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MAPCOUP de Gilles : Coupure en gardant les ODs

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Je recopie ici une ancienne routine de notre Grand Maitre Gilles !


Elle est fort pratique pour couper les LWPolys 2D, Lignes, Arcs

Sur UN Point XY en gardant "des 2 cotes" les ODs de MAP ...


Cette routine MAPCOUP peut paraitre LONGUE

Mais en fait c parce que elle integre la routine COPY_OD ...


Je l utilise de temps en temps ...


---- On pourrait envisager une petite amelioration comme dans la commande COUPURE

---- Option "1er Point" pour indiquer un point de coupure qui ne serait pas SUR le point de selection !?


**** Demande ci-dessus INUTILE car option 1er Point POSSIBLE !! Voir les messages suivants !!


Encore MERCI Gilles pour TOUT ce que tu partages avec la Communaute !


LA SANTE (Stay Safe), Bye, lecrabe "triste"

Automne 2020, la retraite



;;; Dev special de GC pour Patrice B. 
;;; Voir la partie MAPCOUP en fin de programme ... 
;;; COPY_OD ajoute dans la routine par securite
;;; Coupure en gardant les ODs de MAP et aussi les XDs
;;; pour les objets : LIGNE , ARC , Polylignes 2D (NON Splinees / NON Courbees)

;;;    COPY_OD.LSP
;;;    (C) Copyright 1998 by Autodesk, Inc.
;;;    Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
;;;    for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
;;;    that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and
;;;    that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and
;;;    restricted rights notice below appear in all supporting
;;;    documentation.
;;;    Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
;;;    restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (Commercial Computer
;;;    Software - Restricted Rights) and DFAR 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii)
;;;    (Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software), as applicable.
;;;    July 1996
;;;    Copy object data from one object to a set of other objects. If the
;;;    object data to be copied already exists on the target object the
;;;    options to not copy, copy once and copy all are presented.
;;;    Careful, it is possible to corrupt existing topological data
;;;    using this routine.

;;; Function: C:COPY_OD
;;; Main routine for copying object data from an object to
;;; a selection set of object. 
(defun C:COPY_OD ( 
 source_obj                 ; source object
 target_obj                 ; target object
 target_ss                  ; target selection set
 ct                         ; count
 len                        ; length
 overwrite                  ; overwrite flag
 error                      ; old error function
 (setq error *error*)
 ;; Define error handler
 (defun *error* (msg)
   (alert msg)
   (setq *error* error)
 ;; Input the source object to copy data from
 (princ "\nSelect SOURCE object: ")
 (setq source_obj (car (entsel)))
 (if (null source_obj)
   (prompt "\nNo source object selected.")
     ;; If the object has object data attached process it
     (if (null (ade_odgettables source_obj))
       (princ "\nSelected object contains no object data.")
         (princ "\n\nSelect TARGET objects: ")
         (setq target_ss (ssget))
         (if (null target_ss)
           (prompt "\nNo target object selected.")
             (setq len (sslength target_ss))
             (setq ct 0)
             (princ "\nCopying object data...")
             (while (< ct len)
               (setq target_obj (ssname target_ss ct))
               (redraw target_obj 3)
               (setq ct (+ ct 1))
               (setq overwrite (COPY_DATA source_obj target_obj overwrite))
               (redraw target_obj 4)
 (setq *error* error)                                ;restore error handler
 (prompt "\nProcessing completed.")

;;; Function: C:COPY_DATA
;;; Copy object data from the source object to the target object.
;;; If the data is already found to exist on a target object, the 
;;; user is prompted what to do. Either to replace it only on the 
;;; target, for all objects in  the selection set, or to skip it.
(defun COPY_DATA (
 overwrite                   ; overwrite flag
 ct        ct2 
 cttemp    fld 
 fldnme    fldnamelist 
 fldtyp    fldtypelist
 len       numrec 
 OK        tbl 
 tbllist   tbldef 
 tblstr    val 

