Invité GMORTELECQUE Posté(e) le 5 mars 2011 Posté(e) le 5 mars 2011 Hello everyone, I cannot provide you my sourcecode because of my PC isnt here but i have for few days a little problem: I have a lots of planes in a geometric set, a sketch (which is a rectangle) in an other and i would like toCopy/paste ( or another way) this sketch for all planes. Also i need to put a contrant of length between a point in those planes with my rectangleall that automaticly by vba in Catia Hope i good explain my problem, thanks in advance for any reply my first search was to use a loop for the geometric set with "CreateReferenceFromGeometry(planes)"
gawel Posté(e) le 6 mars 2011 Posté(e) le 6 mars 2011 Hello, perhaps you can try tu use the "powercopy", but i didn't test it with vba. gawel
Invité GMORTELECQUE Posté(e) le 6 mars 2011 Posté(e) le 6 mars 2011 Oui c'est le meme principe, mais faut que je le fasse entierement sous vba yeah, a power copy is the good way , but only with vba, not ask the user the plane to select...
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