bmolama Posté(e) le 9 mars 2005 Posté(e) le 9 mars 2005 Un grand bonjour à tous les « autocadiens » surtout au tribut de CADXP :) J’ai un problème à régler, :casstet: Toujours dans le souci d’efficacité : je souhaite sélectionner toutes les présentations (espaces papiers) _ bouton droit _ gestion de mise en page _ modifier_ imrimante « par exemple » et changer d’un seul coût le traceur de toutes présentation. (sachant j’ai au moins 50 onglets de présentation pour le m^m projet) Actuellement avec le processus cité ci-dessus , « gestion de mise en page » est en fantôme Qu’est ce qu’il faut faire pour ressusciter « gestion de mise en page »,
chris62 Posté(e) le 9 mars 2005 Posté(e) le 9 mars 2005 Helo, Il faut utiliser le Gestionnaire de mise en page dans le menu fichier.1- Créer ton profil imprimant.2- Utiliser la fonction Publier.3- Selectionnes Publier dans traceur (a gauche) puis Présentation (à droite).4- Seclectionnes l'ensemble des Présentations Attention une foi que toutes les lignes sont en bleu remonte à la première et selectionnes l'imprimant.5- Lances l'impression6- Sauvegarde le nom du projet pour cette config imprimant. J'espère que mes explications te seront utiles , voir compréhensives. @+ Chris
x13 Posté(e) le 9 mars 2005 Posté(e) le 9 mars 2005 Salut J'ai trouvé ce script sur le site suivant Si cela peut aider***********************************************************************;SCRPLT - SCRIPT PLOTTING;;SCRPLT.LSP MAINTAINED BY RUSSEL STEFFY; FILES REQUIRED WITH PROGRAM : SCRPLT.DCL; Rev. 1.00 INITIAL VERIFICATION 01MAR00; Rev. 1.01 REVISED SIZE FFEMA 20MAR00; Rev. 1.02 REVISED write-line routine 05JUL00; Rev. 1.03 REVISED TO RETURN LONG FILE NAMES 22AUG00; Rev. 1.04 ADDED MULTIPLE PLOT CAPABILITY 07AUG01; Rev. 1.05 ADDED SPACE IN FOLDER NAME AND SPACE IN FILE NAME SUPPORT 12MAR02; Rev. 1.06 ADDED MULTIPLE FOLDER SUPPORT 12MAR02; Rev. 1.07 ADDED AUTOCAD 2004 SUPPORT 25SEP2003; Rev. 1.08 ADDED MORE PLOT SIZES (LIST) 18DEC2003 ;***ERROR HANDLING***(defun scrplterr (s) (if (/= s "Function cancelled") ; If an error (such as CTRL-C) occurs (princ) (princ (strcat "\nError: " s)) ; while this command is active... );if (princ "\n!!!File plot error!!!") (setq *error* olderr) ;Restore old *error* handler (princ));end scrplterr;***ERROR HANDLING***;***DEFINE C:SCRPLT AND LOCAL VARIABLES***(defun C:SCRPLT (/ olderr plotdcl DIRLST dcl_id PNAME PLTLST DIRN DIRN1 DIRNAMES end_code OUT_UNIT PLTVW READLIST COUNT ITEM SCRLST SCRLEN LSTPOS DWGNAM OPENDWG NOPL SOURCE WINPATH CNT 2CNT SRC SING_CHAR DOSPATH IN_UNIT INLINE pick_no ) ;***DEFINE C:SCRPLT AND LOCAL VARIABLES*** ;***SAVE OLD VARIABLES AND SET NEW VALUES*** (setq olderr *error* ;Save old *error* handler *error* scrplterr) ;Set new *error* handler (setq plotdcl "SCRPLT.DCL") (setq NOPL 1) (setq PLTLST (list "FFEM A0" "FFEM A1" "FFEM A2" "FFEM A3" "FFEM A4" "FFEM E (34.00 x 44.00 Inches)" "FFEM D (34.00 x 22.00 Inches)" "FFEM C (22.00 x 17.00 Inches)" "FFEM B (11.00 x 17.00 Inches)" "FFEM A (11.00 x 8.50 Inches)" "ISO expand B4 (250.00 x 353.00 MM)" "ISO expand B4 (353.00 x 250.00 MM)" "ISO expand B3 (353.00 x 500.00 MM)" "ISO expand B3 (500.00 x 353.00 MM)" "ISO expand B2 (500.00 x 707.00 MM)" "ISO expand B2 (707.00 x 500.00 MM)" "ISO expand B1 (706.00 x 1000.00 MM)" "ISO expand B1 (1000.00 x 706.00 MM)" "ISO B4 (250.00 x 353.00 MM)" "ISO B4 (353.00 x 250.00 MM)" "ISO B3 (353.00 x 500.00 MM)" "ISO B3 (500.00 x 353.00 MM)" "ISO B2 (500.00 x 707.00 MM)" "ISO B2 (707.00 x 500.00 MM)" "ISO B1 (706.00 x 1000.00 MM)" "ISO B1 (1000.00 x 706.00 MM)" "ISO expand A4 (210.00 x 297.00 MM)" "ISO expand A4 (297.00 x 210.00 MM)" "ISO expand A3 (297.00 x 420.00 MM)" "ISO expand A3 (420.00 x 297.00 MM)" "ISO expand A2 (420.00 x 594.00 MM)" "ISO expand A2 (594.00 x 420.00 MM)" "ISO expand A1 (594.00 x 841.00 MM)" "ISO expand A1 (841.00 x 594.00 MM)" "ISO expand A0 (841.00 x 1189.00 MM)" "ISO expand A0 (1189.00 x 841.00 MM)" "ISO A4 (210.00 x 297.00 MM)" "ISO A4 (297.00 x 210.00 MM)" "ISO A3 (297.00 x 420.00 MM)" "ISO A3 (420.00 x 297.00 MM)" "ISO A2 (420.00 x 594.00 MM)" "ISO A2 (594.00 x 420.00 MM)" "ISO A1 (594.00 x 841.00 MM)" "ISO A1 (841.00 x 594.00 MM)" "ISO A0 (841.00 x 1189.00 MM)" "ISO A0 (1189.00 x 841.00 MM)" "ARCH expand E1 (30.00 x 42.00 Inches)" "ARCH expand E1 (42.00 x 30.00 Inches)" "ARCH expand E (36.00 x 48.00 Inches)" "ARCH expand E (48.00 x 36.00 Inches)" "ARCH expand D (24.00 x 36.00 Inches)" "ARCH expand D (36.00 x 24.00 Inches)" "ARCH expand C (18.00 x 24.00 Inches)" "ARCH expand C (24.00 x 18.00 Inches)" "ARCH expand B (12.00 x 18.00 Inches)" "ARCH expand B (18.00 x 12.00 Inches)" "ARCH expand A (9.00 x 12.00 Inches)" "ARCH expand A (12.00 x 9.00 Inches)" "ARCH E1 (30.00 x 42.00 Inches)" "ARCH E1 (42.00 x 30.00 Inches)" "ARCH E (36.00 x 48.00 Inches)" "ARCH E (48.00 x 36.00 Inches)" "ARCH D (24.00 x 36.00 Inches)" "ARCH D (36.00 x 24.00 Inches)" "ARCH C (18.00 x 24.00 Inches)" "ARCH C (24.00 x 18.00 Inches)" "ARCH B (12.00 x 18.00 Inches)" "ARCH B (18.00 x 12.00 Inches)" "ARCH A (9.00 x 12.00 Inches)" "ARCH A (12.00 x 9.00 Inches)" "ANSI expand E (44.00 x 34.00 Inches)" "ANSI expand E (34.00 x 44.00 Inches)" "ANSI expand D (22.00 x 34.00 Inches)" "ANSI expand D (34.00 x 22.00 Inches)" "ANSI expand C (17.00 x 22.00 Inches)" "ANSI expand C (22.00 x 17.00 Inches)" "ANSI expand B (11.00 x 17.00 Inches)" "ANSI expand B (17.00 x 11.00 Inches)" "ANSI expand A (8.50 x 11.00 Inches)" "ANSI expand A (11.00 x 8.50 Inches)" "ANSI E (44.00 x 34.00 Inches)" "ANSI E (34.00 x 44.00 Inches)" "ANSI D (22.00 x 34.00 Inches)" "ANSI D (34.00 x 22.00 Inches)" "ANSI C (17.00 x 22.00 Inches)" "ANSI C (22.00 x 17.00 Inches)" "ANSI B (11.00 x 17.00 Inches)" "ANSI B (17.00 x 11.00 Inches)" "ANSI A (8.50 x 11.00 Inches)" "ANSI A (11.00 x 8.50 Inches)" )) (reverse PLTLST) (progn (setq SOURCE (getfiled "PICK FILE TO GET PATH" (getvar "DWGPREFIX") "DWG" 16))(princ) (setq WINPATH SOURCE DOSPATH SOURCE) ;***STRIP FILENAME FROM END OF STRING*** (while (/= "\\" (substr WINPATH (strlen WINPATH ) 1)) (setq WINPATH (substr WINPATH 1 (- (strlen WINPATH ) 1))) );while NOT \ ;***STRIP FILENAME FROM END OF STRING*** ; PUT DOUBLE QUOTES AROUND FOLDER NAMES AND FILE NAME (setq CNT 1 SRC (strlen DOSPATH) 2CNT 0) (while (< CNT SRC ) (setq SING_CHAR (substr DOSPATH CNT 1)) (if (= SING_CHAR "\\") (progn (if (>= 2CNT 1) (progn (setq DOSPATH (strcat (substr DOSPATH 1 (- CNT 1)) "\"\\\"" (substr DOSPATH (+ CNT 1)(- SRC CNT)) );strcat );setq (setq CNT (+ CNT 1) 2CNT (+ 2CNT 1)) );progn (progn (setq DOSPATH (strcat (substr DOSPATH 1 CNT) "\"" (substr DOSPATH (+ CNT 1)(- SRC CNT)) );strcat );setq (setq CNT (+ CNT 1) 2CNT (+ 2CNT 1)) );progn );if );progn );if (setq SRC (strlen DOSPATH)) (setq CNT (+ CNT 1)) );while (setq DOSPATH (strcat DOSPATH "\"")) ; PUT DOUBLE QUOTES AROUND FOLDER NAMES AND FILE NAME ;***STRIP FILENAME FROM END OF STRING*** (while (/= "\\" (substr DOSPATH (strlen DOSPATH ) 1)) (setq DOSPATH (substr DOSPATH 1 (- (strlen DOSPATH ) 1))) );while NOT \ ;***STRIP FILENAME FROM END OF STRING*** (setq DIRNAMES (strcat DOSPATH"*.DWG")) (prompt "\nCreating directory list file, please wait ... ") (command "SHELL" (strcat "DIR " DIRNAMES "/B/A:-d/O:-n>" DOSPATH"DIR.LST")) ;make dir.lst file (setq IN_UNIT (open (strcat WINPATH"DIR.LST") "r"));open DIR.lst file (setq COUNT 0) (while (setq INLINE (read-line IN_UNIT)) ;read line (progn ;from (setq DIRN (substr INLINE 1 (- (strlen INLINE) 4)));dir.lst (setq COUNT (1+ COUNT)) ;file (if (= COUNT 1) ;construct (progn (setq DIRN1 DIRN) ;DIRLST (setq DIRLST (list DIRN1)) );progn );if ;list (if (= COUNT 2) ;line (setq DIRLST (list DIRN DIRN1)) ;by );if ;line (if (>= COUNT 3) ;from (setq DIRLST (cons DIRN DIRLST)) ;dir.lst );if ;file );progn );while (close IN_UNIT) ;close dir.lst file );progn ;***SAVE OLD VARIABLES AND SET NEW VALUES*** ;***DIALOG BOX TO PICK LISP PROGRAM*** (setq dcl_id (load_dialog plotdcl)) (if (not (new_dialog "scr_plt" dcl_id)) (exit) );if (start_list "SIZELIST") (mapcar 'add_list PLTLST) (end_list) (start_list "PLOTLIST") (mapcar 'add_list DIRLST) (end_list) (action_tile "accept" "(done_dialog 1)") (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog 0)") (action_tile "NOPL" "(setq NOPL (atoi $value))") (action_tile "SIZELIST" "(setq pick_no $value)") (action_tile "PLOTLIST" "(setq READLIST $value)") (setq end_code (start_dialog)) (unload_dialog dcl_id) (if (= end_code 0) (exit) );if (if pick_no (setq PNAME (nth (atoi pick_no) PLTLST))) (setq PLTVW "E") (setq COUNT 1)(while (setq ITEM (read READLIST)) (setq SCRLST (cons (nth ITEM DIRLST) SCRLST)) (while (and (/= " " (substr READLIST COUNT 1)) (/= "" (substr READLIST COUNT 1)) );and (setq COUNT (1+ COUNT)) );while (setq READLIST (substr READLIST COUNT )));while (if (= PNAME nil)(setq PNAME "FFEM A3")) (setq SCRLEN (length SCRLST))(setq LSTPOS 0)(setq OUT_UNIT (open (strcat WINPATH"PLT.SCR") "w")) (repeat SCRLEN ;********START REPEAT******** (setq DWGNAM (nth LSTPOS SCRLST)) (setq OPENDWG (strcat "OPEN ""\""WINPATH DWGNAM"\"")) (write-line "QSAVE" OUT_UNIT) ;write cmd.scr file (write-line "CLOSE" OUT_UNIT) (write-line OPENDWG OUT_UNIT) (write-line "ZOOM" OUT_UNIT) (write-line "EXTENTS" OUT_UNIT) (write-line "QSAVE" OUT_UNIT)(repeat NOPL (write-line "(if (= (getvar \"CTAB\") \"Model\")(setq test \"A\")(setq test \"N\"))(princ)" OUT_UNIT) (write-line "PLOT" OUT_UNIT) (write-line "Y" OUT_UNIT) (write-line "(getvar \"CTAB\")" OUT_UNIT) (write-line "\\\\Ffecad\\Acad2004\\Plotters\\XES 8830 HDI.pc3" OUT_UNIT) (write-line PNAME OUT_UNIT) (write-line "I" OUT_UNIT) (write-line "L" OUT_UNIT) (write-line "N" OUT_UNIT) (write-line PLTVW OUT_UNIT) (write-line "F" OUT_UNIT) (write-line "0.00,0.00" OUT_UNIT) (write-line "Y" OUT_UNIT) (write-line "." OUT_UNIT) (write-line "Y" OUT_UNIT) (write-line "(princ test)" OUT_UNIT) (write-line "N" OUT_UNIT) (write-line "N" OUT_UNIT) (write-line "(if (= (getvar \"CTAB\") \"Model\")(princ)(setq test \"N\"))" OUT_UNIT) (write-line "(if (= (getvar \"CTAB\") \"Model\")(princ)(setq test \"N\"))" OUT_UNIT) (write-line "Y" OUT_UNIT) );repeat (setq LSTPOS (+ LSTPOS 1)));repeat *********END REPEAT*********** (write-line "QSAVE" OUT_UNIT) ;write cmd.scr file (close OUT_UNIT) ;close cmd.scr file (setq *error* olderr) ;Restore old *error* handler (command ".SCRIPT"(strcat WINPATH"PLT")) ;plot drawing(princ));scrplt.lsp *********************************************************************** Scrplt.dclscr_plt : dialog { label = "SCRPLT.LSP Rev. 1.08"; : text { label ="Maintained by"; } :row{ : text { label ="With no selection default size = FFEM A3 "; } : edit_box { label = "Number of plots per drawing selected: "; value = "1"; key = "NOPL"; edit_width = 4; } } :row{ : list_box { allow_accept = true; key = "SIZELIST"; height = 12; width = 40; } : list_box { multiple_select = true; key = "PLOTLIST"; height = 12; width = 40; } } ok_cancel;} :)
x13 Posté(e) le 9 mars 2005 Posté(e) le 9 mars 2005 Celui-ci fonctionne bien, ;;; ==========================================================================;;; File : PLOTALL.LSP;;; Purpose : Provides PLOTALL and -PLOTALL commands to plot all paper space;;; layouts in the current drawing, thereby working around the;;; "Layout of order" item in January 2003 Bug Watch.;;; Author : Steve Johnson for Cadalyst magazine.;;; Notes : Expects to find PLOTALL.DCL in search path.;;; Uses AutoCAD 2000+ Visual LISP functions.;;; Only tested on AutoCAD 2000 and 2002.;;; ========================================================================== ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; Function: C:PLOTALL;; Purpose : Dialogue box version of command to plot all paper space layouts;; in the current drawing.;; Global : PLOTALL-DEVICE: string containing name of plot device, e.g.;; "\\\\server\\plotter" or;; "plotter.pc3";; PLOTALL-QTY: number of each layout to plot;; PLOTALL-ORDER: order in which to plot (string) ;; PLOTALL-REV: reverse order? (boolean: T = reverse);; Local : dclfile: full filename of "PlotAll.dcl" file;; dcl#: DCL ID number;; device-list: list of available plot devices;; order-list: list of order strings;; device#: index number of chosen device in device-list;; order#: index number of chosen order in order-list;; quantity: temporary number of each layout to plot;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun C:PLOTALL (/ ; Functions init_vars init_tiles call_ok ; Variables dclfile dcl# device-list order-list device# order# quantity ) ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; Function: init_vars;; Purpose : Sets up variables prior to invoking dialogue box.;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun init_vars () (if (not PLOTALL-DEVICE) (setq PLOTALL-DEVICE "None")) (if (not PLOTALL-QTY) (setq PLOTALL-QTY 1)) (if (not PLOTALL-ORDER) (setq PLOTALL-ORDER "Alpha")) (setq device-list (plotall_device_list) order-list '("Alpha" "Numeric" "Tab") order# (- (length order-list) (length (member PLOTALL-ORDER order-list))) quantity PLOTALL-QTY ) (if (and PLOTALL-DEVICE (member