 ;; access all OD tables from source object
 (if (setq tbllist (ade_odgettables source_obj))
     ;; for each table on source object
     (foreach tbl tbllist
        (prompt (strcat "\nProcessing source table " tbl "."))
        ;; determine if target object has object
        ;; data records for current table
        (setq OK nil)
        (setq numrec (ade_odrecordqty target_obj tbl))
        ;; If the table is found on object ask what to do
        (if (and (> numrec 0) (/= overwrite "All"))
            (initget "All Yes No")
            (setq overwrite (getkword "\nOverwrite existing record(s) on target? (All/Yes/No) <All>: "))
            (if (null overwrite)
              (setq overwrite "All")
        (if (or (= overwrite "All") 
                (= overwrite "Yes")
                (= numrec 0)
           (setq OK T)
        ;; delete all existing records on target 
        ;; object if overwrite flag is set
        (if (and (> numrec 0)
                 (or (= overwrite "Yes")(= overwrite "All"))
            (setq ct 0)
            (while (< ct numrec)
              (ade_oddelrecord target_obj tbl ct)
              (setq ct (+ ct 1))
        (if OK
           ;; build list of field names
           (setq tbldef (ade_odtabledefn tbl))
           (setq tblstr (cdr (nth 2 tbldef)))
           (setq fldnamelist ())
           (setq fldtypelist ())
           (foreach fld tblstr
             (setq fldnme (cdr (nth 0 fld)))
             (setq fldtyp (cdr (nth 2 fld)))
             (setq fldnamelist (append fldnamelist (list fldnme)))
             (setq fldtypelist (append fldtypelist (list fldtyp)))
           ;; for each record on source object 
           (setq numrec (ade_odrecordqty source_obj tbl))
           (setq ct 0)
           (while (< ct numrec)
             ;; build list of values
             (setq cttemp 0)
             (setq vallist ())
             (foreach fld fldnamelist
               (setq typ (nth cttemp fldtypelist))
               (setq cttemp (+ cttemp 1))
               (setq val (ade_odgetfield source_obj tbl fld ct))
               (if (= typ "Integer")(setq val (fix val)))
               (setq vallist (append vallist (list val)))
             ;; add a record to target object
             (ade_odaddrecord target_obj tbl)
             ;; populate target record with values from source record
             (setq ct2 0)
             (while (< ct2 (length vallist))
               (setq val (nth ct2 vallist))
               (setq fld (nth ct2 fldnamelist))
               (setq ct2 (+ ct2 1))
               (ade_odsetfield target_obj tbl fld ct val)
             (setq ct (+ ct 1))
 ;; Return overwrite status so it can 
 ;; be passed back in for the next object.

;;; Dev special pour couper en gardant les ODs de MAP

(defun C:MAPCOUP(/ lastEnt ent pt) 

(princ "\nCoupure au Point XY de LWPoly 2D, Ligne, Arc en gardant les ODs de MAP et XDs AutoCAD ") 

 (if (setq v1 (entsel))
     (setq ent (car v1) pt (cadr v1) lastEnt (entlast))
     (command "_Break" pt)
     (while (= (substr (getvar "CMDNAMES") 1 5) "BREAK")
       (command pause)
     (if (not (equal (entlast) lastEnt))
       (COPY_DATA ent (entlast) T)

;;; (prompt "\nType: COPY_OD to copy object data.")
    (prompt "\nType: MAPCOUP (LWPoly 2D, Ligne, Arc) pour couper en GARDANT les ODs de MAP et XDs AutoCAD ")


Autodesk Expert Elite Team


Hello Gilles


YES tu as raison : l option 1er Point est bien DISPO !

Un peu beaucoup fatigue HIER l antique Decapode !


En fait je travaillais sur MAP 2021 et j etais obnubile par la prodigieuse nouvelle commande de la version 2021 :



Tout en bricolant simultanement sur un bon vieux MAP 2017 avec MAPCOUP ...


Neanmoins si tu as qq instants a consacrer a MAPCOUP !?


SVP je sollicite une petite amelioration :

Traiter TOUTES les Polylignes 2D (Legeres / Lourdes = Splinees / Courbees)

et AUSSI les 3DPolys (Closes ou Pas, Splinees ou Pas)


MERCI d'avance de ton attention, LA SANTE (Stay Safe), Bye, lecrabe "triste"

Automne 2020, la retraite

Autodesk Expert Elite Team

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