cytec Posté(e) le 13 juillet 2007 Posté(e) le 13 juillet 2007 bonjour a tous, je travaille sur Autocad 2008 et je doit extraire toutes les données texte ( attribut, texte simple,...) sous un fichier excel. Quelqu'un aurait-il un truc pour que je puisse continuer ?? un grand merci
lili2006 Posté(e) le 13 juillet 2007 Posté(e) le 13 juillet 2007 Bonjour, Un travail excellent réalisé par JefferyPSanders du nom de WORDS Le lisp : ;;;--- WORDS.lsp - Count the words in a drawing. ;;; ;;; ;;;--- Copyright 2006 by ;;; All rights reserved. ;;; ;;; ;;;--- Revision 2/14/07 - Added the ability to save the word list to a file. ;;; ;;; ;;; (defun C:WORDS() ;;;--- Function to get the attribute data (defun getAttData(/ eset blkCntr en enlist blkType blkName entName val group66) ;;;--- If that type of entity exist in drawing (if (setq eset(ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "INSERT")))) (progn ;;;--- Set up some counters (setq blkCntr 0 cntr 0 pcntr 0) ;;;--- Loop through each entity (while ( ;;;--- Get the entity's name (setq en(ssname eset blkCntr)) ;;;--- Get the DXF group codes of the entity (setq enlist(entget en)) ;;;--- Get the name of the block (setq blkName(cdr(assoc 2 enlist))) ;;;--- Check to see if the block's attribute flag is set (if(cdr(assoc 66 enlist)) (progn ;;;--- Get the entity name (setq en(entnext en)) ;;;--- Get the entity dxf group codes (setq enlist(entget en)) ;;;--- Get the type of block (setq blkType (cdr(assoc 0 enlist))) ;;;--- If group 66 then there are attributes nested inside this block (setq group66(cdr(assoc 66 enlist))) ;;;--- Loop while the type is an attribute or a nested attribute exist (while(or (= blkType "ATTRIB")(= group66 1)) ;;;--- Get the block type (setq blkType (cdr(assoc 0 enlist))) ;;;--- Get the block name (setq entName (cdr(assoc 2 enlist))) ;;;--- Check to see if this is an attribute or a block (if(= blkType "ATTRIB") (progn ;;;--- Get the value of the attribute (setq val(cdr(assoc 1 enlist))) ;;;--- Convert to words (foreach a (convert2Words val) (while(= (substr a 1 1) " ")(setq a(substr a 2))) (while(= (substr a (strlen a) 1) " ")(setq a(substr a 1 (- (strlen a) 1)))) (setq wordList(append wordList (list a))) ) ;;;--- Increment the counter (setq cntr (+ cntr 1)) ;;;--- Inform the user every ten entities (if(> pcntr 9) (progn ;;;--- Inform the user of progress (princ "\n Attribute entities found - ")(princ cntr)(terpri) ;;;--- Reset the progress counter (setq pcntr 0) ) ) ;;;--- Get the next sub-entity or nested entity as you will (setq en(entnext en)) ;;;--- Get the dxf group codes of the next sub-entity (setq enlist(entget en)) ;;;--- Get the block type of the next sub-entity (setq blkType (cdr(assoc 0 enlist))) ;;;--- See if the dxf group code 66 exist. if so, there are more nested attributes (setq group66(cdr(assoc 66 enlist))) ) ) ) ) ) (setq blkCntr (+ blkCntr 1)) ) ) ) ) ;;;--- Function to get the text or mtext string from a sub-entity's dxf group code list (defun getBlkString(enlista) ;;;--- Get the sub-entity type (setq entType(cdr(assoc 0 enlista))) ;;;--- If it is a text entity... (if(= entType "TEXT") (progn ;;;--- Get the value of the attribute (setq val(cdr(assoc 1 enlista))) ;;;--- Convert to words (foreach a (convert2Words val) ;;;--- Remove spaces prefixed (while(= (substr a 1 1) " ")(setq a(substr a 2))) ;;;--- Remove spaces suffixed (while(= (substr a (strlen a) 1) " ")(setq a(substr a 1 (- (strlen a) 1)))) ;;;--- Add the word to the list (setq wordList(append wordList (list a))) ) ) ) ;;;--- If the sub-entity type is MText (if(= entType "MTEXT") (progn ;;;--- Get the value of the mtext entity (setq val (getMtxt enlista)) ;;;--- Convert to words (foreach a (convert2Words val) ;;;--- Remove