PLOTALL-DEVICE device-list)) (setq device# (- (length device-list) (length (member PLOTALL-DEVICE device-list))) ) (setq device# 0) ) ) ; End init_vars ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; Function: init_tiles;; Purpose : Sets up dialogue box tiles prior to invoking dialogue box.;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun init_tiles () (action_tile "accept" "(call_ok)") (start_list "device_list") (foreach one device-list (add_list one) ) (end_list) (start_list "order_list") (foreach one order-list (add_list one) ) (end_list) (set_tile "device_list" (itoa device#)) (set_tile "order_list" (itoa order#)) (set_tile "reverse" (if PLOTALL-REV "1" "0")) (set_tile "quantity" (itoa quantity)) ) ; End init_tiles ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; Function: call_ok;; Purpose : Callback function for OK button. Ensures a quantity greater than;; 0 and a device other than "None".;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun call_ok () (if (> (setq quantity (atoi (get_tile "quantity"))) 0) (if (> (setq device# (atoi (get_tile "device_list"))) 0) (progn (setq PLOTALL-DEVICE (nth device# device-list) PLOTALL-ORDER (nth (atoi (get_tile "order_list")) order-list) PLOTALL-REV (= (get_tile "reverse") "1") PLOTALL-QTY quantity ) (done_dialog 1) ) (set_tile "error" "Vous devez choisir un modèle d'imprimante ou de traceur") ) (set_tile "error" "Quantité doit être 1 ou plus") ) ) ; End call_ok ;; Start C:PLOTALL ----------------------------------------------------------- (cond ((not (findfile (setq dclfile "PlotAll.dcl"))) (alert "Cannot find PlotAll.dcl") ) ((< (setq dcl# (load_dialog dclfile)) 0) ; Error (prompt (strcat "\nCannot load " dclfile ".")) ) ((not (new_dialog "plotall_main" dcl#)) ; Error (prompt (strcat "\nProblem with " dclfile ".")) ) (T ; No DCL problems: fire it up (init_vars) (init_tiles) (setq action (start_dialog)) (unload_dialog dcl#) (if (= action 1) (plotall_layouts PLOTALL-DEVICE PLOTALL-QTY PLOTALL-ORDER PLOTALL-REV) ) ) ) (princ)) ; End C:PLOTALL ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; Function: C:-PLOTALL;; Purpose : Command line version of command to plot all paper space layouts;; in the current drawing.;; Global : PLOTALL-DEVICE: string containing name of plot device;; PLOTALL-QTY: number of each layout to plot;; PLOTALL-ORDER: order in which to plot (string) ;; PLOTALL-REV: reverse order? (boolean: T = reverse);; Local : device: temporary string containing name of plot device;; device-list: list of available plot devices;; order: temporary order in which to plot (string);; rev: temporary reverse order? (boolean: T = reverse);; quantity: temporary number of each layout to plot;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun C:-PLOTALL (/ device device-list order rev quantity) (if (not PLOTALL-DEVICE) (setq PLOTALL-DEVICE "None")) (if (not PLOTALL-QTY) (setq PLOTALL-QTY 1)) (if (not PLOTALL-ORDER) (setq PLOTALL-ORDER "Alpha")) (setq device (getstring T (strcat "\nPlot device <" PLOTALL-DEVICE ">: "))) (if (= device "") (setq device PLOTALL-DEVICE)) (cond ((= device "None") (prompt "\nMust specify a plot device.") ) ((not (member (strcase device) (mapcar 'strcase (setq device-list (plotall_device_list))) ) ) (foreach one device-list (if (/= one "None") (prompt (strcat one "\n")) ) ) (prompt "Must specify one of the above plot devices.