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Poisson d'Avril ---- [ACAD MAP 201X] La Wish List du Decapode

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Hello Friends


And now for the next Release of AutoCAD MAP 201X ...



****** Improvements (or Bug Correction) on existing Features ******



01) --- MPOLYGON --- Bugs / Limitations ---


01A - Add a feature Hatch Lineweight

01B - The Display of the Middle Grips is not correct (compare to PLine)

01C - Be able to autogenerate Links (UDL) to Tables with MPOLYGONs (It works only with closed PLine)



02) --- MAPIMPORT (Polygone/Surface Geometry) ---


We have an option to import all entities as MPOLYGON or as PLINE - Please keep it !

Very often we have a few MPolygon in the layer but ALL are MPolygon after MAPIMPORT ...

(or every geometries are closed PLines after MAPIMPORT)

Please offer a NEW option : Create MPOLYGON only if necessary

So most often we get a few MPolygons and many closed PLines ...



03) --- MAPEXPORT --- MAPINFO Format ---


Please could you set the correct MapInfo settings relative to system coordinates

when doing a MAPEXPORT with the TAB and the MIF-MID format ...



04) --- ATLAS --- BUG with Scale + Polygonal VPort ---


Please correct the beautiful BUG on the scale which is FALSE asap with we have a % overlay/overlap

Please add the possibilty to have a polygonal vport (not ony rectangular) for the main vport



****** NEW Features ******


01) --- Object Data General and EDIT ---


01A - Be able to rename an OD field/column

01B - Be able to reorganize the order of fields/columns (up/down)

01C - Please a function like Search and Replace ODs

01D - Add Prefix or Suffix on alphanumeric ODs

01E - Add or Multiply by a value for numeric ODs



02) --- Object Data : Select, Query, Update, etc --- in the CURRENT drawing ---


Be able to see OD as a Grid (idem the Attributes Tables with FDO)

Select, Query, Update, Export as CSV, etc

With options : auto-select, auto-zoom, etc


Be able to use a QSELECT on OD or something equivalent ...



03) --- MAPCLEAN ---


We have "Cut at intersection" of lines, plines, etc

Please I would like a NEW option : "Cut at Block"

So for each Block selected which is ON a line, pline, etc : the line, pline, etc will be CUT at the Insert Point of the Block

Please keep XDATAs and ODs on each part of the line, pline, etc ...



04) --- Drawings Group ---


Be able to use Query with Properties Updates and Reports INTO the Current Drawing

Very important : it's too slow to use a New DWG and then we have to associate THE drawing and then execute many Queries ...

Then Save the DWG, Quit, Reload, etc



05) --- FDO Gis Overlay ---


05A) We have Lines intersected (or other operations) by Polygons

But I need : Polygons intersected (or other operations) by Lines



06) --- In the past, MAP 2005/2006 have some features of CIVIL : points, surfaces, etc ---


In MAP, I need to be able to manage points (External CSV Points or AutoCAD points or AutoCAD blocks)

to generate a 3D Surface (3D TIN - maybe explode it to get many 3DFaces), generate 2D Plines at Z/Elevation, and colorize 3DFaces depending on the Z/Altitude or the Slope, etc

--- It's THE MINIMUM for a GIS Software ---

I don't speak about Profiles and all other high levels features of CIVIL ...



07) --- TIF+TFW, ECW, JPG+JGW on a 3D Surface (3D TIN) ---


Be able to use this kind of images on 3D Surface with 3DOrbit, etc

AND please a GOOD quality when printing the 3D Drawing + Images

In the past your ENVISION product was doing this job nicely !



08) --- Google Earth Plugin ---


It's a MUST for me because we are speaking of a GIS Software

For example you could implement only MAPIMPORTKML/KMZ and MAPEXPORTKML/KMZ

with the possibility to IMPORT/EXPORT attributes NOT ONLY Geometries !



09) --- FDO Printing with Raster ---


Please could you IMPROVE the quality of the FDO printing especially when we have Raster Images !!



10) --- FDO Clipping with Raster ---


Please could you implement the clipping of FDO Raster (idem that we have with standard Raster File)



11) --- Export FDO Map to DWG ---


Please add a NEW option to export FDO attributes as Object Data of MAP (or CIVIL)

The option to export the FeatureId of the FDO Layer as XDATA is usable only by programmers ...



