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L\'update 1 pour Autocad 2011 et LT 2011 est sorti !

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L'update 1 pour Autocad 2011 est ici. (32 et 64 bits)



L'update 1 pour Autocad LT 2011 est là. (32 et 64 bits)



Les différents points corrigés en anglais :



* .NET applications built for AutoCAD 2010 may not run on AutoCAD 2011.

* When opening multiple drawings, the minimize and maximize buttons may not always be visible.

* You may experience a random exception when loading custom ARX applications.


2D Display


* When using Software Acceleration, AutoCAD may become unstable.


3D Cache


* When VSINTERSECTIONEDGES is set to “0” Camera preview can be extremely slow.


3D Modeling


* AutoCAD may become unstable when stretching along the Z access of the Gizmo.

* Using the Gizmo grip on a 3D model may not work correctly from the right-click menu.


3D Navigation Tools


* Navigation Bar tooltips may cause AutoCAD to become unstable when switching between drawings.

* Clicking on the “X” to close AutoCAD may fail if the drawing is maximized, and both the ViewCube and SteeringWheel are enabled.

* Orbiting 3D models does not degrade when Adaptive Degradation is checked in the Performance Tuner and uses the 3D Connexion device

* AutoCAD may become unstable when using the Look tool in the WHEEL command.

* AutoCAD may become unstable when using 3D Orbit in degradation mode with 3Dconnexion devices.

* AutoCAD may become unstable when using the Walk tool in the SteeringWheel feature with degradation and when FPS is set to a limit of 30.


Annotation Scaling


* Drawings containing 100 or more annotation scales cannot be reset.




* Third party applications may fail when using "removeCmd" in custom ARX applications.




* Multiline attributes in a dynamic block created in AutoCAD 2011 may not display in AutoCAD 2010.


Command Line


* With Dynamic Mode set to “0” you may not be able to input Japanese or Chinese characters at the command line.


Customer Involvement Program


* AutoCAD fails to start due to Customer Involvement Program on Windows 7 workstations with Windows 2008 Server on the same subnet.




* When an Enterprise menu is loaded, the Workspace control in the CUI Editor may be grayed out.

* Unable to copy and paste Toolbar Controls in the CUI Editor.

* When switching profiles that point to a CUIx file that cannot be found, AutoCAD may become unstable.

* When using "^P" in a macro, the MENUECHO is not displayed properly.




* AutoCAD will display a CER (Customer Error Report) dialog when exiting AutoCAD with a digitizer configured.


DGN Support


* DGNIMPORT command may not work with the option to ignore external references.




* Some AutoCAD Mechanical objects cannot be selected after being inserted as a block and exploded.

* AutoCAD may become unstable when using eTransmit on drawings containing multileaders.


Display Acceleration


* AutoCAD may become unstable when a password protected screen saver displays on the screen.


Display Drivers


* May have issues updating the Graphics Card drivers on Windows Vista or Windows 7.

* Some display drivers may show up as certified even though they were not certified.




* WBLOCK may be unable to save the drawing to the AutoCAD 2000 file format for “DWG” and “DXF”


External References


* AutoCAD may become unstable when an External Reference is reloaded after XOPEN, EDIT, or SAVE.


Graphic System


* AutoCAD may become unstable when opening multiple drawings in the same session when running out of video memory.

* AutoCAD may become unstable when opening large amounts of drawings.




* Hatch may not display properly when dynamic blocks are part of the boundary and live preview is enabled.

* Some hatch objects on a newly thawed layer may require a “REGEN” to display.

* Some custom hatch patterns may not display in the Ribbon Panel.

* AutoCAD may become unstable when using grips to select hatches in some drawings.

* AutoCAD may become unstable when editing annotative hatch through the Ribbon.

* Hatch Scale may revert to 1 when setting transparency and angle on a hatch pattern on a 64-bit operating system.




* Welcome Screen Videos may not play on 64-bit operating systems.

* Searching Online Help may be slow.




* Changing layers transparently from the Ribbon will not update to the new layer when you complete the command.

* Layer properties cannot be changed transparently from the Ribbon.

* When a large amount of layers exist in the layer dialog, changing them in the Ribbon layer control will not update the layer dialog.

* After setting a new layer current, focus is set to the "Name" Column.




* Cascading license can't be checked out if one of the distributed server machines doesn't exist on the network.

* AutoCAD cannot get a license from the distributed server when one of servers is stopped.




* AutoCAD may become unstable when plotting a drawing with plot transparency set to "On".




* Protein Materials values created on a 64-bit operating system will not work on a 32-bit operating system.

* When FBXEXPORT is using the default settings, de-selecting the Insert as Block option in FBXIMPORT results in nothing being imported.




* Mtext Paragraph spacing cannot be removed.

* Text in AutoCAD Mechanical-created Fit dimension can change unexpectedly after DDEDIT.


Object DBX


* Unable to export multi-line attribute values with Object DBX


OLE (Object Linking & Embedding)


* Drawings with OLE objects saved as a DXF file no longer contain OLE options.




* AutoCAD may become unstable when using undo on large drawings.




* FBX files imported from Autodesk 3ds Max will not import unless materials are unchecked.

* AutoCAD may become unstable if a drawing REGEN occurs after editing a block.

* AutoCAD will not take advantage of the 3 gigabyte switch when enabled on a 32-bit operating system.

* Color book values may not display properly in AutoCAD

* Some PGP aliases may not function in AutoCAD LT.


Partial Open


* AutoCAD may become unstable when SDI (Single Document Interface) is set to 1, while editing drawings with OPENPARTIAL are set to 1.


PDF Export


* Adobe Reader may display a warning message “Cannot find or create the font “ArialMT” when opening PDF files created in AutoCAD.




* AutoCAD may become unstable when publishing large drawings to PDF.


Raster Design


* AutoCAD may become unstable when inserting some BMP images.

* Saving with ISAVE, ISAVEAS, and ISAVE again may cause an error message that you cannot save the file.




* AutoCAD may become unstable in a side-by-side install if the files tab path points to the Install Directory of AutoCAD 2010.

* AutoCAD may become unstable when Regional and Language Options are set to Turkish language.

* Ribbon Fold Panels cannot be transferred in the CUI Editor.

* AutoCAD may become unstable if you have a "." in your menugroup name.

* While in a command, changing the workspace from the Quick Access toolbar will not work.

* Loading custom toolbars from the Ribbon may fail.


Section & Flatten


* All cut-away geometry in sectionplane may not display properly when selecting “Show Cut-away Geometry”.


Selection Highlighting


* Selection Cycling displays when none should be visible.

* AutoCAD may become unstable when holding control and hovering over intersections of lines.

* Changing the Selection Cycling toggle from "Off" to "On" and then quitting AutoCAD may cause you to receive an error report.

* AutoCAD may become unstable after using the "CapturePreviewImage" method




* Crosshairs do not extend across the screen when set to 100% in isometric snap style.


Visual Lisp




Visual Lisp may display an error message when using ads_defun and ads_regfunc calls in AcApp.arx.

* When using the lisp function, "vl-directory-files" may cause AutoCAD to become unstable if the directory path is long.


Formateur Autocad - Revit - Sketchup - Photoshop

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