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ACAD 2016 Bugs/Problems (US Forums)

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Au Boulot ! Bye, Bon WE, lecrabe




AutoCAD 2016 issues


1. Grip colors > Grip contour color.

This setting should be available for all grips. Now, it's not working for triangular grips (on mtext, table ...).


Conclusion: Grip contour color should be working also for triangular grips.


2. Insert a block.

BEDIT the block > the window has the correct thumbnail preview image size (like it is on Open file dialog).

REFEDIT the block > the window has a very small thumbnail preview image size (!?!).


Conclusion: The thumbnail preview image size should be large also for REFEDIT a block.


3a. Purge window => "All items" DWG icon is not displayed with true colors.

3b. Purge window => Right click menu is showing on all window.



When I try to turn on ORTHO using Shift key override, there is 1/2 second delay, which is annoying.


Conclusion: Please eliminate this delay in order to make the command snappy.


5. DTEXTED = 0 or 2.

Double click to edit a single line text. All text is selected.

Move the mouse cursor over the selected text. The cursor is the "arrow" type.

The cursor should be "text select" type (vertical cursor). It was like this in AutoCAD 2006.

Because the cursor is "arrow" type, it is necessary to click once to deselect the text and after that to put the cursor inside the text or to select the part of it.

This leads to an extra click when do single line editing.


Conclusion: Please eliminate this extra click in this way:

- when editing a single line text and all text is selected (at the beginning of editing or during it), the cursor over the selected text should be "text select" type.

- when only a part of the text is selected, the cursor over the selected text should be "arrow" type, in order to drag and drop selected text.


6. Create a single or multiline line text.

Enter editing > select a piece of text > try to move it to another location.


Problem: The positioning vertical marker is not displayed.


7. Start a new drawing.

Assign color red to layer 0.

Make a new layer, assign color yellow and make it current.

DIST > pick first point => the dynamic line has the color of layer 0.

MEASUREGEOM + Distance > pick first point => the dynamic line has the color of layer 0.


Conclusion: The dynamic line should respect the color of Dynamic Dimension Lines given in the Options > Display > Colors.


8. Draw a rectangle.

PLOT > Set the plot area using Window button.

Choose the corners of the rectangle > The area is defined.

Click again on the Window button and zoom in as much as possible to a rectangle corner => the highlighted area is not displayed correctly (is shifted from the rectangle edges).


9. Open a drawing. Go to the layout.

PLOT > Set the plot area using Window button.

Choose the corners of the area to be plotted => The area is defined.

Click again on the Window button => the area previous defined is not highlighted, like it is in Model space.


Conclusion: The selected zone for plotting should be highlighted, like it is in Model space.


10. MEASUREGEOM + Distance > after picking second point, temporary dimensions appears with measured values.

The text for these values is too blurry, comparing to dynamic input text.


11. All dynamic input text has ClearType always ON no matter if it was turned off inside Windows.



Please correct text rendering in order to respect the Windows settings.


12. Draw a rectangle.


Start inquire area by MEASUREGEOM or AREA but do not end the command.

Zoom in as much as you can.


Problem: The highlighted zone is shifted from the rectangle.


13. Create an MTEXT with large limits.

Type some text > save and close editor.


Problem: These large limits are kept until you resize them manually.


Solution: Please add a variable or set this by default:

after save and close the mtext editor the text limits to shrink automatically near the text, in order to be as smaller as possible, without changing the text formatting.


14. Start a new drawing.

Dimension Style Manager > Modify > Primary units.

Zero suppression > turn ON Trailing by checking the checkbox.

OK + Close Dimension Style Manager.


Problem: Open again Dimension Style Manager => Trailing is not checked.

If you cannot replicate from the first time, try several times.


15. Start a new drawing.

Draw a line with layer 0 (zero).

Copy to clipboard (Ctrl+C) the line.

Create a layer having red color, named RED.

Set layer RED current.

Paste the line (Ctrl+V). Do not click to add the line to the drawing.

The line has the red color (of the current layer) instead the color of layer 0.


Before paste, the line should have the color of the 0 layer.

This happens with all entities drawn with layer 0.


16. Insert 2 viewports in a layout.

Lock one viewport using the lock button on AutoCAD status bar.

Select both viewports.


Problem: You cannot lock/unlock all selected viewports using the lock button, when at least one of the vieports is locked and the rest of them are unlocked.


17. Before adding any color in the color drop down list toolbar, the items are fitting the list height. No space remains after the last item.

If I add a new color, the list is expanded only by 5 pixels and the scrollbar is active.

Please make the color drop down list to expand correctly in order to display the new item.


Also, any other dropdown list, like Layer, Linetypes, Lineweights, Dimstyles, are expanding when adding a new item, up to approx 30 lines.

I propose to make Color dropdown list the same: to be expandable and longer in order not to use scrollbar for only few items added.

I think that this list was the single one not updated since AutoCAD 2000.


18. Linetype Manager > Show Details


Global Scale Factor and Current Object Scale values are always displayed with 4 digits of precision.



These values should be displayed with zero suppression (trailing) like it is for Dimension Style Manager values.

Or, respect Units precision.


19 Plot > Plot Style Table Editor > Form View > Plot Styles

Cannot select multiple styles using mouse window select


20. Please fix ClearType (font rendering) for Layer Manager window content.

When is turned OFF inside Windows, should be turned OFF in AutoCAD.


21. When you enter a true color value in the Index Color tab an error message appears: "Not a valid color name or value".

Please eliminate this error message and correct this in order that all input boxes from all tabs to allow any type of color input (ACI, True color, Color Books) and to switch to corresponding tab type automatically.


22. DIST dynamic line with thickness

To replicate:

Open any drawing > go to Layout.

Turn ON Lineweight.

Enter DIST command. Pick first point. Do not pick second point.

Instead do wheel mouse zoom in. => the temporary line has thickness. It should not.


Conclusion: Please fix in order that DIST temporary line to be displayed without thickness, like it is in Model.


23. First time when opening the new Layer Manager, the rows are spaced too much.

To fix, you have to close and open again Layer Manager.


24. Plot > Shade viewport options > Shade plot

Click on combo box and use mouse wheel to scroll in list => cursor disappear.

Please fix this.


25. Please increase the size of the DWG preview image in open file dialog (10-20%)

Also, please add DWG file version below the preview, for selected file.


26. When starting AutoCAD maximized on Win 8.1, the statusbar is under the taskbar.


27. Command preview is not working for grip editing.


28. HATCH command > Add by Pick points or Selected objects

You have to click Preview button 2 times in order to see the hatch.


29. Do ZOOM realtime command

During the command do wheelmouse pan

The problem is that zoom realtime is not preserved, is replaced with pan.


Autodesk Expert Elite Team

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