Tramber Posté(e) le 13 décembre 2005 Posté(e) le 13 décembre 2005 ;;;--- CPYXREF - Copy any entity from an XREF or a block. ;;;;;;--- Legalities:;;; Copyright 2002-2004 by;;; All rights reserved.;;;;;;; You may use this program for free. You may not obtain profit without consent;;; from Jeffery P Sanders. You may make copies of this program and distribute as;;; long as the legalities remain in tact.;;;;;; End of Legalities;;;;;;--- Created on 7/18/02;;; ;;;--- Main application(defun C:CXF() ;;;--- Turn the command echo off (setvar "cmdecho" 0) ;;;--- Save some system variables (setq origCmddia(getvar "cmddia")) (setq origFiledia(getvar "filedia")) ;;;--- Set some system variables (setvar "cmddia" 0) (setvar "filedia" 0) ;;;--- Select an entity (if (setq entselected(entsel "\n Select XRef or Block: ")) (progn ;;;--- Save the entity name (setq en(car entselected)) ;;;--- Save the point selected (setq selectedPt(cadr entselected)) ;;;--- Get entity's DXF group codes (setq enlist(entget en)) ;;;--- If it is a block (if(= "INSERT" (cdr(assoc 0 enlist))) (progn ;;;--- Get the dxf group codes for the first sub-entity (setq enlist2(tblNext "block" en)) ;;;--- Save the file name of the block (setq shortFileName(cdr(assoc 2 enlist))) ;thanks to Günther Bittner for fix ;;;--- Set a mark for the undo command (command "_undo" "_mark") ;;;--- Make the XREF part of the drawing temporarily (command "-xref" "_bind" shortFileName) ;;;--- Explode the block temporarily (command "_explode" en) ;;;--- Get the entity at the point selected originally if it exist (if (setq eset(ssget selectedPt)) (progn ;;;--- Get the name of the entity selected (setq en(ssname eset 0)) ;;;--- Get the DXF group codes of the entity (setq enlist(entget en)) ;;;--- Make a wblock named "X2" (if(findfile "x2.dwg") (command "_wblock" "x2" "_y" "" selectedPt en "") (command "_wblock" "x2" "" selectedPt en "") ) ;;;--- Undo everything back to the marked position (command "_undo" "_Back") ;;;--- Insert the X2 block (setq pt1(getpoint selectedPt "\n Insertion Point: ")) (command "_insert" "*x2" pt1 "" "") ) (alert "*Error* - Select a sub-entity.") ) ) (alert "*Error* - Select a block or an XREF.") ) ) (alert "*Error* - Select a block or an XREF please.") ) ;;;--- Reset system variables (setvar "cmddia" origCmddia) (setvar "filedia" origFiledia) ;;;--- Turn command echo back on (setvar "cmdecho" 1) ;;;--- Inform the user (princ "\n ...CPYXREF.lsp Complete. ") (princ "\n By: Jeffery P. Sanders 7/19/02 Copyright 2002-2004 by") ;;;--- Suppress last echo for a clean exit (princ)[Edité le 13/12/2005 par Tramber] [Edité le 13/12/2005 par Tramber] Bureau d'études dessin. Spécialiste Escaliers Développement - Formation ./__\. (.°=°.)
Tramber Posté(e) le 13 décembre 2005 Auteur Posté(e) le 13 décembre 2005 index ? Bureau d'études dessin. Spécialiste Escaliers Développement - Formation ./__\. (.°=°.)
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