bottom of a list.                                  ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  The user may rename any layout by double clicking on it,  ;;
;;  and can also add a Prefix and/or Suffix to selected/every ;;
;;  layout tab.                                               ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  The program offers the facility to add and delete a       ;;
;;  layout tab, and also sort the tabs alphabetically,        ;;
;;  numerically, architecturally; or reverse the order in     ;;
;;  which they appear.                                        ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  A Find and Replace function is incorporated to allow the  ;;
;;  user to quickly replace a text string in multiple tabs.   ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  The user can also Copy a layout tab, and set the Selected ;;
;;  layout tab as the current tab.                            ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  The Help Dialog can be access by pressing "H" at the Main ;;
;;  Dialog.                                                   ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  FUNCTION SYNTAX:  TABSORT                                 ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Notes:-                                                   ;;
;;  The Reset button will reset Tab Order and Tab Names, but  ;;
;;  will not affect newly created tabs and will not recreate  ;;
;;  deleted tabs.                                             ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  In the case that multiple tabs are selected, the Current  ;;
;;  button will set the tab with the lowest index (highest in ;;
;;  the list) as the current tab.                             ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Author: Lee Mac, Copyright © 2011 -       ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  With Thanks To:                                           ;;
;;  --------------------                                      ;;
;;  Gilles Chanteau (Gile)                                    ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  For his fantastic contribution to the list manipulation   ;;
;;  required for multiple DCL selections, and effort towards  ;;
;;  the Architectural Sort functions.                         ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Charles Alan Butler (CAB)                                 ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  For his excellent idea to incorporate the Help button for ;;
;;  those who need it.                                        ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Version:                                                  ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  1.0    -  13th September 2009                             ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  First Release                                             ;;
;;  1.1    -  14th September 2009                             ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Added Mnemonics to Tiles                                  ;;
;;  Added text to notify of double-click availability         ;;
;;  Added option to only pref/suff selected tab               ;;
;;  1.2    -  15th September 2009                             ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Added Numerical Sort                                      ;;
;;  General Bug Fixes                                         ;;
;;  1.3    -  15th September 2009                             ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Multi-tab Selection Functionality                         ;;
;;  1.4    -  16th September 2009                             ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Added Button to Set Current Tab                           ;;
;;  Added Copy Tab Functionality                              ;;
;;  1.5    -  17th September 2009                             ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Fixed Bug to Copy Layout Plot Settings                    ;;
;;  1.6    -  18th September 2009                             ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Modified Action_Tile Stmts ~ Thanks VovKa                 ;;
;;  Added Architectural Sort Button                           ;;
;;  1.6.1  -  19th September 2009                             ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Fixed Bugs ~ Thanks for feedback CAB                      ;;
;;  1.7    -  20th September 2009                             ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Added Find & Replace Functionality                        ;;
;;  Organised buttons/Added Sort Dialog                       ;;
;;  1.7.1  -  20th September 2009                             ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Replaced StrBrk sub with SplitStr (Gile)                  ;;
;;  1.8    -  21st September 2009                             ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Added hidden Help Button (CAB)                            ;;
;;  Added Help Dialog Definition                              ;;
;;  1.8.1  -  22nd September 2009                             ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  General Bug Fixes                                         ;;
;;  1.8.2  -  23rd September 2009                             ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Fixed Bug causing crash when Deleting all                 ;;
;;  Tabs ~ thanks VovKa                                       ;;
;;  1.9    -     2nd October 2009                             ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Modified Reverse function to only apply to selected Tabs. ;;
;;  Altered Help Dialog to ok_only button                     ;;
;;  2.0    -       22nd July 2010                             ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Fixed Bug with Find/Replace.                              ;;
;;  2.1    -    9th December 2010                             ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Fixed Bug with Double Reversal                            ;;
;;  2.2    -        16th May 2011                             ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Program completely rewritten to update formatting.        ;;
;;  Upgraded Find & Replace engine to allow for               ;;
;;  self-referencing find and replace terms and improved      ;;
;;  visual feedback.                                          ;;
;;  Updated list manipulation subfunctions.                   ;;

(setq TabSortVersion# "2-2")


(defun c:TabSort

 ( /

  ;; --={  Local Functions  }=--


  ;; --={  Local Variables  }=--


  ;; --={  Global Variables  }=--

  ;  *prefdef*  -  Setting to Apply a Prefix/Suffix to All Tabs
  ;  *SortTyp*  -  Sort Type Settings
  ;  *SortOrd*  -  Sort Order Settings


;;                       Local Functions                      ;;

 (defun *error* ( msg )
   (if acdoc (_EndUndo acdoc))
   (if (and dch (< 0 dch)) (unload_dialog dch))
   (if (and ofile (eq 'FILE (type ofile))) (setq ofile (close ofile)))
   (or (wcmatch (strcase msg) "*BREAK,*CANCEL*,*EXIT*")
       (princ (strcat "\n** Error: " msg " **")))