spaces prefixed (while(= (substr a 1 1) " ")(setq a(substr a 2))) ;;;--- Remove spaces suffixed (while(= (substr a (strlen a) 1) " ")(setq a(substr a 1 (- (strlen a) 1)))) ;;;--- Add the word to the list (setq wordList(append wordList (list a))) ) ) ) ) ;;;--- Function to get the block entity data (defun getBlkData() ;;;--- If that type of entity exist in drawing (if (setq eset(ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "INSERT")))) (progn ;;;--- Set up a counter (setq blkCntr 0 cntr 0 pcntr 0) ;;;--- Loop through each block entity (while ( ;;;--- Get the block entity's name (setq en(ssname eset blkCntr)) ;;;--- Get the DXF group codes of the block entity (setq enlist(entget en)) ;;;--- Get the name of the block (setq blkName(cdr(assoc 2 enlist))) ;;;--- Get the block table (if(setq tbl(tblsearch "BLOCK" blkName)) (progn ;;;--- Get the block table entity name (setq tblen(cdr(assoc -2 tbl))) ;;;--- Cycle through the sub-entites (while(setq tblen(entnext tblen)) ;;;--- Get the dxf group codes (setq enlist(entget tblen)) ;;;--- Get the string (getBlkString enlist) ) ) ) ;;;--- Increment the counter (setq blkCntr (+ blkCntr 1)) ;;;--- Inform the user every ten entities (if(> pcntr 9) (progn ;;;--- Inform the user of progress (princ "\n BLOCK entities found - ")(princ cntr)(terpri) ;;;--- Reset the progress counter (setq pcntr 0) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;;;--- Function to convert a sentence into a list of words (defun convert2Words(a / cnt tmpwrd words) ;;;--- Remove the special characters (setq a(removeChars a)) ;;;--- Setup some variables (setq cnt 1 tmpWrd "" words(list)) ;;;--- Cycle through each character in the string (while( ;;;--- If the character is not a space... (if(/= (setq c(substr a cnt 1)) " ") ;;;--- Start building a word (setq tmpWrd(strcat tmpWrd c)) ;;;--- Else, it is a space, so add the word to the words list (if(and(/= tmpWrd "")(/= tmpWrd " "))(setq words(append words (list tmpWrd)) tmpWrd "")) ) ;;;--- Get the next character (setq cnt(+ cnt 1)) ) ;;;--- See if there was a word on the end without a trailing space and add it to the words list (if(and(/= tmpWrd "")(/= tmpWrd " "))(setq words(append words(list tmpWrd)))) ;;;--- Return the list of words created from a string words ) ;;;--- Function to remove a list of characters from a string (defun removeChars(myString) ;;;--- Set up a list of characters to be removed (setq remList(list "\\P" "\\O" "\\o" "\\L" "\\l" "\\~" "\\{" "\\}" )) ;;;--- Cycle through each special character to be removed (foreach a remList ;;;--- If this special character is in the string (while(wcmatch myString (strcat "*" a "*")) ;;;--- Set up a counter (setq cnt 1) ;;;--- Cycle through each pair of characters in the string [ remove chars have a string length of 2 ] (while( ;;;--- Get the first two characters (setq ch(substr myString cnt 2)) ;;;--- If the string has one of these special characters (if(= ch a) ;;;--- Rebuild the string without the special character (setq myString (strcat ;;;--- Get the part of the string before the special character (substr myString 1 (- cnt 1)) ;;;--- Insert a space if it was the end of a paragraph character (if(= ch "\\P") " " "") ;;;--- Get the part of the string after the special character (substr myString (+ cnt 2)) ) ) ) ;;;--- Increment the counter to get the next set of characters (setq cnt(+ cnt 1)) ) ) ) ;;;--- Remove the other mtext control strings (setq remList(list "*\\C*;*" "*\\F*;*" "*\\H*;*" "*\\S*;*" "*\\T*;*" "*\\Q*;*" "*\\W*;*" "*\\A*;*" "*\\c*;*" "*\\f*;*" "*\\h*;*" "*\\s*;*" "*\\t*;*" "*\\q*;*" "*\\w*;*" "*\\a*;*" ) ) ;;;--- Cycle through the remove list (foreach a remList ;;;--- While the string contains a special control