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Macro VBA qui ne fonctionne pas

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Bonjour à tous,

J'ai fait une ptetie macro pour extraire une surface, apres selection par l'utilisateur de la surface (c'est le point de départ de ma macro en fait). Problème : le code que j'ai fait me parait correct, mais apres la selection de la face, il ne se passe plus rien. Le programme arrive à sa fin, et puis c'est tout.

Des conseils ?


Le code :

Sub CATMain()
Dim myDoc As PartDocument
Set myDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument

Dim myPart As Part
Set myPart = myDoc.Part

Dim myHSF As HybridShapeFactory
Set myHSF = myPart.HybridShapeFactory

Dim myBodies As Bodies
Set myBodies = myPart.Bodies

Dim myBody As Body
Set myBody = myPart.MainBody

Dim mySelection
Dim Status

Dim InputObjectType(0)
Set mySelection = myDoc.Selection
'We propose to the user that he select the first face
InputObjectType(0) = "Face"
Status = mySelection.SelectElement2(InputObjectType, "Select the first face", True)
If (Status = "cancel") Then Exit Sub
Set FirstFace = mySelection.Item(1).Value


Dim myHSE As HybridShapeExtract
Set myHSE = myHSF.AddNewExtract(FirstFace)

myHSE.PropagationType = 1

myHSE.ComplementaryExtract = False

myHSE.IsFederated = False

myPart.InWorkObject = myBody


End Sub




Essaie ceci :


 Dim myDoc As PartDocument

Set myDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument

Dim myPart As Part

Set myPart = myDoc.Part

Dim myHSF As HybridShapeFactory

Set myHSF = myPart.HybridShapeFactory

Dim myBodies As Bodies

Set myBodies = myPart.Bodies

Dim myHBBody As HybridBody

Set myHBBody = myPart.HybridBodies.Item(1)

Dim mySelection

Dim Status

Dim InputObjectType(0)

Set mySelection = myDoc.Selection

'We propose to the user that he select the first face

InputObjectType(0) = "Face"

Status = mySelection.SelectElement2(InputObjectType, "Select the first face", True)

If (Status = "cancel") Then Exit Sub

Set FirstFace = mySelection.Item(1).Value


Dim myHSE As HybridShapeExtract

Set myHSE = myHSF.AddNewExtract(FirstFace)

myHSE.PropagationType = 1

myHBBody.AppendHybridShape myHSE

myHSE.ComplementaryExtract = False

myHSE.IsFederated = False

'myPart.InWorkObject = myBody



Chaque fois que tu fais qqc dans un hybridbody, tu dois faire un AppendHybridShape pour le faire apparaitre.



Ok, merci ca fonctionne, c'est cette notion de AppendHybridShape qu'il me manquait. Merci.

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