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exportation des blocs de tous un fichier et répertoire


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quelqu'un connait il une méthode un Lisp un script ou autre chose pour exporter tous les bloc d'un fichier en fichier individuelle comme wbloc et associer cela par la suite a tous un répertoire et sous répertoire de manière autonome.


tous ça pour récupérer les bloc créer dans chaque dessin.


j'espère voir été clair.


Merci a tous.



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Tu crees un catalogue nomme par exemple "C:\XX"

et a la question posee, tu indiques la meme chose !

(eventuellement avec DEUX anti-slash, je ne me souviens plus, sorry)


Le Decapode


Voici un bon vieux programme Lisp qui marche bien :


; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
;          (Wblocks all local block definitions to target path)
;            Copyright (C) 2000 DotSoft, All Rights Reserved
;                   Website:
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; DISCLAIMER:  DotSoft Disclaims any and all liability for any damages
; arising out of the use or operation, or inability to use the software.
; FURTHERMORE, User agrees to hold DotSoft harmless from such claims.
; DotSoft makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the
; fitness of this product for a particular purpose.  All materials are
; to be considered ‘as-is’, and use of this software should be
; considered as AT YOUR OWN RISK.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------

(defun c:wblockm ()
 (setq cmdecho (getvar "CMDECHO"))
 (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
 (if (not dos_getdir)
   (setq path (getstring "\nDS> Target Folder: " T))
   (setq path (dos_getdir "Target Folder" (getvar "DWGPREFIX")))
 (if (/= path nil)
     (if (= (substr path (strlen path) 1) "\\")
       (setq path (substr path 1 (1- (strlen path))))
     (princ "\nDS> Building List of Blocks ... ")
     (setq lst nil)
     (setq itm (tblnext "BLOCK" T))
     (while (/= itm nil)
       (setq nam (cdr (assoc 2 itm)))
       (setq pass T)
       (if (/= (cdr (assoc 1 itm)) nil)
         (setq pass nil)
           (setq ctr 1)
           (repeat (strlen nam)
             (setq chk (substr nam ctr 1))
             (if (or (= chk "*")(= chk "|"))
               (setq pass nil)
             (setq ctr (1+ ctr))
       (if (= pass T)
         (setq lst (cons nam lst))
       (setq itm (tblnext "BLOCK"))
     (setq lst (acad_strlsort lst))
     (princ "Done.")
     (foreach blk lst
       (setq fn (strcat path (chr 92) blk))
       (if (findfile (strcat fn ".dwg"))
         (command "_.WBLOCK" fn "_Y" blk)
         (command "_.WBLOCK" fn blk)
 (setvar "CMDECHO" cmdecho)



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