 (defun _StartUndo ( doc ) (_EndUndo doc)
   (vla-StartUndoMark doc)

 (defun _EndUndo ( doc )
   (if (= 8 (logand 8 (getvar 'UNDOCTL)))
     (vla-EndUndoMark doc)


 (defun _value->list ( val ) (read (strcat "(" val ")")))

 (defun _list->value ( lst ) (vl-string-trim "()" (vl-princ-to-string lst)))


 (defun _GetLayouts ( layouts / lst )
   (vlax-for l layouts
     (if (not (eq "MODEL" (strcase (vla-get-Name l))))
       (setq lst (cons l lst))
   (vl-sort lst '(lambda ( a b ) (< (vla-get-TabOrder a) (vla-get-TabOrder B))))


 (defun _MakeList ( key lst )
   (start_list key) (mapcar 'add_list lst) (end_list)


 (defun _GetSavePath ( / tmp )
     ( (setq tmp (getvar 'ROAMABLEROOTPREFIX))

       (strcat (vl-string-right-trim "\\" (vl-string-translate "/" "\\" tmp)) "\\Support")
     ( (setq tmp (findfile "ACAD.pat"))

       (vl-string-right-trim "\\" (vl-string-translate "/" "\\" (vl-filename-directory tmp)))


 (defun _WriteDCL ( fname / ofile )
       (findfile fname)
     ( (setq ofile (open fname "w"))

