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j'ai trouvé ce lisp sur le forum Autodesk :


Par défaut l'courriel se fait en texte HTML, est-il possible de forcer le texte "body" du mail en BRUT et pas en HTML ?

Cela vien certainement des paramètres outlook, mais je veux que le texte soit uniquement texte brut.


(defun C:CreateMail (/ )

 (setq fname (getvar "dwgname")) ;gets dwg filename and sets as variable
   ; Who's going to get the mail
 (setq recipients_list (list
    ; What is the subject
 (setq subject (strcat "Copy of drawing - " fname))
    ; What is the body
 (setq body (strcat "Hi, Please find the above file attached as requested."))
    ; What are the attachments
 (setq attachments_list (list "C:\\AAA\\test-GT-copy.dwg"));;i have also tried using a variable to specify the filename and path.
 ;(create-courriel recipients_list subject body attachments_list 1)
    ; Do send this mail immediately
 (create-courriel recipients_list subject body attachments_list 0) ; Do not yet send this mail

(defun create-courriel (recipients_list   subject
      body        attachments_list
      email_send        /
      acadapp        acaddoc
      outlookapp        mail_object
      temp        ret
      item        cadz3d_function
 ;; Load the extended AutoLISP functions and ActiveX support
 ;; Get the application and current document objects
 (setq acadapp (vlax-get-acad-object)
acaddoc (vlax-get-property acadapp 'activedocument)
 ;; Get the existing outlook application object
 (if (or (= (setq outlookapp
       (list "Outlook.Application")
  (/= (type outlookapp) 'vla-object)
   (progn (alert (strcat
     "Microsoft Outlook must already be running\n"
     "to create and send the courriel.\n"
     "Please start Microsoft Outlook and then close\n"
     "this dialog box to create the courriel.")
   (setq outlookapp
     (list "Outlook.Application")
 (if (= (type outlookapp) 'vla-object)
   (if ;; Create new courriel object
(setq mail_object (vlax-invoke-method outlookapp 'createitem 0))
     (if ;; Get the recipients collection
  (setq recipients_collection
  ;; Add the recipients properties to the courriel
  (foreach item recipients_list
    (if (= (type item) 'str)
      (vlax-invoke-method recipients_collection 'add item)
  ;; Add the subject properties to the courriel
  (if (= (type subject) 'str)
    (vlax-put-property mail_object 'subject subject)
  ;; Add the body properties to the courriel
  (if (= (type body) 'str)
    (vlax-put-property mail_object 'body body)
  ;; Add the attachements properties to the courriel
  (if (and (vl-consp attachments_list)
    (setq attachments_collection
    (foreach item attachments_list
 (and (setq temp (findfile item)) (vl-file-systime temp))
  (vlax-invoke-method attachments_collection 'add temp)
  ;; If the email_send equals 1 and the recipients_list, subject, and body were passed to the function then send the courriel, otherwise display the courriel for the user to finish
  (if (and (= email_send 1)
    (vl-consp recipients_list)
    (/= subject "")
    (/= body "")
    (vlax-invoke-method mail_object 'send)
    (vlax-invoke-method mail_object 'display)
  (setq ret t)
  "\nCould not get the recipients collection from the new mail item"
     (princ "\nCould not create a new mail item through Outlook")
   (princ "\nCould not create a new instance of Outlook")
 ;; Release the objects
 (if (and (= (type attachments_collection) 'vla-object)
   (= (vlax-object-released-p attachments_collection) nil)
   (vlax-release-object attachments_collection)
 (if (and (= (type recipients_collection) 'vla-object)
   (= (vlax-object-released-p recipients_collection) nil)
   (vlax-release-object recipients_collection)
 (if (and (= (type mail_object) 'vla-object)
   (= (vlax-object-released-p mail_object) nil)
   (vlax-release-object mail_object)
 (if (and (= (type outlookapp) 'vla-object)
   (= (vlax-object-released-p outlookapp) nil)
   (vlax-release-object outlookapp)
 (if (and (= (type acaddoc) 'vla-object)
   (= (vlax-object-released-p acaddoc) nil)
   (vlax-release-object acaddoc)
 (if (and (= (type acadapp) 'vla-object)
   (= (vlax-object-released-p acadapp) nil)
   (vlax-release-object acadapp)




Peut-être comme-ça (pas testé) :

   ;; Add the body properties to the courriel
  (if (= (type body) 'str)
      (vlax-put-property mail_object 'BodyFormat olFormatPlain)
      ;; ou (vlax-put-property mail_object 'BodyFormat 1)
      (vlax-put-property mail_object 'Body body)

Gilles Chanteau - gileCAD - GitHub
Développements sur mesure pour AutoCAD


Sans vouloir abuser, une autre question sur ce Lisp :

il est indiqué :

 ;(create-courriel recipients_list subject body attachments_list 1)
    ; Do send this mail immediately
 (create-courriel recipients_list subject body attachments_list 0) ; Do not yet send this mail


Mais l'un ou l'autre ne font pas l'envoie du mail immédiatement.

Comment faire l’envoie sans l’affichage du mail ?

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