waner72 Posté(e) le 11 avril 2007 Posté(e) le 11 avril 2007 Bonjour tout le monde!Sur autocad, à l'aide de VBA j'ai créé un menu "bibliotheque" qui comporte 2 sous-menus qui comportent eux même 3 sous-menus.J'aimerai lier un bloc différent pour chaque sous-menus.Quelqu'un connait il ce procédé et sait comment faire?Merci Je vous donne le code pour créér le menu et ces sous-menu. :o Sub bibliotheque() Dim currMenuGroup As AcadMenuGroup Set currMenuGroup = ThisDrawing.Application.MenuGroups.Item(0) ' creer menu biblioteque Dim newMenu As AcadPopupMenu Set newMenu = currMenuGroup.Menus.Add("bibliotheque") ' ajouter un sous menu deroulant "cercle" Dim FileSubMenu As AcadPopupMenu Set FileSubMenu = newMenu.AddSubMenu("", "cercle") ' ajouter un sous menu au precedent Dim newMenuItem As AcadPopupMenuItem Dim openMacro As String ' assigner une macro et un nom "d10" openMacro = "_d10 " Set newMenuItem = FileSubMenu.AddMenuItem _ (newMenu.Count + 1, "d10", openMacro) Dim newMenuItem1 As AcadPopupMenuItem Dim openMacro1 As String ' Assign the macro the VB equivalent of "ESC ESC _open " openMacro1 = "_d20 " Set newMenuItem1 = FileSubMenu.AddMenuItem _ (newMenu.Count + 1, "d20", openMacro1) Dim newMenuItem2 As AcadPopupMenuItem Dim openMacro2 As String ' Assign the macro the VB equivalent of "ESC ESC _open " openMacro2 = "_d30 " Set newMenuItem2 = FileSubMenu.AddMenuItem _ (newMenu.Count + 1, "d30", openMacro2) ' Display the menu on the menu bar newMenu.InsertInMenuBar _ (ThisDrawing.Application.MenuBar.Count + 1) ' Add the submenu 222222 Dim FileSubMenu1 As AcadPopupMenu Set FileSubMenu1 = newMenu.AddSubMenu("", "carre") ' Add a menu item to the sub menu Dim newMenuItem3 As AcadPopupMenuItem Dim openMacro3 As String ' Assign the macro the VB equivalent of "ESC ESC _open " openMacro3 = "_10 " Set newMenuItem3 = FileSubMenu1.AddMenuItem _ (newMenu.Count + 1, "10", openMacro3) ' Add a menu item to the sub menu Dim newMenuItem4 As AcadPopupMenuItem Dim openMacro4 As String ' Assign the macro the VB equivalent of "ESC ESC _open " openMacro4 = "_20 " Set newMenuItem4 = FileSubMenu1.AddMenuItem _ (newMenu.Count + 1, "20", openMacro4) ' Add a menu item to the sub menu Dim newMenuItem5 As AcadPopupMenuItem Dim openMacro5 As String ' Assign the macro the VB equivalent of "ESC ESC _open " openMacro5 = "_30 " Set newMenuItem5 = FileSubMenu1.AddMenuItem _ (newMenu.Count + 1, "30", openMacro5) ' Display the menu on the menu bar newMenu.InsertInMenuBar _ (ThisDrawing.Application.MenuBar.Count + 1)End Sub
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