       (foreach line
           "//---------------------=={ TabSort.dcl }==--------------------//"
           "//                                                            //"
           "//  Dialog Definition file for use in conjunction with        //"
           "//  TabSort.lsp                                               //"
           "//  Author: Lee Mac, Copyright © 2011 -       //"
           "dcl_settings : default_dcl_settings { audit_level = 1; }"
           "//                   SubAssembly Definitions                  //"
           "button13 : button   { width = 13; alignment = centered; fixed_width = true; }"
           "button16 : button   { width = 16; alignment = centered; fixed_width = true; }"
           "    eBox : edit_box { alignment = centered; fixed_width = true; allow_accept = true; is_tab_stop = true; }"
           "    fBox : edit_box { alignment = left; fixed_width = true; is_tab_stop = true; }"
           "   title : text     { alignment = centered; is_bold = true; fixed_width = false;}"
           "     txt : text     { alignment = centered; fixed_width = false; }"
           "    ltxt : text     { alignment = left;     fixed_width = false; }"
           "//                        Main Dialog                         //"
           "tabsort : dialog { key = \"dcltitle\";"
           "  : image_button { key = \"help\"; label = \"&help\"; color = -15; height = 0.1; width = 0.1; fixed_width = true; }"
           "  spacer;"
           "  "
           "  : row {"
           "    : button13 { key = \"mtop\"; label = \"Top\"      ; mnemonic = \"T\"; }"
           "    : button13 { key = \"up\"  ; label = \"Up\"       ; mnemonic = \"U\"; }"
           "    : button13 { key = \"down\"; label = \"Down\"     ; mnemonic = \"D\"; }"
           "    : button13 { key = \"mbot\"; label = \"Bottom\"   ; mnemonic = \"B\"; }"
           "  }"
           "  "
           "  : list_box { key = \"tabs\"; width = 40 ; height = 40 ; fixed_width = false; alignment = centered;  multiple_select = true; }"
           "  "
           "  : row {"
           "    : button13 { key = \"sort\"; label = \"Sort...\"  ; mnemonic = \"S\"; }"
           "    : button13 { key = \"rev\" ; label = \"Reverse\"  ; mnemonic = \"R\"; }"
           "    : button13 { key = \"p_s\" ; label = \"Pref/Suff\"; mnemonic = \"P\"; }"
           "    : button13 { key = \"cur\" ; label = \"Current\"  ; mnemonic = \"n\"; }"
           "  }"
           "  "
           "  spacer;"
           "  "
           "  : row { fixed_width = false;"
           "    : button13 { key = \"add\"   ; label = \"Add\"    ; mnemonic = \"A\"; }"
           "    : button13 { key = \"del\"   ; label = \"Delete\" ; mnemonic = \"e\"; }"
           "    : button13 { key = \"copy\"  ; label = \"Copy\"   ; mnemonic = \"C\"; }"
           "    : button13 { key = \"fnr\"   ; label = \"Find\"   ; mnemonic = \"F\"; }"
           "  }"
           "  "
           "  : text { label = \"Double-click to Rename a Tab, Press H for Help\" ; alignment = centered; }"
           "  "
           "  : row  { fixed_width = true ; alignment = centered;"
           "    : button13 { key = \"accept\"; label = \"Done\"   ; mnemonic = \"o\"; is_default = true; is_cancel = true; }"
           "    : button13 { key = \"res\"   ; label = \"Reset\"  ; mnemonic = \"s\"; }               "
           "  }"
           "//                        Rename Dialog                       //"
           "rename : dialog { label = \"Rename Tab\"; spacer;"
           "  : eBox { key = \"name\"; edit_width = 20; edit_limit = 255; label = \"Tab Name:\"; }"
           "  : errtile { } "
           "  spacer; ok_cancel;"
           "//                    Delete Warning Dialog                   //"
           "delwarn : dialog { label = \"Warning\"; spacer;"
           "  : text { alignment = centered; label = \"The Selected Tab(s) will be Permanently Deleted\"; }"
           "  : text { alignment = centered; label = \"Proceed?\"; }"
           "  spacer; ok_cancel;"
           "//                    Prefix/Suffix Dialog                    //"
           "prefsuff : dialog { label = \"Add Prefix/Suffix\"; spacer;"
           "  : row {"
           "    : column {"
           "      : text { alignment = centered; label = \"Prefix\"; }"
           "      : eBox { key = \"pref\"; edit_width = 15; edit_limit = 255; }"
           "    }"
           "    : column {"
           "      : spacer { alignment = centered; width = 10; }"
           "      : text   { alignment = centered; label = \"< Tab Name >\"; }"
           "    }"
           "    : column {"
           "      : text { alignment = centered; label = \"Suffix\"; }"
           "      : eBox { key = \"suff\"; edit_width = 15; edit_limit = 255; }"
           "    }"
           "  }  "
           "  spacer;"
           "  "
           "  : row { spacer;"
           "    : toggle { key = \"all\"; label = \"Apply to all Tabs\"; mnemonic = \"A\"; alignment = right; is_tab_stop = true; }"
           "  }"
           "  : errtile { } ok_cancel;"
           "//                        Find Dialog                         //"
           "find : dialog { label = \"Find and Replace\"; spacer;"
           "  : row {"
           "    : column { fixed_height = true;"
           "      : text { key = \"fw\"  ; label = \"Find What:\"           ; }"
           "      : fBox { key = \"fstr\"; edit_width = 30; mnemonic = \"W\"; }"
           "      : text { key = \"rw\"  ; label = \"Replace With:\"        ; }"
           "      : fBox { key = \"rstr\"; edit_width = 30; mnemonic = \"R\"; }"
           "    }"
           "    : spacer { width = 4; }"
           "    : column { fixed_height = true;"
           "      : spacer   { height = 0.2   ; }"
           "      : button16 { key = \"fnd\"  ; label = \"Find\"       ; mnemonic = \"F\"; }"
           "      : button16 { key = \"rep\"  ; label = \"Replace\"    ; mnemonic = \"p\"; }"
           "      : button16 { key = \"repa\" ; label = \"Replace All\"; mnemonic = \"A\"; }"
           "    }"
           "  }"
           "  "
           "  spacer;"
           "  : text { key = \"ftxt\"; alignment = left; label = \"String not Found!\"; value = \"\"; }"
           "  spacer;"
           "  : button13 { key = \"accept\";    label = \"Done\"    ; mnemonic = \"o\"; is_default = true; is_cancel = true  ; }"
           "//                        Sort Dialog                         //"
           "sort : dialog { label = \"Sort\"; spacer;"
           "  : boxed_column { label = \"Sort Type\";"
           "  "
           "    : popup_list { key = \"typ\"; alignment = centered; }"
           "    "
           "    spacer;"
           "    "
           "    : radio_row { children_alignment = centered;"
           "      : radio_button { key = \"asc\"; label = \"Ascending\" ; }"
           "      : radio_button { key = \"des\"; label = \"Descending\"; }"
           "    }"
           "    spacer;"
           "  }"
           "  "
           "  spacer;"
           "  "
           "  : row { fixed_width = false; alignment = centered;"
           "    : button13 { key = \"accept\"; label = \"Sort\"  ; mnemonic = \"S\"; is_default = true; }"
           "    : button13 { key = \"cancel\"; label = \"Cancel\"; mnemonic = \"C\"; is_cancel  = true; }"
           "  }"
           "//                        Help Dialog                         //"
           "help : dialog { key = \"htitle\";"
           "  spacer; : title { label = \"  ---------------------=={ TabSort.lsp }==---------------------  \" ; }"
           "  spacer; : title { label = \"Designed and Created by Lee Mac 2011\" ; }"
           "  spacer; : ltxt  { label = \"   Program Controls:\" ; }"
           "  spacer;"
           "  : row { fixed_width = true; alignment = centered;"
           "    : column {"
           "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"-->\"   ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"-->\"   ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"-->\"   ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
           "    }"
           "    : column {"
           "       : txt { label = \"Top\"          ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"Up\"           ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"Down\"         ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"Bottom\"       ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"Sort\"         ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"Alphabetical\" ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"Numerical\"    ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"Architectural\"; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"Reverse\"      ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"Pref/Suff\"    ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"Add\"          ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"Delete\"       ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"Copy\"         ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"Current\"      ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"Find\"         ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"Done\"         ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"Reset\"        ; }"
           "    }"
           "    : column {"
           "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"<--\"   ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"<--\"   ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"<--\"   ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
           "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
           "    }"
           "    spacer;"
           "    : column {"
           "      : ltxt { label = \"Move selected Tabs to the top of the list.\"             ; }"
           "      : ltxt { label = \"Move selected Tabs up one notch in the list.\"           ; }"
           "      : ltxt { label = \"Move selected Tabs down one notch in the list.\"         ; }"
           "      : ltxt { label = \"Move selected Tabs to the bottom of the list.\"          ; }"
           "      : ltxt { label = \"Opens the Sort Dialog.\"                                 ; }"
           "      : ltxt { label = \"Sort the Tabs Alphabetically.\"                          ; }"
           "      : ltxt { label = \"Sort the Tabs Numerically.\"                             ; }"
           "      : ltxt { label = \"Sort the Tabs using an Architectural sorting method.\"   ; }"
           "      : ltxt { label = \"Reverse the Tab Order.\"                                 ; }"
           "      : ltxt { label = \"Opens the Prefix/Suffix Dialog.\"                        ; }"
           "      : ltxt { label = \"Adds a new layout Tab using the next available name.\"   ; }"
           "      : ltxt { label = \"Deletes the selected Tabs.\"                             ; }"
           "      : ltxt { label = \"Copies the selected Tabs.\"                              ; }"
           "      : ltxt { label = \"Makes the selected Tab the Current Tab.\"                ; }"
           "      : ltxt { label = \"Opens the Find and Replace Dialog.\"                     ; }"
           "      : ltxt { label = \"Finished sorting Tabs, will implement sorting.\"         ; }"
           "      : ltxt { label = \"Will reset Tab names and order - not deleted/added Tabs\"; }"
           "    }"
           "  }"
           "  spacer_1;"
           "  : title { label = \"-------------------------------------------------------------\" ; }"
           "  spacer_1; ok_only;"
           "//                        End of File                         //"
         (write-line line ofile)
       (setq ofile (close ofile))