string (while(wcmatch myString a) ;;;--- Set up a counter (setq cnt 1) ;;;--- Cycle through each character in the string (while( ;;;--- Get the first two characters from the string (setq ch(substr myString cnt 2)) ;;;--- If these two characters match part of the control string from the remove list (if(= ch (substr a 2 2)) (progn ;;;--- Set a new counter to find the end of the special control string (setq cnt2 cnt) ;;;--- Keep cycling until we find the end marked by a semi-colon or end of string (while(and (/= ch ";")( (setq cnt2(+ cnt2 1)) (setq ch(substr myString cnt2 1)) ) ;;;--- If we do find the end of the special control string [ ; ] (if(= ch ";") ;;;--- Rebuild the string without the special control string (setq myString (strcat ;;;--- Get the part before the special controls string (substr myString 1 (- cnt 1)) ;;;--- Get the part after the special control string (substr myString (+ cnt2 1)) ) ) ) ) ) ;;;--- Increment the counter to get the next set of characters (setq cnt(+ cnt 1)) ) ) ) ;;;--- Return the string myString ) ;;;--- Function to get the complete string from an MText entity (defun GetMtxt(enl / extx) ;;;--- Set the initial text variable to nothing (setq extx "") ;;;--- If group 3 codes exist... (if(assoc 3 enl) ;;;--- String them all together to make one string (foreach a enl (if(= 3 (car a)) (setq extx(strcat extx(cdr a))) ) ) ) ;;;--- Add the group code 1 string to the end (setq extx(strcat extx (cdr(assoc 1 enl)))) extx ) ;;;--- Function to get the words from the WORDS.txt file into a list (defun getWordsFromFile() ;;;--- Can the file be located... (if(setq wordsFile(findfile "WORDS.TXT")) (progn ;;;--- If it exist, open the file to read (if(setq fil(open wordsFile "r")) (progn ;;;--- Set up a list to hold the "filter" words (setq useWordsList(list)) ;;;--- Read each line from the file (while(setq a(read-line fil)) ;;;--- Add the word to the list (setq useWordsList(append useWordsList (list a))) ) ;;;--- Close the file after reading all lines (close fil) ) ;;;--- Else the text file could not be opened so set it to nil (setq useWordsList nil) ) ) (progn ;;;--- Else the text file was not found so set it to nil (setq useWordsList nil) (alert "The WORDS.TXT file could not be located!") ) ) ) ;;;--- Function to update the data (defun updateData() ;;;--- See if the word text file should be used as a filter (if(= "1" (get_tile "only")) ;;;--- Get the words from the words.txt file (getWordsFromFile) ;;;--- Else, empty the list (setq useWordsList nil) ) ;;;--- Setup an empty list to hold all of the words (setq wordList(list)) ;;;--- Inform the user of progress (princ "\n Saving Defaults...") ;;;--- Save the settings from the dialog box (if(= (get_tile "gettxt") "1")(setq getTxt T)(setq getTxt nil)) (if(= (get_tile "getatt") "1")(setq getAtt T)(setq getAtt nil)) (if(= (get_tile "getmtx") "1")(setq getMtx T)(setq getMtx nil)) (if(= (get_tile "getblk") "1")(setq getBlk T)(setq getBlk nil)) (if(= (get_tile "getdim") "1")(setq getDim T)(setq getDim nil)) ;;;--- Do some stuff to save the current dialog box settings (setq nextDfalt 0) (if getTxt (setq nextDfalt(+ nextDfalt 1 ))) (if getAtt (setq nextDfalt(+ nextDfalt 2 ))) (if getMtx (setq nextDfalt(+ nextDfalt 4 ))) (if getBlk (setq nextDfalt(+ nextDfalt 8 ))) (if getDim (setq nextDfalt(+ nextDfalt 16))) ;;;--- Save the default settings for next use (setvar "useri4" nextDfalt) ;;;--- If text entities are required (if getTxt ;;;--- Get a selection set of all text entities (if(setq eset(ssget "X" (list(cons 0 "TEXT")))) (progn ;;;--- Set up some counters (setq cntr 0 pcntr 0) ;;;--- Inform the user of progress (princ "\n Checking for text entities...") ;;;--- Cycle through each text entity in the selection