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J'ai une caisse de présentation à bricoler. Tabsort de Leemac fait bien l'affaire. Mais comme d'ab j'ai un mais...Est que c'est compliqué de faire une fenêtre ajustable en longueur pour la boite de dialogue ou de me dire quoi modifier pour avoir une fenetre plus haute.J'ai environ 75 présentations, et évoluer dans une boite de dialogue avec seulement 10 lignes visibles est pas super pratique.N'étant pas familier des DCL et pas suffisamment anglophone pour m’adresser à l'auteur, je me tourne vers vous en vous remerciant si vous avez un truc pour allonger ce machin...


hello X all



remplace ca ca devrait te faire une fenêtre plus grande


si ca déepasse ton écran joue avec les chiffre en gras


width = 100


height = 80


edit_width = 100









(defun _WriteDCL ( fname / ofile )
           (findfile fname)
         ( (setq ofile (open fname "w"))
           (foreach line
               "//---------------------=={ TabSort.dcl }==--------------------//"
               "//                                                            //"
               "//  Dialog Definition file for use in conjunction with        //"
               "//  TabSort.lsp                                               //"
               "//  Author: Lee Mac, Copyright © 2011 -       //"
               "dcl_settings : default_dcl_settings { audit_level = 1; }"
               "//                   SubAssembly Definitions                  //"
               "button13 : button   { width = 13; alignment = centered; fixed_width = true; }"
               "button16 : button   { width = 16; alignment = centered; fixed_width = true; }"
               "    eBox : edit_box { alignment = centered; fixed_width = true; allow_accept = true; is_tab_stop = true; }"
               "    fBox : edit_box { alignment = left; fixed_width = true; is_tab_stop = true; }"
               "   title : text     { alignment = centered; is_bold = true; fixed_width = false;}"
               "     txt : text     { alignment = centered; fixed_width = false; }"
               "    ltxt : text     { alignment = left;     fixed_width = false; }"
               "//                        Main Dialog                         //"
               "tabsort : dialog { key = \"dcltitle\";"
               "  : image_button { key = \"help\"; label = \"&help\"; color = -15; height = 0.1; width = 0.1; fixed_width = true; }"
               "  spacer;"
               "  "
               "  : row {"
               "    : button13 { key = \"mtop\"; label = \"Top\"      ; mnemonic = \"T\"; }"
               "    : button13 { key = \"up\"  ; label = \"Up\"       ; mnemonic = \"U\"; }"
               "    : button13 { key = \"down\"; label = \"Down\"     ; mnemonic = \"D\"; }"
               "    : button13 { key = \"mbot\"; label = \"Bottom\"   ; mnemonic = \"B\"; }"
               "  }"
               "  "
               "  : list_box { key = \"tabs\"; width = 100 ; height = 80; fixed_width = false; alignment = centered;  multiple_select = true; }"
               "  "
               "  : row {"
               "    : button13 { key = \"sort\"; label = \"Sort...\"  ; mnemonic = \"S\"; }"
               "    : button13 { key = \"rev\" ; label = \"Reverse\"  ; mnemonic = \"R\"; }"
               "    : button13 { key = \"p_s\" ; label = \"Pref/Suff\"; mnemonic = \"P\"; }"
               "    : button13 { key = \"cur\" ; label = \"Current\"  ; mnemonic = \"n\"; }"
               "  }"
               "  "
               "  spacer;"
               "  "
               "  : row { fixed_width = false;"
               "    : button13 { key = \"add\"   ; label = \"Add\"    ; mnemonic = \"A\"; }"
               "    : button13 { key = \"del\"   ; label = \"Delete\" ; mnemonic = \"e\"; }"
               "    : button13 { key = \"copy\"  ; label = \"Copy\"   ; mnemonic = \"C\"; }"
               "    : button13 { key = \"fnr\"   ; label = \"Find\"   ; mnemonic = \"F\"; }"
               "  }"
               "  "
               "  : text { label = \"Double-click to Rename a Tab, Press H for Help\" ; alignment = centered; }"
               "  "
               "  : row  { fixed_width = true ; alignment = centered;"
               "    : button13 { key = \"accept\"; label = \"Done\"   ; mnemonic = \"o\"; is_default = true; is_cancel = true; }"
               "    : button13 { key = \"res\"   ; label = \"Reset\"  ; mnemonic = \"s\"; }               "
               "  }"
               "//                        Rename Dialog                       //"
               "rename : dialog { label = \"Rename Tab\"; spacer;"
               "  : eBox { key = \"name\"; edit_width = 100; edit_limit = 255; label = \"Tab Name:\"; }"
               "  : errtile { } "
               "  spacer; ok_cancel;"
               "//                    Delete Warning Dialog                   //"
               "delwarn : dialog { label = \"Warning\"; spacer;"
               "  : text { alignment = centered; label = \"The Selected Tab(s) will be Permanently Deleted\"; }"
               "  : text { alignment = centered; label = \"Proceed?\"; }"
               "  spacer; ok_cancel;"
               "//                    Prefix/Suffix Dialog                    //"
               "prefsuff : dialog { label = \"Add Prefix/Suffix\"; spacer;"
               "  : row {"
               "    : column {"
               "      : text { alignment = centered; label = \"Prefix\"; }"
               "      : eBox { key = \"pref\"; edit_width = 15; edit_limit = 255; }"
               "    }"
               "    : column {"
               "      : spacer { alignment = centered; width = 10; }"
               "      : text   { alignment = centered; label = \"< Tab Name >\"; }"
               "    }"
               "    : column {"
               "      : text { alignment = centered; label = \"Suffix\"; }"
               "      : eBox { key = \"suff\"; edit_width = 15; edit_limit = 255; }"
               "    }"
               "  }  "
               "  spacer;"
               "  "
               "  : row { spacer;"
               "    : toggle { key = \"all\"; label = \"Apply to all Tabs\"; mnemonic = \"A\"; alignment = right; is_tab_stop = true; }"
               "  }"
               "  : errtile { } ok_cancel;"
               "//                        Find Dialog                         //"
               "find : dialog { label = \"Find and Replace\"; spacer;"
               "  : row {"
               "    : column { fixed_height = true;"
               "      : text { key = \"fw\"  ; label = \"Find What:\"           ; }"
               "      : fBox { key = \"fstr\"; edit_width = 30; mnemonic = \"W\"; }"