       (while (not (findfile fname))) fname


 (defun _RemoveNth ( n l )
   (if (and l (< 0 n))
     (cons (car l) (_RemoveNth (1- n) (cdr l)))
     (cdr l)


 (defun _RenameTab ( dchand n lst / name )
       (not (new_dialog "rename" dchand))

           (acet-ui-message "Error Loading Rename Dialog" "Warning" 16)
           (princ "\n** Error Loading Rename Dialog **")
       (set_tile  "name" (setq name (nth n lst)))
       (mode_tile "name" 2)

       (action_tile "name" "(setq name $value)")

       (action_tile "accept"
             (progn (set_tile "error" "")
                   (eq "" name)

                   (set_tile "error" "Please Enter a Tab Name")
                   (wcmatch (strcase name) "*[<>\\/\\\":;`?`*|`,=]*")

                   (set_tile "error" "Invalid Symbol in Tab Name")
                   (mode_tile "name" 2)
                   (vl-position (strcase name) (mapcar 'strcase (_RemoveNth n lst)))

                   (set_tile "error" (strcat name " already exists!"))
                   (mode_tile "name" 2)
                 ( (done_dialog 1) )

       (if (= 1 (start_dialog))
             (eq name (nth n lst))

               (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-put-Name (list (vla-item aclay (nth n lst)) name))
                 (acet-ui-message "Error Renaming Tab" "Warning" 16)
                 (alert "\n** Error Renaming Tab **")
           ( (subst name (nth n lst) lst) )


 (defun _ListUp ( ind lst ) ; (Gile)
     ( (or (null ind) (null lst))

     ( (= 0  (car ind))

       (cons (car  lst) (_ListUp (cdr (mapcar '1- ind)) (cdr lst)))
     ( (= 1  (car ind))

       (cons (cadr lst) (_ListUp (cdr (mapcar '1- ind)) (cons (car lst) (cddr lst))))
     ( t

       (cons (car  lst) (_ListUp (mapcar '1- ind) (cdr lst)))


 (defun _ListDown ( idx lst )
         (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (- (1- (length lst)) x)) idx)
       (reverse lst)


