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J'ai trouvé un lisp pour réaliser des hachures dans un rectangle suivant 3points, mais cela ne fonctionne pas.

Pourriez vous m'indiquer ce qui coince.?

(defun C:INSULHATCH ( / old_snap old_lay first_pt second_pt third_pt hatch_scale rectangle_name)
;insulation batting hatch tool from for metric & imperial drawings
;to use, pick first point on left end of line, second point on right end of same line, third point needs to be opposite the second point.
(setq old_snap (getvar "OSMODE"));save osnap so we can reset it on exit
(setvar "OSMODE" 1); set osnap to end point
(setq old_lay (getvar "CLAYER")); save current layer name so we can reset it on exit

(prompt "\nSelect 2 points on lower line and 3rd on top line at 90degs to 2nd: ")
(setq first_pt (getpoint)) 
(setq second_pt (getpoint))
(setq third_pt (getpoint))
(setq hatch_scale (/ (distance second_pt third_pt) 100.0)); hatch scale needs to be distance between lines divided by 100
(command "LAYER" "M" "HATCHLAYERNAME" "");edit layer name to suit your requirments, if layer exists in the drawing will set to that, if not it will create it.
(command "rectangle" first_pt "R" second_pt third_pt);draw a rectangle to hatch
(setq rectangle_name (ssget "L" ));name the rectangle so we can delete it if required
(command "UCS" "3" first_pt second_pt "")
(command "HATCH" "P" "H1INSUN1" hatch_scale 0 "S" "L" "")
(command "ERASE" rectangle_name "");erases the hatch boundary rectangle, delete this line if you normally want to keep the boundary

(command "UCS" "P");resets UCS to previous setting
(setvar "OSMODE" old_snap); resets osnap to previous setting
(command "LAYER" "M" old_lay "");reset to orginal layer
); end defun

Par avance merci

ps: je n'y connais rien


Le soucis principal que je vois : Aucune option n'a été définie en international (ils ont développé chat uniquement pour des AutoCAD anglais) mais rien de bien méchant vu qu'en international il suffit d'ajouter un underscore "_" devant les noms anglais. Et les commandes "LAYER" et "HATCH" ouvre une boîte de dialogue donc il faut plutôt utiliser les versions en ligne de commande (précédées d'un tiret "-").

(defun C:INSULHATCH ( / old_snap old_lay first_pt second_pt third_pt hatch_scale rectangle_name)
; insulation batting hatch tool from for metric & imperial drawings
; to use, pick first point on left end of line, second point on right end of same line, third point needs to be opposite the second point.
  (setq old_snap (getvar "OSMODE"));save osnap so we can reset it on exit
  (setvar "OSMODE" 1); set osnap to end point
  (setq old_lay (getvar "CLAYER")); save current layer name so we can reset it on exit

  (prompt "\nSelect 2 points on lower line and 3rd on top line at 90degs to 2nd: ")
  (setq first_pt (getpoint)) 
  (setq second_pt (getpoint))
  (setq third_pt (getpoint))
  (setq hatch_scale (/ (distance second_pt third_pt) 100.0)) ; hatch scale needs to be distance between lines divided by 100
  (command "_-LAYER" "_M" "HATCHLAYERNAME" "") ; edit layer name to suit your requirments, if layer exists in the drawing will set to that, if not it will create it.
  (command "_RECTANG" first_pt "_R" second_pt third_pt) ; draw a rectangle to hatch
  (setq rectangle_name (ssget "_L" )) ; name the rectangle so we can delete it if required
  (command "_UCS" "3" first_pt second_pt "")
  (command "_-HATCH" "_P" "H1INSUN1" hatch_scale 0 "_S" "_L" "")
  (command "_ERASE" rectangle_name "") ; erases the hatch boundary rectangle, delete this line if you normally want to keep the boundary

  (command "_UCS" "_P") ; resets UCS to previous setting
  (setvar "OSMODE" old_snap) ; resets osnap to previous setting
  (command "_-LAYER" "_M" old_lay "") ; reset to orginal layer
) ; end defun

L'écriture du programme est très bancale et je vois de nombreuses améliorations possibles mais je manque de temps pour te proposer une version plus propre.
(version ci-dessus non testée !)


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