set (while( ;;;--- Get the entity name of the nth item (setq en(ssname eset cntr)) ;;;--- Get the DXF group codes from the text entity (setq enlist(entget en)) ;;;--- Get the value of the text entity (setq val(cdr(assoc 1 enlist))) ;;;--- Get the words from the value string and cycle through them (foreach a (convert2Words val) ;;;--- Remove all spaces prefixed (while(= (substr a 1 1) " ")(setq a(substr a 2))) ;;;--- Remove all spaces suffixed (while(= (substr a (strlen a) 1) " ")(setq a(substr a 1 (- (strlen a) 1)))) ;;;--- Add the word to the list (setq wordList(append wordList (list a))) ) ;;;--- Increment the counter to get the next text entity (setq cntr(+ cntr 1)) ;;;--- Increment the progress counter (setq pcntr(+ pcntr 1)) ;;;--- Inform the user every fifty entities (if(> pcntr 49) (progn ;;;--- Inform the user of progress (princ "\n Text entities found - ")(princ cntr)(terpri) ;;;--- Reset the progress counter (setq pcntr 0) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;;;--- If attribute entities are required (if getAtt ;;;--- Run the attribute extraction function (getAttData) ) ;;;--- If mtext entities are required (if getMtx ;;;--- Get a selection set of all MTEXT entities (if(setq eset(ssget "X" (list(cons 0 "MTEXT")))) (progn ;;;--- Set up a counter (setq cntr 0 pcntr 0) ;;;--- Inform the user of progress (princ "\n Checking for MText entities...") ;;;--- Cycle through each of the mtext entities in the selection set (while( ;;;--- Get the entity name of the mtext object (setq en(ssname eset cntr)) ;;;--- Get the DXF group codes from the mtext entity (setq enlist(entget en)) ;;;--- Get the value of the mtext by using the GETMTXT extraction function (setq val (getMtxt enlist)) ;;;--- Convert the mtext value into words and cycle through them (foreach a (convert2Words val) ;;;--- Remove all spaces prefixed (while(= (substr a 1 1) " ")(setq a(substr a 2))) ;;;--- Remove all spaces suffixed (while(= (substr a (strlen a) 1) " ")(setq a(substr a 1 (- (strlen a) 1)))) ;;;--- Add the word to the list (setq wordList(append wordList (list a))) ) ;;;--- Increment the counter to get the next mtext entity (setq cntr(+ cntr 1)) ;;;--- Increment the progress counter (setq pcntr(+ pcntr 1)) ;;;--- Inform the user every fifty entities (if(> pcntr 49) (progn ;;;--- Inform the user of progress (princ "\n MText entities found - ")(princ cntr)(terpri) ;;;--- Reset the progress counter (setq pcntr 0) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;;;--- If text entities inside a block are required (if getBlk ;;;--- Run the block extraction function (getBlkData) ) ;;;--- If dimension entities are required (if getDim ;;;--- Get a selection set of all dimension entities (if(setq eset(ssget "X" (list(cons 0 "DIMENSION")))) (progn ;;;--- Set up a counter (setq cntr 0 pcntr 0) ;;;--- Cycle through each of the dimensions in the selection set (while( ;;;--- Get the entity name (setq en(ssname eset cntr)) ;;;--- Get the DXF group codes (setq enlist(entget en)) ;;;--- If a dimension value was typed in... [ no group code 1 if not ] (if(assoc 1 enlist) (progn ;;;--- Get the value of the dimesion text (setq val(cdr(assoc 1 enlist))) ;;;--- Convert the dimension string into words and cycle through them (foreach a (convert2Words val) ;;;--- Remove spaces prefixed (while(= (substr a 1 1) " ")(setq a(substr a 2))) ;;;--- Remove spaces suffixed (while(= (substr a (strlen a) 1) " ")(setq a(substr a 1 (- (strlen a) 1)))) ;;;--- Add the dimension word to the list (setq wordList(append wordList (list a))) ) ) ) ;;;--- Increment the counter to get the next entity (setq cntr(+ cntr 1)) ;;;--- Inform the user every ten entities (if(> pcntr 9) (progn ;;;--- Inform the user of progress (princ "\n Dimension entities found - ")(princ cntr)(terpri) ;;;--- Reset the progress counter (setq pcntr 0) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;;;--- Inform the user of progress (princ "\n Sorting words...") ;;;--- Sort the words (if(wcmatch "14" (ver)) (setq wordList(sort wordList))) (if(wcmatch "20" (ver)) (setq wordList(vl-sort wordList ' ;;;--- Inform the user of progress (princ "\n Counting words...") ;;;--- Build a new empty list to hold the used words [ no copies ] (setq onceList(list)) ;;;--- Cycle through the words in the main word list (foreach a wordList ;;;--- If it does not exist in the onceList, add it (if(not(member a onceList)) (setq onceList(append onceList (list a))) ) ) ;;;--- Create a new empty list to hold the results (setq resultsList(list)) ;;;--- If the word text file is being used as a filter... (if useWordsList ;;;--- Reset the words to use with the words from the words.txt file (setq onceList useWordsList) ) ;;;--- Cycle through each word to count the words (foreach a onceList ;;;--- Set up a counter (setq cntr 0 cnt 0 pcntr 0) ;;;--- Cycle through each word in the main list [ words found in drawing ] (foreach b wordList (setq cntr(+ cntr 1)) ;;;--- If it matches, then count it (if(= a b) (setq cnt(+ cnt 1)) ) ;;;--- Increment the progress counter (setq pcntr(+ pcntr 1)) ;;;--- Inform the user every fifty entities (if(> pcntr 49) (progn (princ "\n working on entity - ")(princ cntr)(terpri) (setq pcntr 0) ) ) ) ;;;--- Inform the user of progress (princ "\n Formatting for display...") ;;;--- Convert the count to a string (setq cnt(itoa cnt)) ;;;--- Format the string to be 25 characters long for display purposes (while( ;;;--- Format the count string to be 10 characters for display purposes (while( ;;;--- Add the string and the count to the new list (setq newList(append newList (list (strcat a cnt)))) ) ;;;--- Reset the wordList to contain the data (setq wordList newList) ;;;--- Clear the abandoned list (setq newList nil) (setq onceList nil) (princ "\n Update completed.") ;;;--- Refresh the list in the dialog box (start_list "wordlist" 3) (mapcar 'add_list wordList) (end_list) (if( (progn ;;;--- Refresh the list in the dialog box (start_list "wordlist" 3) (mapcar 'add_list (list "No words found")) (end_list) ) ) ) ;;;--- Function to sort a list for AutoCAD Release 14 ;;; ;;;--- Usage (sort (list "F" "A" "B")) ;;; (defun sort(alist / n)(setq lcup nil rcup nil) (defun cts(a b) (cond ((> a b)t) ((= a b )t) (t nil) ) ) (foreach n alist (while (and rcup(cts n(car rcup)))(setq lcup(cons(car rcup)lcup)rcup(cdr rcup))) (while (and lcup(cts(car lcup)n))(setq rcup(cons(car lcup)rcup)lcup(cdr lcup))) (setq rcup(cons n rcup)) ) (append(reverse lcup)rcup) ) ;;;--- Function to replace a word in the word editor dialog (defun replaceWord() (setq newWord(get_tile "newword")) (if (and word (/= newword "")) (progn (setq oldList useWordsList) (setq useWordsList(list)) (foreach a oldList (if(/= a word) (setq useWordsList(append useWordsList (list a))) (setq useWordsList(append useWordsList (list newWord))) ) ) ;;;--- Sort the list (setq useWordsList(sort useWordsList)) ;;;--- Refresh the list in the dialog box (start_list "wordslist" 3) (mapcar 'add_list useWordsList) (end_list) (set_tile "newword" "") (mode_tile "replword" 1) (mode_tile "addword" 1) (mode_tile "delword" 1) ) ) ) ;;;--- Function to replace a word in the word editor dialog (defun deleteWord() (if word (progn ;;;--- Save the old list (setq oldList useWordsList) ;;;--- Clear the good list (setq useWordsList(list)) ;;;--- Cycle through old list (foreach a oldList ;;;--- If it is not the word to delete, then add it (if(/= a word) (setq useWordsList(append useWordsList (list