               "      : text { key = \"rw\"  ; label = \"Replace With:\"        ; }"
               "      : fBox { key = \"rstr\"; edit_width = 30; mnemonic = \"R\"; }"
               "    }"
               "    : spacer { width = 4; }"
               "    : column { fixed_height = true;"
               "      : spacer   { height = 0.2   ; }"
               "      : button16 { key = \"fnd\"  ; label = \"Find\"       ; mnemonic = \"F\"; }"
               "      : button16 { key = \"rep\"  ; label = \"Replace\"    ; mnemonic = \"p\"; }"
               "      : button16 { key = \"repa\" ; label = \"Replace All\"; mnemonic = \"A\"; }"
               "    }"
               "  }"
               "  "
               "  spacer;"
               "  : text { key = \"ftxt\"; alignment = left; label = \"String not Found!\"; value = \"\"; }"
               "  spacer;"
               "  : button13 { key = \"accept\";    label = \"Done\"    ; mnemonic = \"o\"; is_default = true; is_cancel = true  ; }"
               "//                        Sort Dialog                         //"
               "sort : dialog { label = \"Sort\"; spacer;"
               "  : boxed_column { label = \"Sort Type\";"
               "  "
               "    : popup_list { key = \"typ\"; alignment = centered; }"
               "    "
               "    spacer;"
               "    "
               "    : radio_row { children_alignment = centered;"
               "      : radio_button { key = \"asc\"; label = \"Ascending\" ; }"
               "      : radio_button { key = \"des\"; label = \"Descending\"; }"
               "    }"
               "    spacer;"
               "  }"
               "  "
               "  spacer;"
               "  "
               "  : row { fixed_width = false; alignment = centered;"
               "    : button13 { key = \"accept\"; label = \"Sort\"  ; mnemonic = \"S\"; is_default = true; }"
               "    : button13 { key = \"cancel\"; label = \"Cancel\"; mnemonic = \"C\"; is_cancel  = true; }"
               "  }"
               "//                        Help Dialog                         //"
               "help : dialog { key = \"htitle\";"
               "  spacer; : title { label = \"  ---------------------=={ TabSort.lsp }==---------------------  \" ; }"
               "  spacer; : title { label = \"Designed and Created by Lee Mac 2011\" ; }"
               "  spacer; : ltxt  { label = \"   Program Controls:\" ; }"
               "  spacer;"
               "  : row { fixed_width = true; alignment = centered;"
               "    : column {"
               "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"-->\"   ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"-->\"   ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"-->\"   ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"[\"     ; }"
               "    }"
               "    : column {"
               "       : txt { label = \"Top\"          ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"Up\"           ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"Down\"         ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"Bottom\"       ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"Sort\"         ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"Alphabetical\" ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"Numerical\"    ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"Architectural\"; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"Reverse\"      ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"Pref/Suff\"    ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"Add\"          ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"Delete\"       ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"Copy\"         ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"Current\"      ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"Find\"         ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"Done\"         ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"Reset\"        ; }"
               "    }"
               "    : column {"
               "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"<--\"   ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"<--\"   ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"<--\"   ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
               "       : txt { label = \"]\"     ; }"
               "    }"
               "    spacer;"
               "    : column {"
               "      : ltxt { label = \"Move selected Tabs to the top of the list.\"             ; }"
               "      : ltxt { label = \"Move selected Tabs up one notch in the list.\"           ; }"
               "      : ltxt { label = \"Move selected Tabs down one notch in the list.\"         ; }"
               "      : ltxt { label = \"Move selected Tabs to the bottom of the list.\"          ; }"
               "      : ltxt { label = \"Opens the Sort Dialog.\"                                 ; }"
               "      : ltxt { label = \"Sort the Tabs Alphabetically.\"                          ; }"
               "      : ltxt { label = \"Sort the Tabs Numerically.\"                             ; }"
               "      : ltxt { label = \"Sort the Tabs using an Architectural sorting method.\"   ; }"
               "      : ltxt { label = \"Reverse the Tab Order.\"                                 ; }"
               "      : ltxt { label = \"Opens the Prefix/Suffix Dialog.\"                        ; }"
               "      : ltxt { label = \"Adds a new layout Tab using the next available name.\"   ; }"
               "      : ltxt { label = \"Deletes the selected Tabs.\"                             ; }"
               "      : ltxt { label = \"Copies the selected Tabs.\"                              ; }"
               "      : ltxt { label = \"Makes the selected Tab the Current Tab.\"                ; }"
               "      : ltxt { label = \"Opens the Find and Replace Dialog.\"                     ; }"
               "      : ltxt { label = \"Finished sorting Tabs, will implement sorting.\"         ; }"
               "      : ltxt { label = \"Will reset Tab names and order - not deleted/added Tabs\"; }"
               "    }"
               "  }"
               "  spacer_1;"
               "  : title { label = \"-------------------------------------------------------------\" ; }"
               "  spacer_1; ok_only;"
               "//                        End of File                         //"
             (write-line line ofile)
           (setq ofile (close ofile))
           (while (not (findfile fname))) fname


