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Bonsoir Doc,


Tiré de l'aide :


Sub Example_ConfigName()
   ' This example will add a new plot configuration to the current drawing.
   ' It will then list the plotter configuration file name for each Layout
   ' in the current drawing, change the configuration for Layout1 to "DWF Classic.pc3"
   ' and re-display the configuration information for the drawing.
   ' * Note: File names may differ on your system, so be prepared to change
   ' the configuration file name used in the example to a file that exists
   ' on your system.

   Dim Layouts As AcadLayouts, Layout As ACADLayout
   Dim msg As String
   Dim ACADPref As AcadPreferencesFiles
   Dim originalValue As Variant
   ' Get the files preferences object
   Set ACADPref = ThisDrawing.Application.preferences.Files

   ' Read and display the original value
   originalValue = ACADPref.PrinterConfigPath
   ' Get layouts collection from document object
   Set Layouts = ThisDrawing.Layouts
   ' Display current plotter configuration information
   ' Change plotter configuration file for "Layout1"
   Layouts("Layout1").ConfigName = "DWF Classic.pc3"
   ' Display new plotter configuration information
   Exit Sub
   msg = vbCrLf & vbCrLf   ' Start with a space
   ' Format and display current directory for configuration files
   msg = msg & vbTab & "Directories that will be scanned for the plotter configuration files are: " _
               & vbCrLf & vbTab & vbTab & originalValue & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
   ' Get the plotter configuration name of every layout in this drawing
   For Each Layout In Layouts
       ' Format for display
       msg = msg & vbTab & & " is using configuration: " & Layout.ConfigName & vbCrLf
   ' Display paper units information
   MsgBox "The plotter configuration information used in the current drawing is listed below." & msg
End Sub


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