a))) ) ) ;;;--- Refresh the list in the dialog box (start_list "wordslist" 3) (mapcar 'add_list useWordsList) (end_list) ;;;--- Clear the edit box (set_tile "newword" "") (mode_tile "replword" 1) (mode_tile "addword" 1) (mode_tile "delword" 1) ) ) ) ;;;--- Function to add a word in the word editor dialog (defun addWord() ;;;--- Get the word from the edit box (setq newWord(get_tile "newword")) (if (/= newWord "") (progn (setq useWordsList(append useWordsList (list newWord))) ;;;--- Sort the list (setq useWordsList(sort useWordsList)) ;;;--- Refresh the list in the dialog box (start_list "wordslist" 3) (mapcar 'add_list useWordsList) (end_list) ;;;--- Clear the edit box (set_tile "newword" "") ;;;--- Clear the list box of selections (set_tile "wordslist" "0") (setq word nil) (mode_tile "replword" 1) (mode_tile "addword" 1) (mode_tile "delword" 1) ) ) ) ;;;--- Function to save the words list in the word editor to file (defun saveWords() (if(setq wordFile(findfile "WORDS.TXT")) (progn (if(setq fil(open wordFile "w")) (progn (setq cnt 0) (foreach a useWordsList (if(= cnt 0) (princ a fil) (princ (strcat "\n" a) fil) ) (setq cnt(+ cnt 1)) ) (close fil) (alert "Save current word list to file!") ) (alert "Could not open the WORDs.TXT file!") ) ) (alert "Could not find the WORDS.TXT file!") ) ) ;;;--- Function to get the selected item from the word editor list (defun getSelection() (setq indexItem(atoi(get_tile "wordslist"))) (setq word(nth indexItem useWordsList)) (set_tile "newword" word) (mode_tile "addword" 0) (mode_tile "delword" 0) (mode_tile "replword" 0) ) ;;;--- Function to edit the words in the word.txt file (defun editWords() ;;;--- Load the dialog definition (new_dialog "WORDEDITOR" dcl_id) (getWordsFromFile) ;;;--- Refresh the list in the dialog box (start_list "wordslist" 3) (mapcar 'add_list useWordsList) (end_list) (mode_tile "addword" 1) (mode_tile "delword" 1) (mode_tile "replword" 1) ;;;--- If an action event occurs, do this function (action_tile "wordslist" "(getSelection)") (action_tile "replword" "(replaceWord)") (action_tile "addword" "(addWord)") (action_tile "delword" "(deleteWord)") (action_tile "savewords" "(saveWords)") (action_tile "cancel2" "(done_dialog)") ;;;--- Display the dialog box (start_dialog) ) ;;;--- Function to save the word list to file (text or csv) (defun save2File() ;;;--- Get a default file name (setq filName(getvar "dwgname")) (if(= (strcase(substr filName (- (strlen filName) 3))) ".DWG") (setq filName(substr filName 1 (- (strlen filName) 4))) ) ;;;--- Ask the user for a file name (if(setq filName(getfiled "File to Save" filName "txt;csv" 1)) (progn ;;;--- See if the user chose a CSV file or a TXT file (if(= "CSV" (strcase(substr filName (- (strlen filName) 2)))) (setq filType "CSV") (setq filType "TXT") ) ;;;--- Try to open the file to write (if(setq fil(open filName "w")) (progn ;;;--- Cycle through all of the items in the word list (foreach a wordList ;;;--- If a CSV type file was selected... (if(= filType "CSV") (progn ;;;--- Seperate the word from the count "word count" --> word, count (setq cnt 1 char "X" word "" count 0) (while(/= char " ") (setq char(substr a cnt 1)) (setq cnt(+ cnt 1)) ) (setq word(substr a 1 (- cnt 1))) (setq count(itoa(fix(atof (substr a cnt))))) ;;;--- Print the data to the CSV file (princ (strcat word "," count "\n") fil) ) ;;;--- Else, a TXT file was selected... (princ (strcat a "\n") fil) ) ) ;;;--- Close the file (close fil) ;;;--- Inform the user (alert (strcat "File " filName " created!")) ) (alert "Error trying to open file.\n\nMake sure it is not open by another application.") ) ) (alert "Error - Function cancelled by null file name.