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Mon fichier DCL comporte 2 erreurs.


1er) fin prématuré.

Est-ce que cela signifie une parenthèse de trop, tout me semble correct.


2ième)Erreur de syntaxe, symbol: true

La je ne voit pas le problème


Voiçi le fichier en construction.



ESCALIER : dialog {label = "ESCALIER , ÉCHELLE , RAMPE , GARDE-CORPS PAR François Huot, avril 2006"; initial_focus = "ESCALIER";

: row {

: column {

: boxed_column {label = "Aperçu";

: image {key = "ESCALIER1"; color = black; height = 15; width = 28;}

: spacer {}


: boxed_column {label = "Échelle";

: radio_button {key = "PLAN-ECH"; label = "Plan";}

: radio_button {key = "ÉLÉV-FRONTALE"; label = "Élévation frontale";}

: radio_button {key = "ÉLÉV-LATÉRALE"; label = "Élévation latérale";}

: radio_button {key = "CRINO-PLAN"; label = "Crinoline - plan";}

: radio_button {key = "CRINO-ÉLÉV-LAT"; label = "Crinoline Élévation latérale";}


: column {

: boxed_column {label = "Usage";

: toggle {key = "PRIVÉE"; label = "PRIVÉE";}

: toggle {key = "PUBLIC"; label = "PUBLIC";}

: toggle {key = "SERVICE"; label = "SERVICE";}

: toggle {key = "URGENCE"; label = "SECOURS";}


: boxed_column {label = "Rampe";

: radio_button {key = "PARCOURS"; label = "1/12";}

: radio_button {key = "HABITATIONS"; label = "1/10";}

: radio_button {key = "AUTRES"; label = "1/8";}

: radio_button {key = "COMMERCIAL"; label = "1/6";}

: radio_button {key = "EXTÉRIEUR"; label = "1/10 extérieur";}


: column {

: boxed_column {label = "Escalier - Plan";

: toggle {key = "DROIT"; label = "Droit";}

: toggle {key = "L-SHAPE"; label = "L";}

: toggle {key = "U-SHAPE"; label = "U";}

: toggle {key = "CIRCULAIRE"; label = "Circulaire";}


: boxed_column {label = "Escalier - Coupe"; fixed_height = true;

: toggle {key = "ESCDROIT"; label = "Escalier droit";}

: toggle {key = "ESCCIRC"; label = "Escalier circulaire";}


: boxed_column {label = "Garde-corps";

: popup_list {key = "HAB"; label = "Habitation";}

: popup_list {key = "COMM"; label = "Commercial";}

: popup_list {key = "IND"; label = "Industriel";}

: popup_list {key = "COUPE"; label = "Coupe";}


: column {

: boxed_column {label = "Dimensions"; fixed_height = true;

mnemonic = "D";

: row {

: edit_box {

label = "Marche";

key = "pt_width";

mnemonic = "M";

edit_width = 8;

edit_limit = 8;

width = 8;

height = 1;


: edit_box {

label = "Volée = course totale";

key = "pt_length";

mnemonic = "V";

edit_width = 8;

edit_limit = 8;

width = 8;

height = 1;


: row {

: edit_box {

label = "Contremarche";

key = "pt_width";

mnemonic = "R";

edit_width = 8;

edit_limit = 8;

width = 8;

height = 1;


: edit_box {

label = "Hauteur";

key = "pt_length";

mnemonic = "H";

edit_width = 8;

edit_limit = 8;

width = 8;

height = 1;


: row {

: edit_box {

label = "Échappée";

key = "pt_width";

mnemonic = "É";

edit_width = 8;

edit_limit = 8;

width = 8;

height = 1;


: edit_box {

label = "Puit";

key = "pt_length";

mnemonic = "P";

edit_width = 8;

edit_limit = 8;

width = 8;

height = 1;


: row {

: edit_box {

label = "Plancher - ep.";

key = "pt_width";

mnemonic = "e";

edit_width = 8;

edit_limit = 8;

width = 8;

height = 1;



: boxed_column {label = "Matériau"; fixed_height = true;

: popup_list { label = "Acier"; key = "acier1"; }

: popup_list { label = "Béton"; key = "béton1"; }

: popup_list { label = "Bois"; key = "bois1"; }

: spacer {}



: spacer {}

: row {


: button {

label = "À propos";

key = "btn1";

fixed_width = true;

alignment = centered;


: button {

label = "Info";

key = "btn2";

fixed_width = true;




Merçi à l'avance de votre aide


[Edité le 2/5/2006 par x13]


Difficile de t'aider comme ça!


Mais en utilisant ceci, pratique trouvé sur le Net :)


;;; TESTDCL.LSP .... by M.P.Saju.
;;; This is a gratuiciel. License for use of this application is granted for
;;; distribution, provided it is not mutilated. If there are problems please
;;; feel free to contact the author at
;;; Testing *.DCL files becomes a necessity when developing a good sized lisp
;;; application for easy input and understanding. This routine in lisp was
;;; written for just such a necessity.
;;; Usage is very simple... Just type "Testdcl" in Autocad text screen and press
;;; "enter". A file selection dialog box will open up to select the DCL file.
;;; On entering, the DCL under test will open. This application works under
;;; the assumption that there is an active "accept" or "cancel" button.
;;; I have tried to solve all problems that I have encountered. However if there
;;; are any further issues please feel free to contact me.

(defun c:testdcl (/ nam$ nam id loop)
;;; lisp for checking dialogboxes at the beginning of their design
 (setq nam$ (getfiled "Select a DCL file" "" "dcl" 0))
 (setq nam (identify nam$))
(defun identify	(nam$ / file x dd dd$)
 (setq	file (open nam$ "r")
dd$  nil
dd   nil
x    0
 (while (setq dd (read-line file))
   (if	(wcmatch dd "*: dialog {")
(setq dd$ (substr dd 1 (- (strlen dd) 11)))
(if (wcmatch dd$ " *")
  (setq dd$ (substr dd$ 2 (strlen dd$)))
  ;; added for eliminating blank
(rundcl nam$ dd$)


 (close file)
(defun rundcl (nam$ nam)
 (setq id (load_dialog nam$))
 (if (not (new_dialog nam id))
 (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog 0)")
;;; cancel button dialog.. normally in all DCLs
 (action_tile "accept" "(done_dialog 0)")
;;; accept button dialog.. normally in all DCLs
 (setq loop (start_dialog))


A priori, tu aurais un problème de redéfintion de "pt_width" et "pt_length"

Choisissez un travail que vous aimez et vous n'aurez pas à travailler un seul jour de votre vie. - Confucius


Merçi Bonuscad,


C'est effectivement la réponse que j'avais à l'ouverture de la boîte de dialogue.

Je vais testé ce lisp aujourd'hui, et continu mon apprentissage du lisp.


Tes remarques et recommandations sont toujours appréciés par les débutants comme moi.


Salutations. :D

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