Maxime063 Posté(e) le 4 février 2021 Posté(e) le 4 février 2021 Bonjour, En temps normal j'arrive a bidouiller et me débrouiller mais la, j'arrive pas à suivre le code.J'utilise le lisp du grand lee mac sauf que cette fois, j'aimerai une incrémentation d'attribut de +10 et non +1 comme par défaut. Si une âme charitable et meilleure que moi veut bien m'aider, je vous remercie d'avance ;;---------------------=={ AutoLabel Attributes }==---------------------;; ;; ;; ;; This program will automatically populate a specific attribute tag ;; ;; with a unique label within a set of attributed blocks, renumbering ;; ;; if blocks are added, copied or erased. ;; ;; ;; ;; The program uses an Object Reactor to monitor modification events ;; ;; for the set of all attributed blocks with a block name matching ;; ;; a block name or wildcard pattern specified within the program ;; ;; source code. ;; ;; ;; ;; Following modification to any matching attributed block, a Command ;; ;; Reactor will trigger the program to automatically renumber a ;; ;; specific attribute tag held by all matching attributed blocks in ;; ;; the active layout of the drawing. ;; ;; ;; ;; The block references are numbered in the order in which they are ;; ;; encountered in the drawing database of the active drawing ;; ;; (that is, the order in which the blocks were created). ;; ;; ;; ;; The program also allows the user to specify a numbering prefix & ;; ;; suffix, the starting number for the numbering, and the number of ;; ;; characters to be used for fixed length numbering with leading zeros ;; ;; (i.e. if the numbering length is set to 2, the program will number ;; ;; the blocks 01,02,03,...,10,11,12). ;; ;; ;; ;; The autonumbering functionality is automatically enabled on drawing ;; ;; startup when the program is loaded, and may be subsequently enabled ;; ;; or disabled manually using the commands 'AUTOLABELON' & ;; ;; 'AUTOLABELOFF' respectively. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Author: Lee Mac, Copyright © 2011 - ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Version 1.0 - 2011-09-14 ;; ;; ;; ;; - First release. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Version 1.1 - 2015-09-20 ;; ;; ;; ;; - Program entirely rewritten. ;; ;; - Added callback function to handle command cancelled & command ;; ;; failed events when modifying autonumbered blocks. ;; ;; - Added the ability to specify a numbering prefix & suffix, ;; ;; specify a starting number, and use fixed length numbering ;; ;; (i.e numbering with leading zeros: 01,02,...,10). ;; ;; - Block Name & Attribute Tag parameters may now use wildcards to ;; ;; match multiple block names & tags (the first attribute tag which ;; ;; matches the wildcard pattern will be numbered). ;; ;; - Incorporated compatibility for Multiline Attributes. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Version 1.2 - 2015-09-27 ;; ;; ;; ;; - Program modified to only increment numbering counter if an ;; ;; attribute matching the target tag name is found. ;; ;; - Implemented compatibility for multileader blocks. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Version 1.3 - 2018-10-27 ;; ;; ;; ;; - Fixed bug in autolabel:getattributetagid function preventing ;; ;; numbering of multileader attributed blocks. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Version 1.4 - 2020-02-15 ;; ;; ;; ;; - Program modified to account for attributed MInsert Blocks. ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; (setq ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Settings ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; autolabel:blockname "myblock" ;; Name of block to be updated (not case-sensitive / may use wildcards) autolabel:blocktag "mytag" ;; Attribute tag to be updated (not case-sensitive / may use wildcards) autolabel:prefix "" ;; Numbering prefix (use "" for none) autolabel:suffix "" ;; Numbering suffix (use "" for none) autolabel:start 1 ;; Starting number autolabel:length 2 ;; Fixed length numbering (set to zero if not required) autolabel:startup t ;; Enable on drawing startup (t=enable / nil=disable) autolabel:objtype 3 ;; Bit-coded integer > 0 (1=attributed blocks; 2=multileader blocks) ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; ) ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Main Program ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; (defun autolabel:objectreactorcallback:renumberblocks ( own rtr arg ) (if (null autolabel:commandreactor) (setq autolabel:commandreactor (vlr-command-reactor "autolabel" '( (:vlr-commandended . autolabel:commandreactorcallback:renumberblocks) (:vlr-commandcancelled . autolabel:commandreactorcallback:cancelled) (:vlr-commandfailed . autolabel:commandreactorcallback:cancelled) ) ) ) ) (princ) ) (defun autolabel:commandreactorcallback:cancelled ( rtr arg ) (if (= 'vlr-command-reactor (type autolabel:commandreactor)) (progn (vlr-remove autolabel:commandreactor) (setq autolabel:commandreactor nil) ) ) (princ) ) (defun autolabel:commandreactorcallback:renumberblocks ( rtr arg / att blk idx num obj oid sel ) (if (= 'vlr-command-reactor (type autolabel:commandreactor)) (progn (vlr-remove autolabel:commandreactor) (setq autolabel:commandreactor nil) ) ) (if (= 'vlr-object-reactor (type autolabel:objectreactor)) (vlr-remove autolabel:objectreactor) ) (if (and (not autolabel:undoflag) (setq sel (ssget "_X" (append (if (= 3 (logand 3 autolabel:objtype)) '((-4 . "<OR")) ) (if (= 1 (logand 1 autolabel:objtype)) (list '(-4 . "<AND") '(0 . "INSERT") '(66 . 1) (cons 2 (strcat "`*U*," autolabel:blockname)) '(-4 . "AND>")) ) (if (= 2 (logand 2 autolabel:objtype)) '((0 . "MULTILEADER")) ) (if (= 3 (logand 3 autolabel:objtype)) '((-4 . "OR>")) ) (if (= 1 (getvar 'cvport)) (list (cons 410 (getvar 'ctab))) '((410 . "Model")) ) ) ) ) ) (progn (setq num autolabel:start) (repeat (setq idx (sslength sel)) (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname sel (setq idx (1- idx))))) (if (wcmatch (vla-get-objectname obj) "AcDbBlockReference,AcDbMInsertBlock") (if (setq att (autolabel:getattribute obj)) (progn (vla-put-textstring att (strcat autolabel:prefix (autolabel:padzeros (itoa num) autolabel:length) autolabel:suffix ) ) (setq num (1+ num)) (autolabel:addowner obj) ) ) (if (and (= acblockcontent (vla-get-contenttype obj)) (wcmatch (setq blk (strcase (vla-get-contentblockname obj))) autolabel:blockname) (setq oid (autolabel:getattributetagid blk)) ) (progn (autolabel:setblockattributevalue obj oid (strcat autolabel:prefix (autolabel:padzeros (itoa num) autolabel:length) autolabel:suffix ) ) (setq num (1+ num)) (autolabel:addowner obj) ) ) ) ) ) ) (if (= 'vlr-object-reactor (type autolabel:objectreactor)) (vlr-add autolabel:objectreactor) ) (princ) ) (defun autolabel:commandreactorcallback:undocheck ( rtr arg ) (setq autolabel:undoflag (= (strcase (car arg) t) "undo")) (princ) ) (defun autolabel:commandreactorcallback:blockinserted ( rtr arg / att blk ent enx idx new num obj oid sel ) (if (and (not autolabel:undoflag) (wcmatch (strcase (car arg) t) (strcat (if (= 1 (logand 1 autolabel:objtype)) "-insert,insert,executetool" "") (if (= 3 (logand 3 autolabel:objtype)) "," "") (if (= 2 (logand 2 autolabel:objtype)) "mleader" "") ) ) (setq ent (entlast)) (setq new (vlax-ename->vla-object ent)) (setq enx (entget ent)) (or (and (= 1 (logand 1 autolabel:objtype)) (= "INSERT" (cdr (assoc 0 enx))) (= 1 (cdr (assoc 66 enx))) (wcmatch (autolabel:effectivename new) autolabel:blockname) ) (and (= 2 (logand 2 autolabel:objtype)) (= "MULTILEADER" (cdr (assoc 0 enx))) (= acblockcontent (vla-get-contenttype new)) (wcmatch (strcase (vla-get-contentblockname new)) autolabel:blockname) ) ) (setq sel (ssget "_X" (append (if (= 3 (logand 3 autolabel:objtype)) '((-4 . "<OR")) ) (if (= 1 (logand 1 autolabel:objtype)) (list '(-4 . "<AND") '(0 . "INSERT") '(66 . 