nen PostĂ©(e) le 12 juillet 2024 PostĂ©(e) le 12 juillet 2024 Bonjour le Forum, Je sollicite votre aide🙂. J'utilise le Lisp crĂ©Ă© par Giles, "zoombyhandle", et j'ai essayĂ© de le modifier en ajoutant un champ de recherche. En effet, il m'arrive souvent de travailler sur des plans contenant de nombreux blocs "handle", et il est fastidieux de les trouver en utilisant la barre de dĂ©filement. De plus, leur code est parfois difficile Ă trouver dans la liste. J'ai donc ajoutĂ© un champ de recherche qui ne fonctionne pas correctement, c'est le zoom qui ne se centre pas sur le bon Ă©lĂ©ment. Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider ?🤔  Merci d'avance.  (defun str2lst (str sep / pos) (if (setq pos (vl-string-search sep str)) (cons (substr str 1 pos) (str2lst (substr str (+ (strlen sep) pos 1)) sep) ) (list str) ) ) (defun filter-list (lst search-term) (if (not (vl-string-search "" search-term)) lst (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (item) (vl-string-search search-term item)) lst ) ) ) (defun ListBox (title msg keylab flag / tmp file dcl_id choice search-term filtered-list) (setq tmp (vl-filename-mktemp "tmp.dcl") file (open tmp "w")) (write-line (strcat "ListBox:dialog{label=\"" title "\";") file) (if (and msg (/= msg "")) (write-line (strcat ":text{label=\"" msg "\";}") file)) (write-line ":edit_box{key=\"search\";edit_width=20;}" file) (write-line (cond ((= 0 flag) "spacer;:popup_list{key=\"lst\";") ((= 1 flag) "spacer;:list_box{key=\"lst\";") (T "spacer;:list_box{key=\"lst\";multiple_select=true;") ) file) (write-line "}spacer;ok_cancel;}" file) (close file) (setq dcl_id (load_dialog tmp)) (if (not (new_dialog "ListBox" dcl_id)) (exit)) (defun update-list (search-term) (setq filtered-list (filter-list (mapcar 'cdr keylab) search-term)) (start_list "lst") (mapcar 'add_list filtered-list) (end_list) ) (action_tile "search" "(update-list $value)") (start_list "lst") (mapcar 'add_list (mapcar 'cdr keylab)) (end_list) (action_tile "accept" "(or (= (get_tile \"lst\") \"\") (if (= 2 flag) (progn (foreach n (str2lst (get_tile \"lst\") \" \") (setq choice (cons (nth (atoi n) (mapcar 'car keylab)) choice))) (setq choice (reverse choice))) (setq choice (nth (atoi (get_tile \"lst\")) (mapcar 'car keylab))))) (done_dialog)" ) (start_dialog) (unload_dialog dcl_id) (vl-file-delete tmp) choice ) (defun c:zoombyhandle ( / js n hdt l_hdt) (setq js (ssget "_X")) (cond (js (setq l_hdt nil) (repeat (setq n (sslength js)) (setq hdt (cdr (assoc 5 (entget (ssname js (setq n (1- n))) ) ) ) ) (if hdt (setq l_hdt (cons hdt l_hdt))) ) (command "_zoom" "_object" (cdar (entget (handent (ListBox "HANDLES du dessin" "Choisir UN handle" (mapcar 'cons l_hdt l_hdt) 1)))) "") ) ) (prin1) ) Â
Luna Posté(e) le 15 juillet 2024 Posté(e) le 15 juillet 2024 Coucou, Désolée, je n'ai pas eut le temps de regarder ton code mais j'avais fait une version de (ListBox) avec une barre de recherche justement : ; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; ; | | ; ; | HISTORICAL TRACKING FILE OF THE FUNCTION | ; ; | --{ ListBox }-- | ; ; | | ; ; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; ; []-----------------------[] ListBox []-----------------------[] ; ;--- Date of creation > 15/04/2017 ; ;--- Last modification date > 11/05/2022 ; ;--- Author > (gile)/Luna ; ;--- Version > 4.0.0 ; ;--- Class > "DbLst" ; ;--- Goal and utility of the main