Magdi95 Posté(e) le 31 mars 2010 Posté(e) le 31 mars 2010 Bonjour à tous,J'utilise le lisp suivant: ; ;; allows for continuous distance measurements ;; with an enity selection option and a total ;; of all measurements made (defun ERR_DIS (ERR_MSG) ; error control (prompt "\nOuch... ") (DIS_BACK) ) ; end defun err_dis (defun DIS_SET () (setq DIS_ERR *ERROR*) (setq *ERROR* ERR_DIS) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (princ) ) ; end dis_set (defun DIS_BACK () (setq *ERROR* DIS_ERR) (if (/= DIS_DEL NIL) (progn (foreach DIS_E DIS_DEL (entdel DIS_E) ) ;end foreach ) ;end progn ) ;end if (setvar "cmdecho" 1) (princ) ) ; end dis_back ; (defun ASO (NUM LST) (cdr (assoc NUM LST)) ) ;_ end of defun ;********************* ;; Main routine start (defun C:DS2 (/ DIS_LIST DIS_UNIT DIS_SIG DIS_VAL DIS_REAL DIS_SHOW DIS_LAST DIS_START DIS_PT1 DIS_PT2 GO_SEL );DIS_POP (DIS_SET) (princ "\nDistance ") (setq DIS_LIST NIL) (setq DIS_START NIL) (setq DIS_UNIT (getvar "lunits")) (setq DIS_SIG (getvar "luprec")) (setq DIS_DEL NIL) (initget 128 "S") (setq DIS_PT1 (getpoint "\nFirst point or (S)elect entity: ")) (cond ((/= DIS_PT1 "S") (setq GO_SEL "nope") (setq DIS_START DIS_PT1) ) ((= DIS_PT1 "S") (setq GO_SEL "yep") (DIS_SEL) ) ) ;end cond (while (/= DIS_PT1 NIL) (cond ((= GO_SEL "nope") (initget 128 "N S C") (setq DIS_PT2 (getpoint DIS_PT1 "\nNext point, (N)ew point, (S)elect entity or : " ) ;_ end of getpoint ) ;_ end of setq (if (= DIS_PT2 NIL) (setq DIS_PT1 NIL) ) ;_ end of if ) ((= GO_SEL "yep") (setq DIS_PT2 NIL) (setq GO_SEL "nope") (initget 128 "S C") (setq DIS_PT1 (getpoint "\nFirst point or (S)elect entity or : " ) ;_ end of getpoint ) ;_ end of setq (if (or (= DIS_PT1 "S") (= DIS_PT1 "C")) (setq DIS_PT2 DIS_PT1) ) ;_ end of if ) ) ;end cond (cond ((and (/= DIS_PT2 NIL) (/= DIS_PT2 "N") (/= DIS_PT2 "S") (/= DIS_PT2 "C") ) ;_ end of and (setq GO_SEL "nope") (setq DIS_VAL (distance DIS_PT1 DIS_PT2)) (setq DIS_REAL (rtos DIS_VAL DIS_UNIT DIS_SIG)) (setq DIS_SHOW (distof DIS_REAL DIS_UNIT)) (princ DIS_REAL) (if (/= DIS_LIST NIL) (setq DIS_LIST (+ DIS_LIST DIS_SHOW)) (setq DIS_LIST DIS_SHOW) ) ;_ end of if (DIS_LINE DIS_PT1 DIS_PT2) (setq DIS_PT1 DIS_PT2) ) ((= DIS_PT2 "N") ; new point option (setq GO_SEL "nope") (setq DIS_PT1 (getpoint "\nFirst point: ")) ) ((= DIS_PT2 "S") ; select entity option (setq GO_SEL "yep") (DIS_SEL) ) ((= DIS_PT2 "C") ; close option (setq DIS_VAL (distance DIS_PT1 DIS_START)) (setq DIS_REAL (rtos DIS_VAL DIS_UNIT DIS_SIG)) (setq DIS_SHOW (distof DIS_REAL DIS_UNIT)) (princ DIS_REAL) (setq DIS_LIST (+ DIS_LIST DIS_SHOW)) (DIS_LINE DIS_PT1 DIS_START) (setq DIS_PT1 DIS_START) ) ) ;end cond ) ;end while (if (/= DIS_LIST NIL) (progn ; 3 (setq DIS_POP (rtos DIS_LIST DIS_UNIT DIS_SIG)) (princ (strcat "\nDistance totale : " DIS_POP)) ) ;end progn 3 ) ;end if (DIS_BACK) (princ) ;; Complément par F.Loutan, le 02.09.2005 (setq dml1 (atof DIS_POP));transformer en réel (setq dml2 (/ dml1 100)) ;facteur d'échelle du résultat (setq dml3 (rtos dml2 2 2));transformer esn string pour ajouter le ml (setq