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Création de plusieurs contours sans pointage et sans identifiant

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Invité Sylvainhinard



Je suis à la recherche d'un lisp qui permettrait de créer les contours correpondant à l'intersection de plusieur contours / polyligne (fermée ou non). Pour resumer je voudrait créer des contours (similaire à ce que l'on fait avec la commande du Menu Dessin -> Contours), mais ceci sans pointer dans la polyligne et sans identifiant au préalable dans les contours à créer. J'espére avoir été clair.


Je vous remercie et bonne journée à tous



Invité Sylvainhinard



J'ai essayé FUSION (très bon programe au passage...) mais cela ne correspond a ce que je recherche (voir message précedent).

Après quelques recherches sur internet j'ai trouvé un bout de code, qui hélas ne fonctionne pas... Pourquoi ? Je vous laisse me répondre.


Ci dessous le code :


 ;;; ========================================================================
;;; Some of the following code are writen by QJCHEN                         
;;; Civil engineering Department, South China University of Technology      
;;; Purpose: To Find each closed boundary in the selection                  
;;; Version: 0.1                                                            
;;; Limitation: Can't generate the boundary by spline                       
;;; 2006.06.01                                                              
;;; Thanks to the code from Korea friend from          
;;; whose code find the intersections of two points and many object         
;;; And thanks to the initial code from Mr.Tony Hotchkiss at Cadalyst       
;;; Original post                                         
;;; ========================================================================

(defun c:bb (/ clayer a b dis ay by th th0 lp rp inter1 inter1mid inter2
                inter2mid i len plboundary 
 (command "_undo" "_be")
 (setq clayer (getvar "clayer"))
 (command "_layer" "n" "bound" "s" "bound" "c" 3 "" "")
 (setq a (getpoint "\n the left up point"))
 (setq b (getcorner a "\n the bottom right point"))
 (setq dis (getdist "\n the minimum distance"))
 (setq ay (nth 1 a)
       by (nth 1 b)
 (setq th by)
 (setq th0 dis)
 (while (< th ay)
   (setq lp (list (nth 0 a) th 0))
   (setq rp (list (nth 0 b) th 0))
   (grdraw lp rp 249)
   (setq inter1 (vl-Get-Int-Pt lp rp "bound" 0))
   (setq inter1mid (midlist inter1))
   (setq inter2 (vl-Get-Int-Pt lp rp "bound" 1)
         inter2mid (midlista inter2)
   (command "_layer" "s" "bound" "")
   (setq i 0
         len (length inter1)
   (repeat (1- len)
     (setq midpoint (nth i inter1mid))	
     (if (not (member1 midpoint inter2mid))
         (setq plboundary (STD-BPOLY midpoint nil))
         (if plboundary
           (setq inter2 (vl-Get-Int-Pt lp rp "bound" 1)
                 inter2mid (midlista inter2)
     (setq i (1+ i))
   (command "_layer" "s" clayer "")
   (setq th (+ th th0))
 (endTimer (vl-symbol-name 'c:bb))
 (command "_undo" "_e")

(defun member1 (a b / res)
 (if b
   (foreach x b
     (if (< (distance x a) 0.01)
         (setq res T)
       )			       ; (setq res nil)
   )				       ; (setq res nil)
(defun midlist (lst / len lst1 midpoint i)
 (setq i 0
       len (length lst)
 (repeat (1- len)
   (setq midpoint (midp (nth i lst) (nth (1+ i) lst)))
   (setq lst1 (append
                (list midpoint)
   (setq i (1+ i))
(defun midlista (lst / len lst1 midpoint i)
 (setq i 0
       len (length lst)
 (repeat (/ len 2)
   (setq midpoint (midp (nth i lst) (nth (1+ i) lst)))
   (setq lst1 (append
                (list midpoint)
   (setq i (+ i 2))

;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------
;;; | The following code taken  |
;;; | Thanks to the great code "STDLIB" that wrote by MR.Reini Urban|
;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------

(defun STD-BPOLY (pt ss / ele)
   ((member (type C:BPOLY) '(SUBR EXRXSUBR EXSUBR))
     (if ss
       (C:BPOLY pt ss)		       ; old arx or ads function
       (C:BPOLY pt)
   (pt				       ; >=r14: native command
       (setvar "CMDDIA" 0)
       (setq ele (entlast))	       ; (std-break-command)
       (command "_BPOLY" "_A" "_I" "_N" "") ; advanced options
			       ; without island detection
       (if ss
         (command "_B" "_N" ss "")
       )			       ; define boundary set if ss
       (command "" pt "") (setvar "CMDDIA" 1)
       (if (/= (entlast) ele)
   )				       ; return created BPOLY
     (alert "command _BPOLY not available")

