nicolas2 Posté(e) le 3 février 2009 Posté(e) le 3 février 2009 Bonjour à tous, j'utilise ces routines pour présenter des plans de maisons (en vue de déposer des permis de construire. Ces LISP ne sont pas de moi). [surligneur] Je fais une Spline en vue du détourage de mon image puis j'utilse cette routine.[/surligneur] ;; Conversion d'une SPLINE en une POLYLIGNE;; Lancement de la fonction: S2P;;;; CADALYST 12/03 AutoLISP Solutions SPLINE-TO-PLINE.LSP;; © 2003 Tony Hotchkiss (defun spline-to-pline (/ i)(vl-load-com)(setq *thisdrawing* (vla-get-activedocument(vlax-get-acad-object)) ;_ end of vla-get-activedocument*modelspace* (vla-get-ModelSpace *thisdrawing*)) ;_ end of setq(setq spline-list (get-spline))(setq i (- 1))(if spline-list(progn(setq msg "\nNumber of segments <100>: ")(initget 6)(setq num (getint msg))(if (or (= num 100) (= num nil))(setq num 100)) ;_ end of if(repeat (length spline-list)(setq splobj (nth (setq i (1+ i)) spline-list))(convert-spline splobj num)) ;_ end of repeat) ;_ end of progn) ;_ end of if) ;_ end of spline-to-pline(defun get-spline (/ spl-list obj spline no-ent i)(setq spl-list nilobj nilspline "AcDbSpline"selsets (vla-get-selectionsets *thisdrawing*)ss1 (vlax-make-variant "ss1")) ;_ end of setq(if (= (vla-get-count selsets) 0)(setq ssobj (vla-add selsets ss1))) ;_ end of if(vla-clear ssobj)(setq no-ent 1)(while no-ent(prompt "\nSelect splines: ")(vla-Selectonscreen ssobj)(if (> (vla-get-count ssobj) 0)(progn(setq no-ent nil)(setq i (- 1))(repeat (vla-get-count ssobj)(setqobj (vla-item ssobj(vlax-make-variant (setq i (1+ i)))) ;_ end of vla-item) ;_ end of setq(cond((= (vlax-get-property obj "ObjectName") spline)(setq spl-list(append spl-list (list obj))) ;_ end of setq)) ;_ end-of cond) ;_ end of repeat) ;_ end of progn(prompt "\nNo entities selected, try again.")) ;_ end of if(if (and (= nil no-ent) (= nil spl-list))(progn(setq no-ent 1)(prompt "\nNo splines selected.")(quit)) ;_ end of progn) ;_ end of if) ;_ end of while (vla-delete (vla-item selsets 0))spl-list) ;_ end of get-spline(defun convert-spline (splobj n / i)(setq point-list nil2Dpoint-list nilz-list nilspl-lyr (vlax-get-property splobj 'Layer)startSpline (vlax-curve-getStartParam splobj)endSpline (vlax-curve-getEndParam splobj)i (- 1)) ;_ end of setq(repeat (+ n 1)(setq i (1+ i))(setq p (vlax-curve-getPointAtParamsplobj(* i(/ (- endspline startspline) n)) ;_ end of *) ;_ end of vlax-curve-getPointAtParam) ;_ end of setq(setq 2Dp (list (car p) (cadr p))2Dpoint-list (append 2Dpoint-list 2Dp)point-list (append point-list p)z (caddr p)z-list (append z-list (list z))) ;_ end of setq) ;_ end of repeat(setq summ (apply '+ z-list))(setq arraySpace(vlax-make-safearrayvlax-vbdouble ; element type(cons 0(- (length point-list) 1)) ; array dimension) ;_ end of vlax-make-safearray) ;_ end of setq(setq vert-array (vlax-safearray-fill arraySpace point-list))(vlax-make-variant vert-array)(if (and (= :vlax-true (vlax-get-property splobj 'IsPLanar))(= summ 0.0)) ;_ end of and(setq plobj (add-polyline2Dpoint-listvla-AddLightweightPolyline) ;_ end of add-polyline) ;_ end of setq(setq plobj (add-polylinepoint-listvla-Add3DPoly) ;_ end of add-polyline) ;_ end of setq) ;_ end of if(vlax-put-property plobj 'Layer spl-lyr)(vla-delete splobj)(vlax-release-object splobj)) ;_ end of convert-spline(defun add-polyline (pt-list poly-func)(setq arraySpace(vlax-make-safearrayvlax-vbdouble(cons 0(- (length pt-list) 1)) ; array dimension) ;_ end of vlax-make-safearray) ;_ end of setq(setq vertex-array(vlax-safearray-fill arraySpace pt-list)) ;_ end of setq(vlax-make-variant vertex-array)(setq plobj (poly-func*modelspace*vertex-array) ;_ end of poly-func) ;_ end of setq) ;_ end of add-polyline(defun c:s2p ()(spline-to-pline)(princ)) ;_ end of c:s2p(prompt"SPLINE-TO-PLINE by Tony Hotchkiss. Enter S2P to start") ;_ end of prompt [surligneur] Ensuite j'utilise le Délimimage de Gile[/surligneur] (defun c:delim (/ p i a s)(vl-load-com)(and(setq p (car (entsel "\nSélectionnez une polyligne: ")))(setq p (vlax-ename->vla-object p)) ; traduction en objet vla(= (vla-get-ObjectName p) "AcDbPolyline")(princ "\nSélectionnez une image: ")(setq i (ssget "_:S:E" '((0 . "IMAGE"))))(setq i (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname i 0))) ; traduction en objet vla(setq s (vlax-get p 'coordinates)) ; liste des coordonnées des sommets de la polyligne(setq s (append s (list (car s) (cadr s)))) ; Ajout du premier sommet en fin de liste(progn(vlax-invoke i 'Clipboundary s) ; créer la délimitation(vla-put-ClippingEnabled i :vlax-true) ; afficher la délimitation))(princ)) Si ceci peut servir...?!
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