dml2 (strcat dml3 "ml")) (alert (strcat "\nLa longueur de l'objet est de: " dml2)) ; (setvar "cmdecho" cmdecho) (setq e (car (nentsel "\choix de l'attribut"))) (setq ent (entget e)) ;(prompt "\nSelectionnez le texte de l'attribut a remplacer ...:") (entmod (subst (cons 1 dml2) (assoc 1 ent) ent)) (entupd e) ;(command "changer" pause "" "" "" "" "" "" taire2) (prompt "\nBy FL 02.09.2005 ") (princ) ) ;end DS ; (defun DIS_LINE (ONE TWO / DIS_TRACE DIS_LAST DIS_GOT DIS_NM) ; distance tracing function one (setq DIS_TRACE (list (cons 0 "LINE") (cons 10 ONE) (cons 11 TWO) (cons 62 5) ) ;_ end of list ) ;_ end of setq (entmake DIS_TRACE) (setq DIS_LAST (entlast)) (setq DIS_GOT (entget DIS_LAST)) (setq DIS_NM (ASO -1 DIS_GOT)) (if (/= DIS_DEL NIL) (setq DIS_DEL (cons DIS_NM DIS_DEL)) (setq DIS_DEL (list DIS_NM)) ) ;_ end of if ) ;end dis_line ; (defun DIS_COPY (/ SEL_LAY SEL_NO SEL_CHK SEL_LIST SEL_LAST SEL_GOT SEL_NM) ; distance tracing function two (setq SEL_LAY (getvar "clayer")) (setq SEL_LIST NIL) (foreach SEL_NO SEL_GET (setq SEL_CHK (car SEL_NO)) (if (and (/= SEL_CHK -1) (/= SEL_CHK 5)) (progn (cond ((= SEL_CHK 8) (setq SEL_NO (cons 8 SEL_LAY)) ) ((and (= ANG_GO "yep") (= SEL_CHK 50)) (setq SEL_NO (cons 50 SEL_ANG1)) ) ((and (= ANG_GO "yep") (= SEL_CHK 51)) (setq SEL_NO (cons 51 SEL_ANG2)) ) ) ;end cond (if (/= SEL_LIST NIL) (setq SEL_LIST (cons SEL_NO SEL_LIST)) (setq SEL_LIST (list SEL_NO)) ) ;_ end of if ) ;end progn ) ;end if ) ;end foreach (setq SEL_LIST (cons (cons 62 5) SEL_LIST)) (setq SEL_LIST (reverse SEL_LIST)) (entmake SEL_LIST) (setq SEL_LAST (entlast)) (setq SEL_GOT (entget SEL_LAST)) (setq SEL_NM (ASO -1 SEL_GOT)) (if (/= DIS_DEL NIL) (setq DIS_DEL (cons SEL_NM DIS_DEL)) (setq DIS_DEL (list SEL_NM)) ) ;_ end of if ) ;end dis_copy ; (defun DIS_SEL (/ SEL_GO SEL_NENT SEL_PNT SEL_GET SEL_TYPE DIS_ANS1 DIS_ANS2 SEL_CEN SEL_RAD SEL_ANG1 SEL_ANG2 DIS_ANS SEL_PI SEL_DLTA SEL_BEG SEL_END SEL_LEN SEL_NO SEL_CHK DIS_REAL DIS_SHOW ) ; entity selection option (setq DIS_PT1 NIL) (setq SEL_GO "yep") (while (= SEL_GO "yep") (setq SEL_NENT NIL) (setvar "osmode" 512) (setq SEL_PNT (getpoint "\nSelect entity: ")) (setvar "osmode" 0) (if (= SEL_PNT NIL) (setq SEL_GO "out") ) ;_ end of if (if (/= SEL_PNT NIL) (setq SEL_NENT (nentselp SEL_PNT)) ) ; even if in a block (if (/= SEL_NENT NIL) (progn ; 1 (setq SEL_GET (entget (car SEL_NENT))) ; get entity data (setq SEL_TYPE (ASO 0 SEL_GET)) (cond ((= SEL_TYPE "ARC") ; arc distance (setq ANG_GO "nope") (setq DIS_ANS1 NIL) (setq DIS_ANS2 NIL) (setq SEL_CEN (ASO 10 SEL_GET)) (setq SEL_RAD (ASO 40 SEL_GET)) (setq SEL_ANG1 (ASO 50 SEL_GET)) (setq SEL_ANG2 (ASO 51 SEL_GET)) (initget "S") (setq DIS_ANS (getkword "\n(S)elect points on arc or ? " ) ;_ end of getkword ) ;_ end of setq (if (/= DIS_ANS NIL) (progn ; 1 (setq ANG_GO "yep") (setvar "osmode" 512) (setq DIS_ANS1 (getpoint "\nFirst point: ")) (if (/= DIS_ANS1 NIL) (setq DIS_ANS2 (getpoint "\nSecond point: ")) ) ;_ end of if (setvar "osmode" 0) (if (/= DIS_ANS2 NIL) (progn ; a (setq SEL_ANG2 (angle SEL_CEN DIS_ANS1)) (setq SEL_ANG1 (angle SEL_CEN DIS_ANS2)) ) ;end progn a (princ "**The arc's original endpoints were used.