 (defun _RemoveItems ( idx lst / i )
   (setq i -1)
   (vl-remove-if '(lambda ( x ) (member (setq i (1+ i)) idx)) lst)


 (defun _ListToTop ( idx lst )
   (append (mapcar '(lambda ( i ) (nth i lst)) idx) (_RemoveItems idx lst))


 (defun _ListToBottom ( idx lst ) 
   (append (_RemoveItems idx lst) (mapcar '(lambda ( i ) (nth i lst)) idx))


 (defun _ReverseItems ( idx lst )
     (lambda ( i l )
           (lambda ( x )
             (if (member (setq i (1+ i)) idx)
               (setq x (nth (car l) lst)
                     l (cdr l)
     -1 (reverse (vl-sort idx '<))


 (defun _TabSort ( dchand lst )
   (or *SortTyp* (setq *SortTyp*   "0"))
   (or *SortOrd* (setq *SortOrd* "asc"))

       (not (new_dialog "sort" dchand))

           (acet-ui-message "Error Loading Sort Dialog" "Warning" 16)
           (princ "\n** Error Loading Sort Dialog **")

       (_MakeList "typ" '("Alphabetical" "Numerical" "Architectural"))
       (set_tile "typ" *SortTyp*)
       (set_tile *SortOrd*   "1")

       (action_tile "typ" "(setq *SortTyp* $value)")
       (action_tile "asc" "(setq *SortOrd*   $key)")
       (action_tile "des" "(setq *SortOrd*   $key)")

       (if (zerop (start_dialog)) lst
             ( (eq "0" *SortTyp*)

               (setq lst (acad_strlsort lst))
             ( (eq "1" *SortTyp*)

               (setq lst (_NumSort lst))
             ( (eq "2" *SortTyp*)

               (setq lst (_ArchSort lst))
           (if (eq "asc" *SortOrd*)
             (reverse lst)


 (defun _SplitStr ( str / lst test rslt num tmp ) ; (Gile)

   (setq lst  (vl-string->list str)
         test (chr (car lst))
   (if (< 47 (car lst) 58)
     (setq num T)
   (while (setq lst (cdr lst))
     (if num
         ( (= 46 (car lst))

               (cadr lst)
               (setq tmp (strcat "0." (chr (cadr lst))))
               (numberp (read tmp))
             (setq rslt (cons (read test) rslt)
                   test tmp
                   lst  (cdr lst)
             (setq rslt (cons (read test) rslt)
                   test "."
                   num nil
         ( (< 47 (car lst) 58)

           (setq test (strcat test (chr (car lst))))
         ( t

           (setq rslt (cons (read test) rslt)
                 test (chr (car lst))
                 num  nil
       (if (< 47 (car lst) 58)
         (setq rslt (cons test rslt)
               test (chr (car lst))
               num  T
         (setq test (strcat test (chr (car lst))))
   (if num
     (setq rslt (cons (read test) rslt))
     (setq rslt (cons test rslt))
   (reverse rslt)


 (defun _ArchSort ( lst / comparable ) ; (Gile)
   (defun comparable ( e1 e2 )
       (and (numberp e1) (numberp e2))
       (= 'STR (type e1) (type e2))
       (not e1)
       (not e2)
   (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (nth x lst))      
     (vl-sort-i (mapcar '_SplitStr lst)
         (lambda ( x1 x2 / n1 n2 comp )
               (setq comp
                 (comparable (setq n1 (car x1)) (setq n2 (car x2)))
               (= n1 n2)
             (setq x1 (cdr x1) x2 (cdr x2))
           (if comp (< n1 n2) (numberp n1))


 (defun _NumSort ( lst )

   (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (nth x lst))    
     (vl-sort-i (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (vl-remove-if-not 'numberp (_SplitStr x))) lst)
         (lambda ( a b )
           (while (and a b (= (car a) (car B)))
             (setq a (cdr a)
                   b (cdr B)
           (if (or a B) (< (car a) (car B)) t)


 (defun _DeleteTabs ( dchand idx lst / x )
       (setq x
         (acet-ui-message "The Selected Tab(s) Will be Permanently Deleted.\n\nProceed?" "Delete Tab(s)?" 52)
     ( (not (new_dialog "delwarn" dchand))

       (princ "\n** Error Loading Delete Dialog **")
       (action_tile "accept" "(setq x 6) (done_dialog)")

   (if (= 6 x)
          '(lambda nil
             (foreach i idx (vla-delete (vla-item aclay (nth i lst))))
           (acet-ui-message "Error Deleting Tab(s)" "Warning" 16)
           (alert "\n** Error Deleting Tab(s) **")
       (setq lst (_RemoveItems idx lst))