Autodesk Architecture 2025 sous windows 11 64


24 pouces vertical + 30 pouces horizontal + 27 pouces horizontal


hello x_all


je viens de me rappeler


il faut aller effacer le fichier *.dcl créer précédement par le lisp pour qu'il recréer un nouveau *.dcl avec les nouveaux parametres du lisp




tu devrais trouver le *.dcl quelque part dans ce genre de sous répertoire


j'avais galérer a trouver la solution aussi




Autodesk Architecture 2025 sous windows 11 64


24 pouces vertical + 30 pouces horizontal + 27 pouces horizontal


^^ ceci explique pourquoi tous mes essais ont été infructueux, car je me doutais bien qu'un ''height'' était le responsable de mes soucis...


je je trouve !les valeurs correcte chez moi c'est width = 20 ; height = 50 ce qui fait déja une belle longueur.

merci de tout mon long...





en cherchant


modifie le 100 et /ou le 80


"  : list_box { key = \"tabs\"; width = 100 ; height = 80; fixed_width = false; alignment = centered;  multiple_select = true; }"





Autodesk Architecture 2025 sous windows 11 64


24 pouces vertical + 30 pouces horizontal + 27 pouces horizontal


Au passage, chapeau à LeeMac car cet outil est d'un pratique indispensable pour gérer une masse de feuilles les ordonner, renommer...

une foi de plus, bosser sur l'interface, c'est pas forcément redessiner les icônes dans le ruban. Qu'un outil de ce type fasse pas parti d'autocad est incroyable.


On devrai faire un monument au codeurs fous...

  • Upvote 1

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