function ; ; Generates a temporary .dcl file for a single/multiple item selection dialog box in a list passed as an argument. ; ; ; ;--- Declaration of the arguments ; ; The function (ListBox) have 5 argument(s) : ; ; --• title > corresponds to the title of the dialog box ; ; (type title) = 'STR | Ex. : "Layers selection", "VP-RADPURGE: Layouts selection", "", ... ; ; --• msg > corresponds to the message you wish to display above the popup list ; ; (type msg) = 'STR | Ex. : "Multiple choice :", "Please, select one or more layer in the list below...", "", ... ; ; --• lst > corresponds to the list you wish to display in the popup-list. Each element of the list have to be a string ; ; (type lst) = 'LST | Ex. : '(label1 label2 label3 ... labeln), (layoutlist), ... ; ; --• value > is the default value to be selected when the dialog box is opened or list of default values ; ; (type value) = 'STR or 'LST | Ex. : (getvar "CLAYER"), "1030-01", ... ; ; --• flag > corresponds to the type of popup-list between a drop-down list, a single or multiple choice list ; ; (type flag) = 'INT | Ex. : 0 = drop-down list, 1 = single choice list or 2 = multiple choice list ; ; --• h > corresponds to the number of lines prompted in the list for list_box tiles ; ; (type h) = 'INT | Ex. : nil, 8, 15, 30, 23, ... ; ; ; ;--- List of dependent's functions ; ; --• "UtDac" ---> str2lst | v1.0.0 - 15/04/2007 ((gile)) ; ; ; ;--- List of local functions ; ; --• "BaLst" ---> vl-list-search | v1.0.0 - 13/12/2021 (Luna) ; ; --• "BaStr" ---> LB-select | v1.0.0 - 11/05/2022 (Luna) ; ; ; ;--- List of programs using this function ; ; --• "PsUcart" ---> c:DATECART | v2.0.4 - 04/07/2022 (Luna) ; ; --• "PsUcart" ---> c:NAMECART | v6.1.4 - 08/08/2022 (Luna) ; ; --• "PsViewp" ---> c:FNTAERIENNE | v2.0.1 - 04/07/2022 (Luna) ; ; --• "PsLaytb" ---> c:QuickLayoutSwitch | v3.0.0 - 04/07/2022 (Luna) ; ; --• "UtFiles" ---> c:VP-RADPURGE | v2.1.1 - 04/07/2022 (Luna) ; ; --• "UtGeodt" ---> c:ALTPOINT | v3.0.0 - 08/08/2022 (Luna) ; ; --• "UtGeodt" ---> c:LONGCUMUL | v3.0.2 - 04/07/2022 (Luna) ; ; --• "UtVarsy" ---> c:PSLTSCALECUSTOM | v2.0.1 - 04/07/2022 (Luna) ; ; ; ;--- Return ; ; The function (ListBox) returns the value ('flag' = 0 or 1) or the list of values ('flag' = 2) chosen by the user. ; ; Ex. : (ListBox "Layout Selection" "Select one layout :" (layoutlist) (getvar "CTAB") 1) returns the layout name selected or nil if canceled ; ; ; ;--- Historic list of the version with their modification status ; ; +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; ; | v4.0.0 | Add the 'h' argument to adjust the height of the list (= flag equals 1 or 2) and add the number of selected line if flag = 2 | ; ; +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; ; | v3.1.0 | Add the possibility to set several default values if 'flag' = 2 and 'value' is a list type | ; ; +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; ; | v3.0.1 | Add the (vl-list-search) function as a local function, for (ListBox) use only | ; ; +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; ; | | Added an edit_box adding the possibility to filter the list from a search (cf. (wcmatch) wildcard characters). To display the | ; ; | v3.0.0 | complete list, you must put a "*" in the search bar. The number of items displayed as well as the total number of items in | ; ; | | the list are displayed below the list as information. Added