\n") ) (progn (initget "Alpha Numeric Tab") (setq order (getkword (strcat "\nImprime selon un Ordre [Alphabéthique/Numerique/Tab] <" PLOTALL-ORDER ">: " ) ) ) (if order (setq PLOTALL-ORDER order)) (initget "Yes No") (setq rev (getkword (strcat "\nOrdre inverse [Yes/No] <" (if PLOTALL-REV "Yes" "No") ">: " ) ) ) (if rev (setq PLOTALL-REV (= rev "Yes"))) (initget 6) ; Positive integer (setq PLOTALL-DEVICE device quantity (getint (strcat "\nNombre de copies <" (itoa PLOTALL-QTY) ">: ")) ) (if quantity (setq PLOTALL-QTY quantity)) (plotall_layouts PLOTALL-DEVICE PLOTALL-QTY PLOTALL-ORDER PLOTALL-REV) ) ) (princ)) ; End C:-PLOTALL ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; Function: plotall_device_list;; Purpose : Returns list of strings of all available plot devices.;; Local : curdwg: current drawing object;; pslayout: paper space layout object;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun plotall_device_list (/ curdwg pslayout) (vl-load-com) (setq curdwg (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-Acad-Object)) pslayout (vla-get-Layout (vla-get-PaperSpace curdwg)) ) ; Call RefreshPlotDeviceInfo before GetPlotDeviceNames (vla-RefreshPlotDeviceInfo pslayout) (vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value (vla-GetPlotDeviceNames pslayout)))) ; End plotall_device_list ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; Function: plotall_layouts;; Purpose : Plots all paper space layouts in current drawing to a specified;; plot device, in the specified quantity.;; Params : DEVICE: string containing name of plot device;; QTY: number of each layout to plot;; ORDER: order in which to plot ("Alpha" "Numeric" "Tab");; REV: boolean: if T, reverse plot order;; Local : curdwg: current drawing object;; layout-array: safearray of a single layout name string;; layout-list: list of layout name strings;; plot: plot object (needed to actually perform plot);; errmsg: returned object from failed plot attempt;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun plotall_layouts (DEVICE QTY ORDER REV / ; Functions delnth sortlist str_num_sort tab_sort ; Variables curdwg layout-array layout-list plot errmsg) ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; Function: delnth;; Purpose : Returns a list with the Nth item deleted;; Params : N: index number of item to delete (0 is first item in list);; LST: list to delete from;; Local : #: item counter;; tlst: temporary list;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun delnth (N LST / # tlst) (setq # 0) (while (and LST (/= # N)) (setq tlst (cons (car LST) tlst) LST (cdr LST) # (1+ #) ) ) (reverse (append (reverse (cdr LST)) tlst)) ) ; End delnth ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; Function: sortlist;; Purpose : Sorts a list, allowing any function to be used for item comparison.;; Params : LST: list to sort;; FUN: name of function to apply to test for "lower": could be a;; built-in function (e.g. >) or a user defined function,;; possibly defined on the spot using lambda.;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun sortlist (LST FUN / size # pos high item tmplst) (repeat (1- (setq size (length LST))) (setq # 1 ; Position of 1st item to compare with highest item pos 0 ; Position of initial highest item high (nth 0 LST) ; Value of initial highest item ) (while (< # size) ; Walk through the whole list, finding the highest item (if (apply FUN (list high (setq item (nth # LST)))) ; Test for higher (setq ; Found a higher item, so record its: high item ; value, pos # ; position ) ) (setq # (1+ #)) ; Test next item ) (setq tmplst (cons high tmplst) ; Stick highest item at start of temp list LST (delnth pos LST) ; Delete highest item from main list, size (- size 1) ; and reduce size of main list ) ) (cons (car LST) tmplst) ; Add last (lowest) item to start and return ) ; End sortlist ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; Function: str_num_sort;; Purpose : Sorts a list of layouts into tab number order.;; Params : LST: list of sublists to sort. Each sublist contains a tab;; number index integer and a layout name string.;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun str_num_sort (LST / split_str_num str_num_compare) ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; Function: split_str_num;; Purpose : Divides a string into 3 parts: string prefix, numeric middle and;; string suffix.;; Params : STR: string to split;; Local : #: loop counter/character index;; ch: current character;; slen: string length;; s1: string prefix;; s2: string containing numeric middle;; s3: string prefix;; Returns : Always a list containing a string, a real and a string. If any of;; these elements do not exist, defaults of "", 0.0 and "" are used.;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun split_str_num (STR / # ch slen s1 s2 s3) (setq # 0 slen (strlen STR) s1 "" ) (while (and (<= (setq # (1+ #)) slen) (not s3)) (if (wcmatch (setq ch (substr STR # 1)) "[0123456789.]") (if s2 (setq s2 (strcat s2 ch)) (setq s2 ch) ) (if s2 (setq s3 (substr STR # 1)) (setq s1 (strcat s1 ch)) ) ) ) (list s1 (if s2 (atof s2) 0.0) (if s3 s3 "")) ) ; End split_str_num ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; Function: str_num_compare;; Purpose : Compares 2 lists. Each list contains a tab number index integer;; and a layout name string. The tab number is ignored and the;; layout name string is divided into 3 parts: string prefix,;; numeric middle and string suffix. The comparison is then performed;; on the first then second, then third items, then on the string as;; a whole.;; Params : X, Y: lists to compare;; Local : xlist: list of 3 parts derived from X layout name string;; ylist: list of 3 parts derived from Y layout name string;; Returns : T if X < Y, else nil.;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun str_num_compare (X Y / xlist ylist) (setq xlist (split_str_num (cadr X)) ylist (split_str_num (cadr Y)) ) (if (= (car xlist) (car ylist)) ; if 1st are equal (if (= (cadr xlist) (cadr ylist)) ; if 2nd are equal (if (= (caddr xlist) (caddr ylist)) ; if 3rd are equal (< (cadr X) (cadr Y)) ; then ascending on whole string (< (caddr xlist) (caddr ylist)) ; else ascending on 3rd ) (< (cadr xlist) (cadr ylist)) ; else ascending on 2nd ) (< (car xlist) (car ylist)) ; else ascending on 1st ) ) ; End str_num_compare ;; Start str_num_sort -------------------------------------------------------- (reverse (sortlist LST 'str_num_compare)) ) ; End str_num_sort ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------;; Function: tab_sort;; Purpose : Sorts a list of layouts into tab number order.;; Params : LST: list of sublists to sort. Each sublist contains a tab;; number index integer and a layout name string.;; Local : #: index integer counter;; retlst: sorted list to return;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun tab_sort (LST / # retlst) (setq # 1) (while (< (length retlst) (length LST)) (foreach one LST (if (= (car one) #) (setq retlst (cons one retlst) # (1+ #) ) ) ) ) retlst ) ; End tab_sort ;; Start plotall_layouts ----------------------------------------------------- (vl-load-com) (setq curdwg (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-Acad-Object)) layout-array (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbString '(0 . 0)) ) (vlax-for layout (vla-get-Layouts curdwg) (if (/= (vla-get-Name layout) "Model") (setq layout-list (cons (list (vla-get-TabOrder layout) (vla-get-Name layout)) layout-list ) ) ) ) (cond ((= ORDER "Numeric") (setq layout-list (str_num_sort layout-list)) ) ((= ORDER "Tab") (setq layout-list (tab_sort layout-list)) ) ) (if (not REV) ; Layout list to be reversed? (setq layout-list (reverse layout-list)) ) (foreach layout layout-list (prompt (strcat "\nPlotting layout " (itoa (car layout)) ", \"" (cadr layout) "\"...\n" ) ) (setq layout-array (vlax-safearray-fill layout-array (cdr layout)) plot (vla-get-Plot curdwg) ) (vla-SetLayoutsToPlot plot layout-array) (vla-put-NumberOfCopies plot QTY) (setq errmsg (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-PlotToDevice (list plot DEVICE))) (if (vl-catch-all-error-p errmsg) (prompt (strcat "\nERROR: Plot failed due to following condition:\n " (vl-catch-all-error-message errmsg) "\n" ) ) ) ) (princ)) ; End plotall_layouts (princ) ;;; ==========================================================================;;; End PLOTALL.LSP;;; ========================================================================== //// -------------------------------------------------------------------------//// File : PlotAll.dcl//// Author : Steve Johnson//// Purpose : Dialogue box definition for PLOTALL command.//// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------/// Turn off error checking/// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- dcl_settings : default_dcl_settings { audit_level = 0; } /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------/// Widget: plotall_main/// This is the main PLOTALL dialogue box./// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- plotall_main : dialog { label = "PlotAll.lsp - Imprime tous les onglets (espace papier) du dessin courant"; : popup_list { key = "device_list"; label = "Imprimante-Traceur "; } spacer; : row { : popup_list { key = "order_list"; label = "Ordre "; } : toggle { key = "reverse"; label = "Ordre Inverse"; } } spacer; : edit_box { key = "quantity"; label = "Quantité"; } spacer; ok_cancel; errtile;} /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------/// End PlotAll.dcl/// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- :)
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