\n\nData will not be written to a file.") ) ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; 888 888 888 8888888 8888 888 ;;; ;;; 8888 8888 88888 888 88888 888 ;;; ;;; 88888 88888 888 888 888 888888 888 ;;; ;;; 888888 888888 888 888 888 888 888888 ;;; ;;; 888 88888 888 88888888888 888 888 88888 ;;; ;;; 888 888 888 888 888 8888888 888 8888 ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; 888 888888888 888888888 ;;; ;;; 88888 888 888 888 888 ;;; ;;; 888 888 888 888 888 888 ;;; ;;; 888 888 888888888 888888888 ;;; ;;; 88888888888 888 888 ;;; ;;; 888 888 888 888 ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;--- Load the dialog box from file (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "WORDS.dcl")) ;;;--- See if it is loaded (if (not (new_dialog "WORDS" dcl_id)) (progn (alert "The WORDS.DCL file could not be found!") (exit) ) ) ;;;--- See if there are default settings to use (setq deflt(getvar "useri4")) (if(> deflt 15)(progn(set_tile "getdim" "1")(setq deflt(- deflt 16)))(set_tile "getdim" "0")) (if(> deflt 7 )(progn(set_tile "getblk" "1")(setq deflt(- deflt 8 )))(set_tile "getblk" "0")) (if(> deflt 3 )(progn(set_tile "getmtx" "1")(setq deflt(- deflt 4 )))(set_tile "getmtx" "0")) (if(> deflt 1 )(progn(set_tile "getatt" "1")(setq deflt(- deflt 2 )))(set_tile "getatt" "0")) (if(> deflt 0 )(progn(set_tile "gettxt" "1")(setq deflt(- deflt 1 )))(set_tile "gettxt" "0")) (if(setq wordsFile(findfile "WORDS.TXT")) (mode_tile "only" 0) (mode_tile "only" 1) ) ;;;--- If an action event occurs, do this function (action_tile "editwords" "(editWords)") (action_tile "okay" "(updateData)") (action_tile "save2file" "(save2File)") (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog)") ;;;--- Display the dialog box (start_dialog) ;;;--- Unload the dialog box from memory (unload_dialog dcl_id) (princ) ) le DCL : WORDS : dialog { label = "WORDS - Get the quantity of words. []"; : column { : boxed_row { label = "Select the type of entities to get the words from:"; : toggle { label = "Text"; key = "gettxt"; } : toggle { label = "Attributes"; key = "getatt"; } : toggle { label = "MText"; key = "getmtx"; } : toggle { label = "Text inside Blocks"; key = "getblk"; } : toggle { label = "Dimension Text"; key = "getdim"; } } : row { : toggle { label = "Only show words listed in the WORDS.TXT file. [ Disabled if not found ]"; key = "only"; } : button { key = "editwords"; label = "Edit Word List"; is_default = false; is_cancel = false; } } : boxed_row { : list_box { label = "Word List"; key = "wordlist"; height = 10; width = 35; multiple_select = false; fixed_width_font = true; value = 0; } } : boxed_row { : button { key = "okay"; label = "Run"; is_default = true; is_cancel = false; } : button { key = "save2file"; label = "Save to File"; is_default = true; is_cancel = false; } : button { key = "cancel"; label = "Exit"; is_default = false; is_cancel = true; } } } } WORDEDITOR : dialog { label = "WORD Editor []"; : column { : boxed_column { : list_box { label = "Word List"; key = "wordslist"; height = 10; width = 35; multiple_select = false; fixed_width_font = true; value = 0; } : edit_box { key = "newword"; label = "Word:"; edit_width = 25; } } : boxed_row { : button { key = "addword"; label = "Add"; is_default = true; is_cancel = false; } : button { key = "delword"; label = "Delete"; is_default = false; is_cancel = false; } : button { key = "replword"; label = "Replace"; is_default = false; is_cancel = false; } : button { key = "savewords"; label = "Save"; is_default = false; is_cancel = false; } : button { key = "cancel2"; label = "Exit"; is_default = false; is_cancel = true; } } } } Son site : Civil 3D 2025 - COVADIS_18.3c https://www.linkedin...3%ABt-95313341/
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