a local variable 'tlst' to avoid losing the original list data | ; ; | | while returning the correct results when a filter is applied. Added the (vl-list-search) function to the (ListBox) function. | ; ; +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; ; | | Removed the association list to work directly with a list of atoms and returns directly the value(s) selected by the user. | ; ; | v2.0.0 | Also added a default value to initialize the dialog box's list (if specified). Adapted the global width of the dialog box | ; ; | | according to the longest text in the list. | ; ; +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; ; | v1.0.0 | Creation of the function | ; ; +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; ; ; (defun ListBox (title msg lst value flag h / vl-list-search LB-select tmp file DCL_ID choice tlst) (defun vl-list-search (p l) (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (wcmatch x p)) l) ) (defun LB-select (str) (if (= "" str) "0 selected" (strcat (itoa (length (str2lst str " "))) " selected") ) ) (setq tmp (vl-filename-mktemp "tmp.dcl") file (open tmp "w") tlst lst ) (write-line (strcat "ListBox:dialog{width=" (itoa (+ (apply 'max (mapcar 'strlen (mapcar 'vl-princ-to-string lst))) 5)) ";label=\"" title "\";") file ) (write-line ":edit_box{key=\"filter\";}" file ) (if (and msg (/= msg "")) (write-line (strcat ":text{label=\"" msg "\";}") file) ) (write-line (cond ( (= 0 flag) "spacer;:popup_list{key=\"lst\";}") ( (= 1 flag) (strcat "spacer;:list_box{height=" (itoa (1+ (cond (h) (15)))) ";key=\"lst\";}")) ( T (strcat "spacer;:list_box{height=" (itoa (1+ (cond (h) (15)))) ";key=\"lst\";multiple_select=true;}:text{key=\"select\";}")) ) file ) (write-line ":text{key=\"count\";}" file) (write-line "spacer;ok_cancel;}" file) (close file) (setq DCL_ID (load_dialog tmp)) (if (not (new_dialog "ListBox" DCL_ID)) (exit) ) (set_tile "filter" "*") (set_tile "count" (strcat (itoa (length lst)) " / " (itoa (length lst)))) (start_list "lst") (mapcar 'add_list lst) (end_list) (set_tile "lst" (cond ( (and (= flag 2) (listp value) ) (apply 'strcat (vl-remove nil (mapcar '(lambda (x) (if (member x lst) (strcat (itoa (vl-position x lst)) " "))) value))) ) ( (member value lst) (itoa (vl-position value lst))) ( (itoa 0)) ) ) (if (= flag 2) (progn (set_tile "select" (LB-select (get_tile "lst"))) (action_tile "lst" "(set_tile \"select\" (LB-select $value))") ) ) (action_tile "filter" "(start_list \"lst\") (mapcar 'add_list (setq tlst (vl-list-search $value lst))) (end_list) (set_tile \"count\" (strcat (itoa (length tlst)) \" / \" (itoa (length lst))))" ) (action_tile "accept" "(or (= (get_tile \"lst\") \"\") (if (= 2 flag) (progn (foreach n (str2lst (get_tile \"lst\") \" \") (setq choice (cons (nth (atoi n) tlst) choice)) ) (setq choice (reverse choice)) ) (setq choice (nth (atoi (get_tile \"lst\")) tlst)) ) ) (done_dialog)" ) (start_dialog) (unload_dialog DCL_ID) (vl-file-delete tmp) choice ) Sans oublier (str2lst) que je n'ai pas intégré dans le code ci-dessus (car tu l'utilises déjà ). Bisous, Luna
nen Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2024 Auteur Posté(e) le 16 juillet 2024 Bonjour Luna👋, Merci beaucoup pour ta réponse et pour le code que tu m'as fourni. Je vais l'essayer dès que possible. Encore merci pour ton aide précieuse ! À bientôt,
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