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utilisation des operateurs Booleen dans une sellection

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J'ai un nouveau probleme a vous soumettre.


j'aimerais creer un bouton qui me permette de sellection toutes les entitées SAUF les blocks en utilisant l'operateur "NOT" dans la ligne. J'ai fait quelques test mais c'est pas concluant.


Je suis parti d'un exemple de Patrick_35 :

(ssget"_X" '((-4 . "AND") (0 . "CIRCLE") (40 . 0,1)(-4 . "AND>")));


comment utiliser le "NOT" dans une sellection?






Un extrait de l'aide d'autocad

You can also test groups by creating nested Boolean expressions that use the logical grouping operators shown in the following table:


Grouping operators for selection set filter lists




Encloses Ending


"AND" One or more operands "AND>"

"OR" One or more operands "OR>"

"XOR" Two operands "XOR>"

"NOT" One operand "NOT>"

The grouping operators are specified by –4 groups, like the relational operators. They are paired and must be balanced correctly in the filter list or the ssget call will fail. An example of grouping operators in a filter list follows:


(ssget "X"



(-4 . "OR")

(-4 . "AND")

(0 . "CIRCLE")

(40 . 1.0)

(-4 . "AND>")

(-4 . "AND")

(0 . "LINE")

(8 . "ABC")

(-4 . "AND>")

(-4 . "OR>")





This code selects all circles with a radius of 1.0 plus all lines on layer "ABC". The grouping operators are not case-sensitive; for example, you can specify "and>", "or", instead of "AND>", "OR".

Grouping operators are not allowed within the –3 group. Multiple application names specified in a –3 group use an implied AND operator. If you want to test for extended data using other grouping operators, specify separate –3 groups and group them as desired. To select all circles having extended data for either application "APP1" or "APP2" but not both, enter the following:


(ssget "X"

'((0 . "CIRCLE")

(-4 . "XOR")

(-3 ("APP1"))

(-3 ("APP2"))

(-4 . "XOR>")





You can simplify the coding of frequently used grouping operators by setting them equal to a symbol. The previous example could be rewritten as follows (notice that in this example you must explicitly quote each list):


(setq xor '(-4 . "XOR")

xor> '(-4 . "XOR>") )

(ssget "X"


'(0 . "CIRCLE")


'(-3 ("APP1"))

'(-3 ("APP2"))






:mad: grrrr..., le "<" ne passe pas avec les opérandes, ne pas oublier de les ajouter




[Edité le 3/11/2004 par Patrick_35]

Les Lisps de Patrick

Le but n'est pas toujours placé pour être atteint, mais pour servir de point de mire.

Joseph Joubert, 1754-1824

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