Invité Patrick Posté(e) le 8 juillet 2003 Posté(e) le 8 juillet 2003 Un Service Pack 1 pour Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2004 est en préparation... surveillez votre Centre de Communication, ça va pas tarder...
PedroAroso Posté(e) le 18 juillet 2003 Posté(e) le 18 juillet 2003 Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2004 Service Pack 1 ReadmeService Pack Installation Issues Additional Known Issues Defects Fixed by this Service Pack Files Changed by Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2004 SP1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Service Pack Installation IssuesThese are side-effects of applying this service pack, cautions about its use and additional notes for new capabilities that have been implemented. Network Installation WizardDue to a defect in Network Installation Wizard, this service pack cannot be attached to a deployment. Attaching this service pack will corrupt the deployment which will cause unstable installations on the client machines. Instead, first deploy the un-patched installation, then run the Service Pack on each client directly. User PrivilegesThis Service Pack must be installed by a user with Administrative Privileges. The install process will terminate with no error message displayed if attempted by a user or power user. Dimensions of Intersecting WallsBecause of improvements made to the dimensioning of multi-component intersecting walls, you may see additional dimension values at these locations. To restore the original appearance, select the dimension string that has changed, and use the right-click option "Remove Dimension Points" to eliminate the intermediate dimension locations. Save As AutoCAD 2000This option has been restored to the File > Save Drawing As dialog. However, Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2004 objects will be saved as Proxy Objects only. To view these in previous versions of Autodesk Architectural Desktop (or other AutoCAD-based products), you must have ProxyGraphics set to 1. Note that this can cause a dramatic increase in the file size. When you open the saved drawing in Autodesk Architectural Desktop 3.3, you will get a warning dialog about "objects from a newer version" along with many "ARX_ERROR: eNotThatKindOfClass" messages on the command line. Autodesk Architectural Desktop specific commands will not be available for this drawing. In addition, when saving as AutoCAD 2000 a warning dialog will appear. This dialog can be turned off, for example when you are saving via a script. Use the command AecFileSaveMessage to control whether this dialog displays or not. Drawing Status BarYou now have the ability to turn off the drawing status bar for each profile. The first time ADT2004 is run after the service pack is installed, a new registry key will be created: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R16.0\ACAD-204:nnn\Profiles\{Current Profile}\Preferences\AecStartup40 In the registry, "nnn" will be a three-digit number reflecting the language of the product installed, and {Current Profile} is the name of the profile that is used at startup. This key will contain a value, ShowAecDrawingStatusBar. The default is 1, which displays the status bar for every open drawing. Setting this to zero will prevent the status bar from displaying for the next session. The value in the initial profile is used to determine the visibility of the Status bar for the entire session. Note that there are two commands which are only available from the Drawing Menu on this status bar, Publish to Architectural Studio (PublishtoArchStudio) and Link to VIZ Render (VizRender). In addition, the Display Configuration selection popup list will no longer appear (DisplayManagerConfigsSelection). Display Configurations can still be changed using Format > Display Manager. Multi-view Block ScalingBy default, MvBlocks that have multiple view blocks are placed at a scale of 1 (for Column Grid labels, Section & Elevation labels and Space AutoGenerate tags). The first time one of these tags is placed after the service pack is installed, a new registry key will be created: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R16.0\ACAD-204:nnn\Profiles\{Current Profile}\Preferences\AecBase40 In the registry, "nnn" will be a three-digit number reflecting the language of the product installed, and {Current Profile} is the name of the profile that is used at startup. This key will contain a value, UseLegacyMvBlockScaling, which will be set to 0. In order to have Tags with multiple view blocks scale as in releases prior to Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2004, set this to 1. The value in the profile at the time the Tag is placed determines the scaling behavior. Note: changing this value can cause tags designed for specific scale factors to appear at the wrong size. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Known IssuesThese are problems that have been identified in the original release of Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2004 that are not corrected with this service pack. Side-by-Side with ADT3.3Uninstalling and Reinstalling Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2004 will break the display of object properties in ADT3.3. Use the "Repair AEC Loading Mechanism" option of the ADT3.3 Reinstall to restore full operation. Export to AutoCAD failure (clarification)Proxies of certain objects (including, but not necessarily limited to Rtext), when contained in a block within an Xref, will cause the Export to AutoCAD process to fail with a fatal error. This failure can be avoided in one of two ways - either install the application which is responsible for the proxy object or wblock all of the Objects in the Xref drawing to remove the proxies. Export to AutoCAD and UCS (clarification)As mentioned in the Architectural Desktop help, the UCS of the last active Model Space viewport should match the WCS. If it does not, the exported drawing will have anchored objects, such as doors and windows, that are not in the correct relative locations. Export to AutoCAD and Locked LayersWhen a drawing contains locked layers, or has an xref attached with locked layers, you may see the command-line error message "ARX_ERROR: eOnLockedLayer". This message will appear multiple times, depending on the number of objects on these layers. Note that using Render or related commands (RMAT, Light, etc.) will automatically create objects on the ASHADE layer, which is locked by default. Grip Edit and UCSFOLLOWWhen UCSFOLLOW is set to 1 in any viewport, a fatal error can occur with certain grip edits that are not in the XY plane, such as changing the height of an opening, modifying the roofline of a wall, editing the profile of a wall or railing, etc. UNDO FailureThere are several situations that will cause Multiple UNDO to fail. Undo the add of an object that is automatically added to a schedule table. Adding some Details materials that create hatches, such as Stonework > Earthworks > Gravel. After Explode AEC Objects, you can only Undo once. Dynamic Dimensions Not DisplayedWhen using grips to modify objects, there are some circumstances in which the Dynamic Dimensions will no longer display. For example, using the location grip to drag a door to a different wall will cause this to happen. If this does occur, you may experience a crash or quick exit should you enter any values for the dimension that was previously visible. Partial Open Because of numerous problems that can be caused by using Partial Open (objects anchored to other objects lose their connection; Property Set data and Aec Dimensions associated with Xrefs are disrupted), this function has been disabled for any drawing that contains Autodesk Architectural Desktop objects. Stairs with Housed Stringers and Manual Winder Style Grip editing will not change the treads for a Stair that uses Housed Stringers. To accomplish this, first change the Stair to a style that uses saddled stringers or none, do the necessary grip editing, then change the style back. Stretch and StairsThere are problems with using the Stretch command and Stairs. For example, stretching an entire multi-landing stair will cause it to be quite distorted from the original shape. Using Stretch and selecting one flight of a U-shaped stair will cause the landing to become distorted. Either move (or copy & delete) the entire stair or use grip stretch to achieve the desired result. Copy / Overwrite Property SetsOverwriting a Property Set that contains Formula, Location, Classification or Material properties will remove the detail of those properties. You must Edit the property to restore its specific attributes. Windows and Doors - Non-Rectangular & Multiple Ring ProfilesPrevious version drawings with doors or windows that use profiles with either multiple rings or non-rectangular shapes will have changes in the appearance of those objects. This is due to fixing a defect about correct sizes of irregular windows and doors when measured to the inside edge of the frame. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defects Fixed by this Service PackYou can now control the visibility of buttons on the application status bar, and can remove the drawing status bar if desired. See Service Pack Installation Issues for additional information. It is no longer necessary to import the Model High and Low Detail Display Sets when migrating drawings from previous versions. AEC Dimensions have had several defects resolved: dimension properly to the center of overhead doors stretch properly when the entire chain is selected grip editing of extension lines has been improved can be aligned properly with building elements in Xrefs the cut height defined in the selected Display Configuration is now used consistent results are produced with intersecting multi-component walls Structural beams and braces are now handled properly respect Mass Element Style Cut Height overrides for Low & High Detail ConfigurationsYou now have the option to retain the Area object that is used in a Boolean operation - it is no longer automatically deleted. It is no longer possible to crash when applying Curtain Wall or Door/Window Assembly tool properties to a Custom Layout Grid. Drawing corruption that could occur with certain operations with DesignCenter content has now been eliminated. Several problems in the Details modules have been addressed - specifically in Metal Connectors, Structural Wood & Carpeting. Editing the Door/Window Assembly Infill anchor properties will no longer cause a problem with file save. The Head Height for Door/Window Assemblies is now properly respected even before a wall is selected, and the last used values for width and height persist between Add operations. Regenerating a Drawing Management View Drawing works properly independent of UCS. Export to AutoCAD has had several defects resolved: Global Cut Plane and Live Section are now respected for all Xrefs and blocks it is no longer necessary to have an AEC entity in the host drawing Schedules will no longer be truncated there is now a setting on the AEC Editor Options tab to allow Export without