 (defun _TabPrefixSuffix ( dchand idx lst / pref suff item tmp i )
   (or *prefdef* (setq *prefdef* 0))
     ( (not (new_dialog "prefsuff" dchand))

           (acet-ui-message "Error Loading Prefix/Suffix Dialog" "Warning" 16)
           (princ "\n** Error Loading Prefix/Suffix Dialog **")

       (set_tile "all" (itoa *prefdef*))

       (action_tile "accept"
                     (not (eq "" (setq pref (get_tile "pref"))))
                     (wcmatch (strcase pref) "*[<>\\/\\\":;`?`*|`,=]*")

                   (set_tile "error" "Invalid Symbol in Prefix")
                   (mode_tile "pref" 2)
                     (not (eq "" (setq suff (get_tile "suff"))))
                     (wcmatch (strcase suff) "*[<>\\/\\\":;`?`*|`,=]*")

                   (set_tile "error" "Invalid Symbol in Suffix")
                   (mode_tile "suff" 2)
                   (and (zerop *prefdef*) (setq tmp (mapcar 'strcase (_RemoveItems idx lst)))
                         (lambda ( x )
                           (vl-position (strcase (strcat pref x suff)) tmp)
                       (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (nth x lst)) idx) 

                   (set_tile "error" "Amendment would create Duplicate tab")
                   (mode_tile "pref" 2)
                 ( (done_dialog 1) )

       (action_tile "all" "(setq *prefdef* (atoi $value))")

       (if (= 1 (start_dialog))
             (zerop *prefdef*)

             (setq i -1)

             (setq lst
                   (lambda ( x )
                     (if (member (setq i (1+ i)) idx)
                         (vla-put-name (vla-item aclay x) (strcat pref x suff))
                         (strcat pref x suff)

             (setq lst
                   (lambda ( x )
                     (vla-put-name (vla-item aclay x) (strcat pref x suff))
                     (strcat pref x suff)
 (defun _AddTab ( lst / tmp i upp )

   (setq tmp "Layout1" i 1 upp (mapcar 'strcase lst))
   (while (member (strcase tmp) upp)
     (setq tmp (strcat "Layout" (itoa (setq i (1+ i)))))
   (vla-add aclay tmp)
   (append lst (list tmp))


 (defun _CopyTab ( idx lst / upp oldname oldlay newname i objlst newlay newblk )
   (setq upp (mapcar 'strcase lst))

   (foreach x idx
     (setq oldname (nth x lst)
           oldlay  (vla-item aclay oldname)
           newname (strcat oldname " (2)")
           i       2
           objlst  nil
     (while (member (strcase newname) upp)
       (setq newname (strcat oldname " (" (itoa (setq i (1+ i))) ")"))
     (setq newlay (vla-add aclay newname)
           newblk (vla-get-block newlay)
           lst    (append lst (list newname))
     (vla-copyfrom newlay oldlay)

       (vlax-for o (vla-get-block oldlay)
         (setq objlst (cons o objlst))
       (vla-copyobjects acdoc
             (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbobject (cons 0 (1- (length objlst)))) (reverse objlst)


 (defun _FindReplaceTab ( dchand lst / fstr rstr found tab idx flen i nstr rlen m n )

       (not (new_dialog "find" dchand))

           (acet-ui-message "Error Loading Find and Replace Dialog" "Warning" 16)
           (princ "\n** Error Loading Find & Replace Dialog **")

       (set_tile "ftxt" "")
       (set_tile "fstr" (setq fstr ""))
       (set_tile "rstr" (setq rstr ""))

       (action_tile "fstr" "(set_tile \"ftxt\" \"\") (setq found nil fstr $value)")
       (action_tile "rstr" "(setq rstr $value)")

       (action_tile "fnd"
                   (set_tile "ftxt" (caar found))
                   (setq tab   (cadar  found)
                         idx   (caddar found)
                         found (cdr    found)
                       (eq fstr "")

                       (set_tile "ftxt" "Please Enter a String to Find.")
                       (setq found nil tab nil idx nil)
                       (setq flen (strlen fstr) i 0)
                       (foreach x lst
                         (while (setq i (vl-string-search (strcase fstr) (strcase x) i))
                           (setq found
                                 (strcat (substr x 1 i) "[" (substr x (1+ i) flen) "]" (substr x (+ i flen 1)))
                             i (+ i flen)
                       (setq found (reverse found))

                           (set_tile "ftxt" (caar found))
                           (setq tab   (cadar  found)
                                 idx   (caddar found)
                                 found (cdr    found)

                           (set_tile "ftxt" "String not Found.")
                           (setq tab nil idx nil)

       (action_tile "rep"
                   (not tab)