**") ) ;end if ) ;end progn 1 ) ;end if (setq SEL_PI (* pi 2.0)) (setq SEL_DLTA (- SEL_ANG2 SEL_ANG1)) (if (>= SEL_DLTA SEL_PI) (setq SEL_DLTA (- SEL_PI SEL_DLTA)) ) ;_ end of if (if (< SEL_DLTA 0) (setq SEL_DLTA (+ SEL_PI SEL_DLTA)) ) ;_ end of if (setq DIS_REAL (rtos (* SEL_RAD SEL_DLTA) DIS_UNIT DIS_SIG)) (setq DIS_SHOW (distof DIS_REAL DIS_UNIT)) (princ DIS_REAL) (if (/= DIS_LIST NIL) (setq DIS_LIST (+ DIS_LIST DIS_SHOW)) (setq DIS_LIST DIS_SHOW) ) ;_ end of if (setq DIS_PT1 (polar SEL_CEN SEL_ANG2 SEL_RAD)) (if (= DIS_START NIL) (setq DIS_START (polar SEL_CEN SEL_ANG1 SEL_RAD)) ) ;_ end of if (DIS_COPY) ) ((= SEL_TYPE "LINE") ; line distance (setq SEL_BEG (ASO 10 SEL_GET)) (setq SEL_END (ASO 11 SEL_GET)) (setq SEL_LEN (distance SEL_BEG SEL_END)) (setq DIS_REAL (rtos SEL_LEN DIS_UNIT DIS_SIG)) (setq DIS_SHOW (distof DIS_REAL DIS_UNIT)) (princ DIS_REAL) (if (/= DIS_LIST NIL) (setq DIS_LIST (+ DIS_LIST DIS_SHOW)) (setq DIS_LIST DIS_SHOW) ) ;_ end of if (setq DIS_PT1 SEL_END) (if (= DIS_START NIL) (setq DIS_START SEL_BEG) ) ;_ end of if (DIS_COPY) ) ((or (= SEL_TYPE "LWPOLYLINE") (= SEL_TYPE "POLYLINE")) ; polyline distance (command "_AREA" "o" SEL_NENT) (setq SEL_LEN (getvar "perimeter")) (setq DIS_REAL (rtos SEL_LEN DIS_UNIT DIS_SIG)) (setq DIS_SHOW (distof DIS_REAL DIS_UNIT)) (princ DIS_REAL) (if (/= DIS_LIST NIL) (setq DIS_LIST (+ DIS_LIST DIS_SHOW)) (setq DIS_LIST DIS_SHOW) ) ;_ end of if (setq SEL_BEG NIL) (foreach SEL_NO SEL_GET (setq SEL_CHK (car SEL_NO)) (if (= SEL_CHK 10) (progn (setq SEL_END (cdr SEL_NO)) (if (= SEL_BEG NIL) (setq SEL_BEG SEL_END) ) ;_ end of if ) ;end progn ) ;end if ) ;end foreach (setq DIS_PT1 SEL_END) (if (= DIS_START NIL) (setq DIS_START SEL_BEG) ) ;_ end of if (DIS_COPY) ) ((= SEL_TYPE "CIRCLE") ; circle circumference (command "_AREA" "o" SEL_NENT) (setq SEL_LEN (getvar "perimeter")) (setq DIS_REAL (rtos SEL_LEN DIS_UNIT DIS_SIG)) (setq DIS_SHOW (distof DIS_REAL DIS_UNIT)) (princ (strcat "circumference " DIS_REAL)) (if (/= DIS_LIST NIL) (setq DIS_LIST (+ DIS_LIST DIS_SHOW)) (setq DIS_LIST DIS_SHOW) ) ;_ end of if (setq DIS_PT1 SEL_PNT) (if (= DIS_START NIL) (setq DIS_START SEL_PNT) ) ;_ end of if (DIS_COPY) ) ) ;end cond ) ;end progn 1 ) ;end if ) ;end while ) ;end dis_sel Il m'est utile pour faire des mettrés de cables pour des postes de travail informatique.Le seul probleme est qu'il me propose d'appliquer la longueur totale a un seul attribut donc obliger de faire cette manip a chaque fois, meme pour un poste a quelque metres :mad: . Comment faire pour qu'il me propose d'appliquer la valeur "cumulée" donc à chaque pointage :exclam: . D'autre part la distance totale renseignée dans la fenetre de texte d'autocad (ex:13.87) est bien en metre mais lorsqu'il renseigne l'attribut il met 0.13ml. Peut-on avoir la distance 13.87 dans l'etiquette et sans "ml". Par avance MerciBonne journéeMagdi[Edité le 31/3/2010 par Magdi95]
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