binding Xrefs - only the top level or host drawing will be exported (Xrefs will remain attached)AutoCAD 2000 drawing format has been restored to the File Save dialog. See Service Pack Installation Issues for additional information. Stability with grips has been significantly improved. Stretch operations on Free Form and Extruded Mass Elements have been improved. Mass Element Boolean operations that result in a null object will no longer cause a crash. Materials are now drawn consistently on Profile-based extrusions, using any specified profile edge positions. Material and hatch pattern names are now fully visible in dialogs, using either horizontal scroll bars or expanded drop lists. Materials can now be assigned to Railing Styles even when switching to another tab before OK. Attributes in Multi-view blocks now behave the same as in previous versions when the MvBlock is mirrored. In addition, any adjusted position is maintained when using the Offset or Attributes worksheets. It is now possible to restore the legacy behavior for scaling Multi-view Blocks used as tags. See Service Pack Installation Issues for additional information. Multi-view Blocks inserted using an optional insertion point now rotate correctly. Object Viewer now uses the cut height defined in the selected Display Configuration. The "Cycle Measure to" and "Custom" options for Openings now work properly from the command line. The Add Formula Property Definition button now works properly on Windows NT. There is no longer a chance of a crash when overwriting Property Sets that contain Formula, Location, Classification or Material properties. Schedule Tags using formulas are consistently displayed correctly. The use of schedule formulas on multiple lines in a Schedule Tag will no longer affect the orientation of the tag. Location will now be displayed properly when doors (or other objects) are tagged only within a Construct, rather than needing to attach the property set to the door itself. Drawings from previous versions of Autodesk Architectural Desktop that have a Schedule Tag for which the object has been deleted will no longer crash when opened. Schedule Tables will now be properly calculated even with previous version drawings included in a project. Schedule Tables now draw properly, even when multiple levels of headers with some vertical for matrix columns. Editing linework of 2D Sections & Elevations will no longer cause a possible crash. The cut height used for calculating Slab & Roof Slab hatching has been restored to the previous behavior (measured from WCS rather than the entity's insertion point). Stairs have had several defects resolved: can be projected to multiple AEC objects in a single operation appear properly using the Display Configuration Cut Height, even when they are shorter than the Cut Height stringers are drawn correctly in all but a few situations straight graphics for the stair line are drawn correctly for all stair shapes path graphics appear properly when the cut height is zeroAdding Structural Member columns with rotated UCS will now properly calculate the roll angle. You can now select the type of Structural Member Tool to be created when dragging a style from the Style Manager. A fatal error when using the Style Manager "Style View" (as opposed to the default "Drawing View") has been eliminated. Tool Palettes are no longer affected by modifying the properties of a Multi-view Block tool with documentation-based attributes. The Style Drawing specified in Tool Properties will now be correct, even after AutoSave has run. VIZ Render has had several defects resolved: blocks using objects with Thickness (such as door handles) are significantly improved i-drop now downloads textures correctly keys on objects from linked files can now be adjusted with Edit Trajectory shadows are now correct, even when using Perspective Corrected cameras a random crash on launch, related to the splash screen, has been eliminated general data transfer optimization and stability improvementsAttempting to "Calculate Automatically" the Wall Endcap for a wall converted from a body now displays a message that the wall does not have valid components for endcaps. Assigning Endcap or Priority overrides to multiple Walls simultaneously no longer has the possibility of causing instability. AEC objects that are in Xrefs on layers that are turned off will no longer plot. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Files Changed by Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2004 SP1None of your customized files should be affected by this patch. However, if you are using a file that has a date earlier than the date of the file originally installed by ADT2004, it will be replaced. For example, if you have simply copied AutoCAD.pgp from ADT3.3, it will have a modified date that is before the release of ADT2004 and will be replaced. To avoid this issue, simply re-save the customized file, which will give it a later date, thus preventing its replacement. Note that any files which have been removed (or moved) after the original installation will be restored by this patch. Pedro Aroso
PedroAroso Posté(e) le 21 juillet 2003 Posté(e) le 21 juillet 2003 Si vous vouler connaitre le nouveau Service Pack 1 pour Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2004, Autodesk n'a pas encore fait l'annonce oficiel. Pedro Aroso
Invité Patrick Posté(e) le 22 juillet 2003 Posté(e) le 22 juillet 2003 Le SP1 est sorti pour les versions anglaises. Cliquez ici pour des détails.
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