                   (set_tile "ftxt" "String not Found.")
                   (wcmatch rstr "*[<>\\/\\\":;`?`*|`,=]*")

                   (set_tile "ftxt" "Invalid Symbol in Replace String.")
                     (vl-string-trim " "
                         (setq nstr
                           (strcat (substr tab 1 idx) rstr (substr tab (+ 1 idx flen)))
                     (mapcar 'strcase lst)

                   (set_tile "ftxt" "Replacement would create Duplicate Tab.")
                   (vla-put-Name (vla-item aclay tab) nstr)
                   (set_tile "ftxt" (strcat (get_tile "ftxt") "  ->  " nstr))
                   (setq lst (subst nstr tab lst))

                   (setq found
                         (lambda ( x )
                           (if (eq tab (cadr x))
                               (if (< idx (setq i (caddr x)))
                                 (setq i (+ (caddr x) (- (strlen rstr) flen)))
                               (setq i (vl-string-search (strcase fstr) (strcase nstr) i))
                                 (strcat (substr nstr 1 i) "[" (substr nstr (1+ i) flen) "]" (substr nstr (+ i flen 1)))

       (action_tile "repa"
               (set_tile "ftxt" "")

                   (eq fstr "")

                   (set_tile "ftxt" "Please Enter a String to Find.")
                   (setq found nil)
                   (wcmatch rstr "*[<>\\/\\\":;`?`*|`,=]*")

                   (set_tile "ftxt" "Invalid Symbol in Replace String.")
                   (setq n 0
                         flen (strlen fstr)
                         rlen (strlen rstr)

                   (foreach tab lst
                     (setq m n
                           i 0
                           nstr tab
                     (while (setq i (vl-string-search (strcase fstr) (strcase nstr) i))
                       (setq nstr (strcat (substr nstr 1 i) rstr (substr nstr (+ 1 i flen)))
                                i (+ i rlen)
                                m (1+ m)
                     (if (not (member (strcase nstr) (mapcar 'strcase lst)))
                         (vla-put-name (vla-item aclay tab) nstr)
                         (setq n   m
                               lst (subst nstr tab lst)

                   (set_tile "ftxt"
                     (if (< 0 n)
                       (strcat (itoa n) " Replacements Made.")
                       "String not Found."



 (defun _TabSortHelp ( dchand title )
       (not (new_dialog "help" dchand))

           (acet-ui-message "Error Loading Help Dialog" "Warning" 16)
           (princ "\n** Error Loading Help Dialog **")
       (set_tile "htitle" title)


 (defun _ListDupes ( l )
   (if l
     (if (vl-position (car l) (cdr l))
       (cons (car l) (_ListDupes (vl-remove (car l) (cdr l))))
       (_ListDupes (vl-remove (car l) (cdr l)))


 (setq acdoc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
       aclay (vla-get-layouts acdoc)

 (if (not (vl-file-directory-p (setq SavePath (_GetSavePath))))
     (princ "\n** Save Path not Valid **") (exit)

 (setq dclfname (strcat SavePath "\\LMAC_TabSort_V" TabSortVersion# ".dcl")
       dcltitle (strcat "TabSort V" (vl-string-translate "-" "." TabSortVersion#))
 (setq Express
   (and (vl-position "acetutil.arx" (arx))
           (function (lambda nil (acet-sys-shift-down)))

     (not (_WriteDCL dclfname))

         (acet-ui-message "DCL File Could not be Written" "Warning" 16)
         (princ "\n** DCL File Could not be Written **")
     (< (setq dch (load_dialog dclfname)) 0)

         (acet-ui-message "DCL File not Found" "Warning" 16)
         (princ "\n** DCL File not Found **")
     (not (new_dialog "tabsort" dch))

         (acet-ui-message "Error Loading TabSort Dialog" "Warning" 16)
         (princ "\n** Error Loading TabSort Dialog **")

     (_StartUndo acdoc)

     (setq dclst  (mapcar 'vla-get-Name (_GetLayouts aclay))
           resLst dclst
     (set_tile "dcltitle" dcltitle)

     (_MakeList "tabs" dclst)
     (set_tile "tabs"
       (setq ptr
         (if (zerop (getvar 'TILEMODE))
           (itoa (vl-position (getvar 'CTAB) dclst))

     (action_tile "tabs"
           (progn (setq ptr $value)
             (if (= 4 $reason)
                 (_MakeList "tabs" (setq dclst (_RenameTab dch (atoi ptr) dclst)))
                 (set_tile "tabs" ptr)

