lecrabe Posté(e) le 16 août 2013 Posté(e) le 16 août 2013 Hello Pour ceux qui tentent d'installer de l'AutoCAD 2012 (ou version Metier basee sur AutoCAD 2012) sur un PC ayant le DOTNET v4.5 installe ... lecrabe http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/dl/item?siteID=123112&id=22110233&linkID=9240617 Published date: 2013-Aug-06 - ID: TS22110233 - Applies to: AutoCAD 2012 ------ AutoCAD 2012 installation fails on machine with NET 4.5 ------ You want to install AutoCAD 2012 on a machine that has NET 4.5 Solution : AutoCAD 2012 tries to install NET 4.0 but fails because NET 4.5 is already installed --- To resolve this problem, you can Remove NET 4.5 and let the program install NET 4.0. (This is not always an option.) Remove the NET requisites from the Setup.ini file. Note: Adjusting the Setup.ini file from an existing deployment will NOT work. --- To remove NET requisites from Setup.ini: 1 - Back up the original Setup.ini file from within the extracted installation folder 2 - Locate the line: PREREQUISITE=IE;SSE2;DOTNET20;DOTNET4;DOTNET4LANG;etc ... 3 - Delete DOTNET20;DOTNET4;DOTNET4LANG and save the file 4 - Install or build a new deployment with the removed NET requisites This prevents 2012 from installing NET 4.0 and allows installation on a machine with NET 4.5 Note: If you have problems later, remember that AutoCAD 2012 was built for 4.0, not 4.5 You may need to install NET 4.0 Autodesk Expert Elite Team
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