Guillaume05 Posté(e) le 3 juin 2016 Posté(e) le 3 juin 2016 Bonjour ou Bonsoir,Je demande votre aide, car je coince sur les différents liens entre ma boite de dialogue et mon LISP.Ma société m'a demandé de créer une boite de dialogue pouvant créer une bulle de détails incorporant différents éléments de bloc suivant un ordre prédéfini.Et je coince au démarrage de mes différentes poplist.J'aimerai inscrire une liste de nom depuis mon lisp, pour quelle vienne apparaitre dans ma boite de dialogue à l'emplacement prévue. (lien clé)Pouvez vous m'aider? Boite de dialogue : dialog { label = "Details"; :row { :boxed_column { label = "Visualisation"; :row { alignment = center; :image { key = "imagndeux"; width = 6; height = 3; aspect_ratio=1; fixed_height=true; fixed_width=true; } } :row{ alignment = center; :image { key = "imagnun"; width = 6; height = 3; aspect_ratio=1; fixed_height=true; fixed_width=true; } } :row{ alignment = center; :image { key = "imagodeux"; width = 6; height = 3; aspect_ratio=1; fixed_height=true; fixed_width=true; } :image { key = "imagoun"; width = 6; height = 3; aspect_ratio=1; fixed_height=true; fixed_width=true; } :image { key = "imagc"; width = 6; height = 3; aspect_ratio=1; fixed_height=true; fixed_width=true; } :image { key = "imageun"; width = 6; height = 3; aspect_ratio=1; fixed_height=true; fixed_width=true; } :image { key = "imagedeux"; width = 6; height = 3; aspect_ratio=1; fixed_height=true; fixed_width=true; } } :row{ alignment = center; :image { key = "imagsun"; width = 6; height = 3; aspect_ratio=1; fixed_height=true; fixed_width=true; } } :row{ alignment = center; :image { key = "imagsdeux"; width = 6; height = 3; aspect_ratio=1; fixed_height=true; fixed_width=true; } } } label = "Element" ; //give it a label :boxed_column { //define boxed_column label = "Elements" ; //give it a label : popup_list { //define popup list label = "C"; //give it a label key = "elc"; //give it a name value = "20" ; //initial value } //end list : row { //define row : popup_list { //define popup list label = "E1"; //give it a label key = "eleun"; //give it a name value = "20" ; //initial value } //end list :toggle { //define toggle key = "tog_E1"; //give it a name label = "CBM"; //give it a label } //end toggle } //end row : row { //define row : popup_list { //define popup list label = "O1"; //give it a label key = "eloun"; //give it a name value = "20" ; //initial value } //end list :toggle { //define toggle key = "tog_O1"; //give it a name label = "CBM"; //give it a label } //end toggle } //end row : row { //define row : popup_list { //define popup list label = "N1"; //give it a label key = "elnun"; //give it a name value = "20" ; //initial value } //end list :toggle { //define toggle key = "tog_N1"; //give it a name label = "CBM"; //give it a label } //end toggle } //end row : row { //define row : popup_list { //define popup list label = "S1"; //give it a label key = "elsun"; //give it a name value = "20" ; //initial value } //end list :toggle { //define toggle key = "tog_S1"; //give it a name label = "CBM"; //give it a label } //end toggle } //end row // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : row { //define row : popup_list { //define popup list label = "E2"; //give it a label key = "eledeux"; //give it a name value = "20" ; //initial value } //end list :toggle { //define toggle key = "tog_E2"; //give it a name label = "CBM"; //give it a label } //end toggle } //end row : row { //define row : popup_list { //define popup list label = "O2"; //give it a label key = "elodeux"; //give it a name value = "20" ; //initial value } //end list :toggle { //define toggle key = "tog_O2"; //give it a name label = "CBM"; //give it a label } //end toggle } //end row : row { //define row : popup_list { //define popup list label = "N2"; //give it a label key = "elndeux"; //give it a name value = "20" ; //initial value } //end list :toggle { //define toggle key = "tog_N2"; //give it a name label = "CBM"; //give it a label } //end toggle } //end row : row { //define row : popup_list { //define popup list label = "S2"; //give it a label key = "elsdeux"; //give it a name value = "20" ; //initial value } //end list :toggle { //define toggle key = "tog_S2"; //give it a name label = "CBM"; //give it a label } //end toggle } //end row } //end boxed_column } //end row ok_cancel ; } //end dialog//DCL CODING ENDS HERE LISP (defun C:TEST_DCL1 () ;;;****************************************************************************************************************** (setq names '("Ventouse" "Croissement" "Elément Gauche" "Elément Haut" "Elément Droit" "Elément Bas")) ;;;****************************************************************************************************************** (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "test_dcl1.dcl")) (if (not (new_dialog "test_dcl1" dcl_id)) (exit ) );if ;;;****************************************************************************************************************** (start_list "elc");open the list box (mapcar 'add_list names);add the names to the list box (end_list);end the list box (set_tile "elc" "0") ;;;****************************************************************************************************************** (action_tile "accept" (setq index (atof (get_tile \"elc\"))) (done_dialog) (setq userclick T)" );action tile (action_tile "cancel" ;if cancel button pressed "(done_dialog) (setq userclick nil)" ;close dialog, lower flag );action_tile ;;;****************************************************************************************************************** (start_dialog)(unload_dialog dcl_id) (princ) );defun(princ);AUTOLISP CODING ENDS HEREtest_dcl1.dcltest_dcl1.lsp Bureau d'Études ÉlectricitéAutoCAD 2018 - DIALuxFanatique de moto... V
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