     (action_tile "up"
               idx (_value->list ptr)
               old (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (nth x dclst)) idx)
             (_MakeList "tabs" (setq dclst (_ListUp idx dclst)))
             (set_tile  "tabs"
               (setq ptr
                 (_list->value (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (vl-position x dclst)) old))
     (action_tile "down"
               idx (_value->list ptr)
               old (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (nth x dclst)) idx)
             (_MakeList "tabs" (setq dclst (_ListDown idx dclst)))
             (set_tile  "tabs"
               (setq ptr
                 (_list->value (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (vl-position x dclst)) old))

     (action_tile "mtop"
             (_MakeList "tabs" (setq dclst (_ListToTop (setq idx (_value->list ptr)) dclst)))

             (setq i -1)
             (set_tile "tabs"
               (setq ptr
                 (_list->value (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (setq i (1+ i))) idx))

     (action_tile "mbot"
             (_MakeList "tabs" (setq dclst (_ListToBottom (setq idx (_value->list ptr)) dclst)))
             (setq i (length dclst))
             (set_tile "tabs"
               (setq ptr
                 (_list->value (reverse (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (setq i (1- i))) idx)))

     (action_tile "sort"
               idx (_value->list ptr)
               old (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (nth x dclst)) idx)
             (_MakeList "tabs" (setq dclst (_TabSort dch dclst)))
             (set_tile  "tabs"
               (setq ptr
                 (_list->value (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (vl-position x dclst)) old))
     (action_tile "rev"
             (_MakeList "tabs" (setq dclst (_ReverseItems (_value->list ptr) dclst)))
             (set_tile  "tabs" ptr)
     (action_tile "del"
               idx (_value->list ptr)
               old (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (nth x dclst)) idx)
               tmp dclst
             (setq newres
                 (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (1- (vla-get-TabOrder (vla-item aclay x)))) old)
             (_MakeList "tabs"
               (setq dclst
                   ( (_DeleteTabs dch idx dclst) )
                   ( (mapcar 'vla-get-Name (_GetLayouts aclay)) )
             (if (not (equal tmp dclst)) (setq resLst (cond ( newres ) ( dclst ))))

             (set_tile "tabs"
               (setq ptr
                 (if (zerop (getvar 'TILEMODE))
                   (itoa (vl-position (getvar 'CTAB) dclst))
     (action_tile "p_s"
             (_MakeList "tabs" (setq dclst (_TabPrefixSuffix dch (_value->list ptr) dclst)))
             (set_tile  "tabs" ptr)

     (action_tile "res"
                 (_ListDupes (mapcar 'strcase resLst))

                     (acet-ui-message "Resetting would create Duplicate Tabs" "Warning" 48)
                     (alert "Resetting would create Duplicate Tabs")
                 (_MakeList "tabs" (setq dclst resLst))
                 (mapcar 'vla-put-Name (_GetLayouts aclay) resLst)
                 (set_tile "tabs"
                   (setq ptr
                     (if (zerop (getvar 'TILEMODE))
                       (itoa (vl-position (getvar 'CTAB) dclst))

     (action_tile "add"
             (_MakeList "tabs" (setq dclst (_AddTab dclst)))
             (setq resLst (append resLst (list (last dclst))))
             (set_tile "tabs" (setq ptr (itoa (1- (length dclst)))))

     (action_tile "cur"
             (setvar "CTAB" (nth (setq ptr (car (_value->list ptr))) dclst))
             (set_tile "tabs" (setq ptr (itoa ptr)))

     (action_tile "copy"
               idx (_value->list ptr)
               tmp dclst
               i   (1- (length dclst))
               j   i                      
             (_MakeList "tabs" (setq dclst (_CopyTab idx dclst)))
             (setq resLst
               (append resLst
                 (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (nth (setq i (1+ i)) dclst)) idx)
             (set_tile "tabs"
               (setq ptr
                 (_list->value (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (setq j (1+ j))) idx))

     (action_tile "fnr"
             (_MakeList "tabs" (setq dclst (_FindReplaceTab dch dclst)))
             (set_tile "tabs" ptr)

     (action_tile "help" "(_TabSortHelp dch (strcat dcltitle \" - Help\"))")

     (setq dch (unload_dialog dch))

         (equal (setq dclst (mapcar 'strcase dclst))
           (mapcar 'strcase
             (mapcar 'vla-get-Name
               (setq aclays (_GetLayouts aclay))
         (foreach lay aclays
           (vla-put-TabOrder lay
             (1+ (vl-position (strcase (vla-get-Name lay)) dclst))
     (_EndUndo acdoc)



(vl-load-com) (princ)

   "\n:: TabSort.lsp | Version " (vl-string-translate "-" "." TabSortVersion#) " | © Lee Mac 2011 ::"
   "\n:: Type \"TabSort\" to Invoke ::"

;;                         End of File                        ;;

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