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; | The following code are taken from                  |
;;; |                     |
;;; | Thanks to the Korea friend                                      |
;;; | Purpose: Get the intersection of Two object                     |
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------

(defun vl-Get-Int-Pt (FirstPoint SecondPoint lay layindex / acadDocument
                                mSpace SSetName SSets SSet reapp ex obj
 (setq acadDocument (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
 (setq mSpace (vla-get-ModelSpace acadDocument))
 (setq SSetName "MySSet")
 (setq SSets (vla-get-SelectionSets acadDocument))
 (if (vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-add (list SSets
   (vla-clear (vla-Item SSets SSetName))
 (setq SSet (vla-Item SSets SSetName))
 (setq Baseline (vla-Addline mspace (vlax-3d-point FirstPoint)
                             (vlax-3d-point SecondPoint)
 (vla-SelectByPolygon SSet acSelectionSetFence
                      (kht:list->safearray (append
                                           ) 'vlax-vbdouble
 (vlax-for obj sset (if (setq ex (kht-intersect
                                                (vlax-vla-object->ename BaseLine)
                                                (vlax-vla-object->ename obj)
                                                lay layindex
                      (setq reapp (append
 (vla-delete BaseLine)
 (setq reapp (vl-sort reapp '(lambda (e1 e2)
                               (< (car e1) (car e2))

;;; Original post: 
;;; Modify little by QJCHEN to filter TEXT SPLINE and layer   
(defun kht-intersect (en1 en2 lay layindex / a b x ex ex-app c d e la2)
 (setq c (cdr (assoc 0 (entget en1)))
       d (cdr (assoc 0 (entget en2)))
       la2 (cdr (assoc 8 (entget en2)))
 (if (or
       (= c "TEXT")
       (= d "TEXT")
       (= c "SPLINE")
       (= d "SPLINE")
   (setq e -1)
 (if (= layindex 0)
   (if (= la2 lay)
     (setq e -1)
 (if (= layindex 1)
   (if (/= la2 lay)
     (setq e -1)
 (setq En1 (vlax-ename->vla-object En1))
 (setq En2 (vlax-ename->vla-object En2))
 (setq a (vla-intersectwith en1 en2 acExtendNone))
 (setq a (vlax-variant-value a))
 (setq b (vlax-safearray-get-u-bound a 1))
 (if (= e -1)
   (setq b e)
 (if (/= b -1)
     (exapp a)

(defun exapp (a)
 (setq a (vlax-safearray->list a))
 (repeat (/ (length a) 3)
   (setq ex-app (append
                  (list (list (car a) (cadr a) (caddr a)))
   (setq a (cdr (cdr (cdr a))))

(defun kht:list->safearray (lst datatype)
 (vlax-safearray-fill (vlax-make-safearray (eval datatype) (cons 0
                                                                     (length lst)
                      ) lst

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------
;;; |           midpoint function                            |
;;; ----------------------------------------------------------
(defun midp (p1 p2)
   '(lambda (x)
      (/ x 2.)

;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------
;;; | The following code taken from Mr.Tony Hotchkiss at Cadalyst   |
;;; | To set and reset the system variable                          |
;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------

(defun err (s)
 (if (= s "Function cancelled")
   (princ "\nALIGNIT - cancelled: ")
     (princ "\nALIGNIT - Error: ")
     (princ s)
   )				       ; _ end of progn
 )				       ; _ end of if
 (princ "SYSTEM VARIABLES have been reset\n")
;;; err
;;; setting and resetting the system variables
(defun setv (systvar newval / x)
 (setq x (read (strcat systvar "1")))
 (set x (getvar systvar))
 (setvar systvar newval)
;;; setv
(defun setting ()
 (setq oerr *error*)
 (setq *error* err)
 (setv "BLIPMODE" 0)
 (setv "CMDECHO" 0)
 (setv "OSMODE" 0)
;;; setting
(defun rsetv (systvar)
 (setq x (read (strcat systvar "1")))
 (setvar systvar (eval x))
;;; rsetv
(defun resetting ()
 (rsetv "BLIPMODE")
 (rsetv "CMDECHO")
 (rsetv "OSMODE")
 (setq *error* oerr)

;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------
;;; | The following code taken from                |
;;; | To calculate the time that the program run                    |
;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------

(defun startTimer ()
 (setq time (getvar "DATE"))
(defun endTimer (func)
 (setq time (- (getvar "DATE") time)
       seconds (* 86400.0 (- time (fix time)))
 (outPut seconds func)
(defun outPut (secs def)
 (princ "\nPurging...")
 (command "PURGE" "Layers" "*" "N")
 (princ (strcat "\nTimed " def ": " (rtos secs 2 6)))

(princ "\n Please use the bb command to run")


Merci de votre aide et bonne journée à tous



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