12) --- FDO Geometry + FDO Raster + DWG Layer + DWG Raster + etc : BUG !? or Improvement !? ---


For me, there is a major bug when we mix FDO, FDO Raster, DWG, Raster DWG, PDF, DWF, etc

The bug is related to the display/printing priority which is NOT STABLE !

Could you propose something easy to use and manage ?



13) --- FDO : Add more options to control the display (or NOT) of FDO Labels ---


13A) Always Display (Yes/No) - Very important: it's my problem if I have many many labels/texts ...

13B) Display (Yes/No) if no overlay/overlap with an other label/text

13C) Display (Yes/No) if no overlay/overlap with a geometry (line, polygon). I speak about the vector graphic not the hatch

13D) Display (Yes/No) if no overlay/overlap with a hatch (coming from a polygon).


Something relative to 13B/13C/13D wish : be able to give a Radius to find somewhere a "free" seat for the text/label if possible !



14) --- Linking Polylines to DataBase ---


An easy way, to link automatically (UDL, etc) many PLines with ODs (with a FeatureId field/column) to a existing Table (with the "same" FeatureId field/column)



15) --- FDO Driver for DWF with attributes --- Read Only Mode ---


Because with a high precision DWF (+ attributes), we could use it as a FDO Layer ( no action on stylisation but I need the Labels ! )


So NO USE of a DWG !



16) --- FDO Attributes : EDIT ---


16A - Please a function like Search and Replace Attributes

16B - Add Prefix or Suffix on alphanumeric Attributes

16C - Add or Multiply by a value for numeric Attributes



17) --- FDO General --- Read-Only Option (Yes/No) = Security ---


For Geometry FDO Driver : SDF3, SHP, Oracle, PostGIS, SQL Server Spatial, SQLite, ODBC, etc

Please add an option into the connect FDO dialog box (when we see all available layers)

Read-Only (Yes/No) - Default = No



18) --- MAP ODs with AutoCAD Fields ---


The "Insert Field / Object" Feature of AutoCAD (coming with AutoCAD 2005/2006) can't see the ODs of MAP

I will appreciate tu use AutoCAD Fileds with my ODs ...



19) --- Break / Trim / etc ---


These AutoCAD commands erase the ODs !

For example, if I break a Pline with ODs, only the first part of the PLine will keep the original ODs !



Thanks in advance, Regards, The Crab

Autodesk Expert Elite Team


Coucou The Crab


Pretty long list !


I did not understand for what you ask for the "Google Earth Plugin" :

I do not know how to do something other than "shp"


Tu peux nous la faire en français pour perdre moins d'informations, my "english" is not fluent



Éternel débutant…
Mon site perso : Programmer dans AutoCAD



Bonjour à tous,


Furieux le Décapode, aie aie caramba.


Et si AutoDESK ne veut plus améliorer son produit qu'ils mettent toute l'application en open source.




Le Rennais Métropolitain



100% avec toi vieux crabe,

même si il y a quelques fonctionnalités que je n'utilise pas,

mais c'est une bonne liste.


A rajouter pour moi:

avoir le droit d'avoir des tables ayant le même nom contenant des champs différents dans des dessin différents.

c'est pour moi un problème, car parfois, ponctuellement on a besoin d'un champ supplémentaire, pour une demande particulière.

mais ajouter un champs peut couter cher si on a le malheur de devoir associer ce dessin particulier avec d'autre

(par exemple on a fait un étude particulière sur un commune, et ensuite on veut faire des requêtes sur l'ensemble du syndicat, c'est foutu !







  • 2 semaines après...

Hello "Pauvres AutoCAD MAP piens/piennes"


1) Je suis desole mais mon sujet etait un Poisson d'Avril !


2) Il s'agit en fait d'un Copier/Coller d'un courriel envoye fin 2012/debut 2013

a Justin Lokitz d'Autodesk qui etait (A l'epoque) : "ACAD MAP Product Manager"

Senior Product Manager, Infrastructure Modeling - Autodesk - mai 2008 – mai 2015 (7 ans)


3) Justin compilait les desirs (Wishes) pour essayer de savoir ce qu'il fallait faire

pour ameliorer AutoCAD MAP ... et certains autres logiciels d'Autodesk ...


4) MALHEUREUSEMENT Justin a quitte Autodesk en Mai 2015 sans rien pouvoir faire pour AutoCAD MAP !!


5) J'espere que vous ne m'en voudrez pas trop !


Bye, lecrabe (Eternel Tristounet sur AutoCAD MAP)

Autodesk Expert Elite Team

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