1) (cons 2 (strcat "`*U*," autolabel:blockname)) '(-4 . "AND>")) ) (if (= 2 (logand 2 autolabel:objtype)) '((0 . "MULTILEADER")) ) (if (= 3 (logand 3 autolabel:objtype)) '((-4 . "OR>")) ) (if (= 1 (getvar 'cvport)) (list (cons 410 (getvar 'ctab))) '((410 . "Model")) ) ) ) ) ) (progn (setq num (1- autolabel:start)) (repeat (setq idx (sslength sel)) (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname sel (setq idx (1- idx))))) (if (wcmatch (vla-get-objectname obj) "AcDbBlockReference,AcDbMInsertBlock") (if (autolabel:getattribute obj) (setq num (1+ num)) ) (if (and (= acblockcontent (vla-get-contenttype obj)) (wcmatch (setq blk (strcase (vla-get-contentblockname obj))) autolabel:blockname) (autolabel:getattributetagid blk) ) (setq num (1+ num)) ) ) ) (if (wcmatch (vla-get-objectname obj) "AcDbBlockReference,AcDbMInsertBlock") (if (setq att (autolabel:getattribute new)) (progn (vla-put-textstring att (strcat autolabel:prefix (autolabel:padzeros (itoa num) autolabel:length) autolabel:suffix ) ) (autolabel:addowner new) ) ) (if (setq oid (autolabel:getattributetagid (vla-get-contentblockname new))) (progn (autolabel:setblockattributevalue new oid (strcat autolabel:prefix (autolabel:padzeros (itoa num) autolabel:length) autolabel:suffix ) ) (autolabel:addowner new) ) ) ) ) ) (princ) ) (defun autolabel:addowner ( obj ) (if (and (= 'vlr-object-reactor (type autolabel:objectreactor)) (not (member obj (vlr-owners autolabel:objectreactor))) ) (vlr-owner-add autolabel:objectreactor obj) ) ) (defun autolabel:getattribute ( blk ) (if (wcmatch (strcase (autolabel:effectivename obj)) autolabel:blockname) (vl-some '(lambda ( att ) (if (wcmatch (strcase (vla-get-tagstring att)) autolabel:blocktag) att) ) (vlax-invoke blk 'getattributes) ) ) ) (defun autolabel:getattributetagid ( blk ) (eval (list 'defun 'autolabel:getattributetagid '( blk / itm tmp ) (list 'if '(setq itm (assoc (strcase blk) autolabel:attributetagids)) '(cdar (vl-member-if '(lambda ( att ) (wcmatch (car att) autolabel:blocktag)) (cdr itm))) (list 'progn (list 'vlax-for 'obj (list 'vla-item (vla-get-blocks (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) 'blk) '(if (and (= "AcDbAttributeDefinition" (vla-get-objectname obj)) (= :vlax-false (vla-get-constant obj)) ) (setq tmp (cons (cons (strcase (vla-get-tagstring obj)) (autolabel:objectid obj) ) tmp ) ) ) ) '(setq autolabel:attributetagids (cons (cons (strcase blk) tmp) autolabel:attributetagids)) '(autolabel:getattributetagid blk) ) ) ) ) (autolabel:getattributetagid blk) ) (defun autolabel:setblockattributevalue ( obj idx str ) (if (vlax-method-applicable-p obj 'setblockattributevalue32) (defun autolabel:setblockattributevalue ( obj idx str ) (vla-setblockattributevalue32 obj idx str)) (defun autolabel:setblockattributevalue ( obj idx str ) (vla-setblockattributevalue obj idx str)) ) (autolabel:setblockattributevalue obj idx str) ) (defun autolabel:objectid ( obj ) (if (vlax-property-available-p obj 'objectid32) (defun autolabel:objectid ( obj ) (vla-get-objectid32 obj)) (defun autolabel:objectid ( obj ) (vla-get-objectid obj)) ) (autolabel:objectid obj) ) (defun autolabel:effectivename ( obj ) (if (vlax-property-available-p obj 'effectivename) (defun autolabel:effectivename ( obj ) (strcase (vla-get-effectivename obj))) (defun autolabel:effectivename ( obj ) (strcase (vla-get-name obj))) ) (autolabel:effectivename obj) ) (defun autolabel:padzeros ( str len ) (if (< (strlen str) len) (autolabel:padzeros (strcat "0" str) len) str ) ) (defun autolabel:disable ( key ) (foreach grp (vlr-reactors :vlr-command-reactor :vlr-object-reactor) (foreach obj (cdr grp) (if (= key (vlr-data obj)) (vlr-remove obj)) ) ) (setq autolabel:undoflag nil autolabel:objectreactor nil autolabel:commandreactor nil ) ) (defun autolabel:enable ( key ) (autolabel:disable key) (vlr-set-notification (setq autolabel:objectreactor (vlr-object-reactor nil key '( (:vlr-erased . autolabel:objectreactorcallback:renumberblocks) (:vlr-copied . autolabel:objectreactorcallback:renumberblocks) (:vlr-unerased . autolabel:objectreactorcallback:renumberblocks) ) ) ) 'active-document-only ) (vlr-set-notification (vlr-command-reactor key '( (:vlr-commandwillstart . autolabel:commandreactorcallback:undocheck) (:vlr-commandended . autolabel:commandreactorcallback:blockinserted) ) ) 'active-document-only ) (autolabel:commandreactorcallback:renumberblocks nil nil) (princ (strcat "\nAutonumbering enabled for tags matching \"" autolabel:blocktag "\" within " (if (= 1 (logand 1 autolabel:objtype)) "blocks" "") (if (= 3 (logand 3 autolabel:objtype)) " & " "") (if (= 2 (logand 2 autolabel:objtype)) "multileaders" "") " matching \"" autolabel:blockname "\"." ) ) (princ) ) ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Loading Expressions ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; ( (lambda nil (vl-load-com) (cond ( (vl-some (function (lambda ( val par ) (if (/= 'str (type val)) (princ (strcat "\nThe " par " parameter must be a valid string.")) ) ) ) (list autolabel:blockname autolabel:blocktag autolabel:prefix autolabel:suffix ) '( "Block Name" "Attribute Tag" "Numbering Prefix" "Numbering Suffix" ) ) ) ( (/= 'int (type autolabel:start)) (princ "\nThe Starting Number parameter must hold an integer value.") ) ( (/= 'int (type autolabel:length)) (princ "\nThe Fixed Length Numbering parameter must hold an integer value.") ) ( (not (and (= 'int (type autolabel:objtype)) (< 0 autolabel:objtype) (< 0 (logand 3 autolabel:objtype)) ) ) (princ "\nThe Object Type parameter must hold a bit-coded integer value between 1 & 3.") ) ( (setq autolabel:blockname (strcase autolabel:blockname) autolabel:blocktag (strcase autolabel:blocktag) ) (defun c:autolabelon nil (autolabel:enable "autolabel") ) (defun c:autolabeloff nil (autolabel:disable "autolabel") (princ "\nAutonumbering disabled.") (princ) ) (if autolabel:startup (autolabel:enable "autolabel")) ) ) (princ) ) ) ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; End of File ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
Fraid Posté(e) le 4 février 2021 Posté(e) le 4 février 2021 Bonjour, Essaye de changé les (setq num (1+ num)) par (setq num (+ num 10))dans cette partie (progn (setq num autolabel:start) (repeat (setq idx (sslength sel)) (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname sel (setq idx (1- idx))))) (if (wcmatch (vla-get-objectname obj) "AcDbBlockReference,AcDbMInsertBlock") (if (setq att (autolabel:getattribute obj)) (progn (vla-put-textstring att (strcat autolabel:prefix (autolabel:padzeros (itoa num) autolabel:length) autolabel:suffix ) ) (setq num (1+ num)) (autolabel:addowner obj) ) ) (if (and (= acblockcontent (vla-get-contenttype obj)) (wcmatch (setq blk (strcase (vla-get-contentblockname obj))) autolabel:blockname) (setq oid (autolabel:getattributetagid blk)) ) (progn (autolabel:setblockattributevalue obj oid (strcat autolabel:prefix (autolabel:padzeros (itoa num) autolabel:length) autolabel:suffix ) ) (setq num (1+ num)) (autolabel:addowner obj) ) ) ) ) ) ) et au debut de commencer avec autolabel:start 0je ne te garantis rien
Maxime063 Posté(e) le 4 février 2021 Auteur Posté(e) le 4 février 2021 Super merci Fraid. J'avais essayer (setq num (10+ num)) mais c'est vrai que c'est un peu bête :huh: Après test, le strat est indépendant, pour le coup je le fait commencer à 10
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