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A titre d'information et sous toutes réserves, voilà une routine de Bill Kramer qui fait cela, je n'ai pas testée... Plus d'infos et le téléchargement ici.


;; Point A

;; A scroll from the Wizard's Lab.


;; Bill Kramer 2002


;; Interface with Excel Worksheet

;; Example that writes a list of data to a spreadsheet.


;; Global Variables

;; xL - Object reference to EXCEL instance

;; myXLWbs - Object reference to EXCEL work books

;; myXLWb1 - Object reference to Work book #1

;; myXLShs - Object reference to Sheets in Work book

;; myXLSh1 - Object reference to Sheet 1




(defun List_2_Excel (aList /

Row ;;integer row number

Col ;;integer column number

RowItem ;;each primary element in list

ColItem ;;each secondary element in list

myRange ;;object reference for cell in sheet



;;Does an interface to Excel already exist?

(if (null xL)

(setq xL ;;if not, then try to make one

(vlax-get-or-create-object "Excel.Application")))

(if xL ;;success?



;; We have the application object, now we need to tunnel

;; down into a work book.


(if (null xl-open) ;;Check to see if type library defined

;;It is not, import the type library for EXCEL


:tlb-filename "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/Excel8.olb"

:methods-prefix "xL-"

:properties-prefix "xLp-"

:constants-prefix "xLc-"))


;; Now dig into the EXCEL object

(setq myXLWbs (vlax-get xL "Workbooks") ;workbooks

myXLWb1 (xl-add myXLWbs) ;add a new workbook

myXLShs (vlax-get myXLWb1 "Sheets") ;worksheets of new workbook

myXLSh1 (xlp-get-item myXLShs 1) ;worksheet number 1

Row 1



;; Loop through the list

(foreach RowItem aList

(setq Col 1) ;;reset column counter


;; List expected to be nested, if not, then we fake it.

(if (atom RowItem) (setq RowItem (list RowItem)))


;; Loop through each nested list

(foreach ColItem RowItem


;; Create range object given column and row location

(setq myRange (xlp-get-range



(ColLetter Col) ;;see below

(itoa Row)


Col (1+ Col)) ;;increment column counter


;; Write the value to the spreadsheet

(xlp-Put-Value myRange ColItem)


(setq Row (1+ Row)) ;;increment row counter

) ;;end FOREACH

)) ;;end IF PROGN



;; ColLetter - Given a number, returns a string that is the Excel

;; method of numbering columns.

;; 1="A", 2="B", ... 26="Z", 27="AA", 28 = "Ab" ...


(defun ColLetter (N /

Res ;;resulting string

TMP ;;work variable


(setq Res "")

(while (> N 0)

(setq TMP (rem N 26) ;;remainder of N divided by 26

TMP (if (zerop TMP) ;;reset to "Z"

(setq N (1- N) ;;move under next order

TMP 26 ;;set to Z offset value


TMP) ;;use value as it is

Res (strcat ;;Add character

(chr (+ 64 TMP)) ;;Offset plus 64 ("A" = 65)

Res) ;;existing string

N (/ N 26) ;;shift down an order






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