TitOoN Posté(e) le 3 janvier 2007 Posté(e) le 3 janvier 2007 Bonjour a toutes et a tous, j'aimerai savoir si personne à deja programmer l'application d'un planning GANTT en LISP ? ou VBA? pour AutoCAD. je me lance la dedans mais j'ai peur de patoger un peu .. si quelqu'un à un filon, se serai sympa. Merci cordialement. TitOoN :casstet:
Patrick_35 Posté(e) le 3 janvier 2007 Posté(e) le 3 janvier 2007 SalutCa ne serait pas plus simple avec Excel comme ici @+ Les Lisps de PatrickLe but n'est pas toujours placé pour être atteint, mais pour servir de point de mire.Joseph Joubert, 1754-1824
TitOoN Posté(e) le 3 janvier 2007 Auteur Posté(e) le 3 janvier 2007 Enfait c'est un projet et je doit faire ca sur une base AutoCAD, sinon c'est clair que je serai parti sur Excel, et en plus de ca, il serai deja fini . :) .. Mais non ce n'est pas le but de mon projet . Dommage. J'ai quelques idées pour programmer ca, mais ca risque d'etre long !. Merci bcp.Cordialement TitOoN :P
x13 Posté(e) le 3 janvier 2007 Posté(e) le 3 janvier 2007 À part MSproject il y a http://sourceforge.net/projects/ganttproject/ Pour le lisp celui-ci peut sûrement être amélioré. ;; DDGANTT.LSP 2.0 © Greg MacGeorge, May 2000;(defun wline () (setq v 5) (repeat 4 (setq xwk (+ 8.75 (* v incr) premx)) (setq xwkpt (list xwk liney)) (setq pt1 (polar xwkpt 0 0)) (setq pt2 (polar pt1 1.5707963 0.25)) (command "line") (command pt1) (command pt2) (command "") (setq txtwk (list xwk wtexty)) (command "text") (command "c" txtwk ".125" "0" v) (setq v (+ v 7)) ) (command "setvar" "cmdecho" 1));;(defun mon () (command "setvar" "cmdecho" 0) (setq xmon (+ 8.75 endmx)) (setq monpt (list xmon liney)) (setq monpt2 (list xmon liney2)) (setq pt1 (polar monpt 0 0)) (setq pt2 (polar pt1 1.5707963 1)) (command "line") (command pt1) (command pt2) (command "") (setq pt3 (polar monpt2 0 0)) (setq pt4 (polar pt3 4.712389 18.75)) (command "line") (command pt3) (command pt4) (command "") (setq txtmon (/ (- endmx premx) 2)) (setq txtmon (+ txtmon premx)) (setq txtmon (+ 8.75 txtmon)) (setq txtmonpt (list txtmon mtexty)));;(defun jan1 () (command "text") (command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Janvier") (wline));;;;(defun fev1 () (command "text") (command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Fevrier") (wline));;;;(defun mar1 () (command "text") (command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Mars") (wline));;;;(defun avr1 () (command "text") (command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Avril") (wline));;;;(defun mai1 () (command "text") (command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Mai") (wline));;;;(defun jun1 () (command "text") (command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Juin") (wline));;;;(defun jul1 () (command "text") (command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Juillet") (wline));;;;(defun aou1 () (command "text") (command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Aoust") (wline));;;;(defun sep1 () (command "text") (command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Septembre") (wline));;;;(defun oct1 () (command "text") (command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Octobre") (wline));;;;(defun nov1 () (command "text") (command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Novembre") (wline));;;;(defun dec1 () (command "text") (command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Decembre") (wline));;;;(defun twmon1 () (setq incr (/ 24.375 365)) (setq premx 0) (setq endmx (* 31 incr)) (setq stmx1 (* 0 incr)) (mon) (jan1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 59 incr)) (setq stmx2 (* 31 incr)) (mon) (fev1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 90 incr)) (setq stmx3 (* 59 incr)) (mon) (mar1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 120 incr)) (setq stmx4 (* 90 incr)) (mon) (avr1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 151 incr)) (setq stmx5 (* 120 incr)) (mon) (mai1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 181 incr)) (setq stmx6 (* 151 incr)) (mon) (jun1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 212 incr)) (setq stmx7 (* 181 incr)) (mon) (jul1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 243 incr)) (setq stmx8 (* 212 incr)) (mon) (aou1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 273 incr)) (setq stmx9 (* 243 incr)) (mon) (sep1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 304 incr)) (setq stmx10 (* 273 incr)) (mon) (oct1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 334 incr)) (setq stmx11 (* 304 incr)) (mon) (nov1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 365 incr)) (setq stmx12 (* 334 incr)) (mon) (dec1));;;;(defun twmon2 () (setq incr (/ 24.375 365)) (setq premx 0) (setq endmx (* 28 incr)) (setq stmx2 (* 0 incr)) (mon) (fev1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 59 incr)) (setq stmx3 (* 28 incr)) (mon) (mar1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 89 incr)) (setq stmx4 (* 59 incr)) (mon) (avr1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 120 incr)) (setq stmx5 (* 89 incr)) (mon) (mai1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 150 incr)) (setq stmx6 (* 120 incr)) (mon) (jun1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 181 incr)) (setq stmx7 (* 150 incr)) (mon) (jul1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 212 incr)) (setq stmx8 (* 181 incr)) (mon) (aou1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 242 incr)) (setq stmx9 (* 212 incr)) (mon) (sep1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 273 incr)) (setq stmx10 (* 242 incr)) (mon) (oct1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 303 incr)) (setq stmx11 (* 273 incr)) (mon) (nov1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 334 incr)) (setq stmx12 (* 303 incr)) (mon) (dec1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 365 incr)) (setq stmx1 (* 334 incr)) (mon) (jan1));;;;(defun twmon3 () (setq incr (/ 24.375 365)) (setq premx 0) (setq endmx (* 31 incr)) (setq stmx3 (* 0 incr)) (mon) (mar1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 61 incr)) (setq stmx4 (* 31 incr)) (mon) (avr1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 92 incr)) (setq stmx5 (* 61 incr)) (mon) (mai1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 122 incr)) (setq stmx6 (* 92 incr)) (mon) (jun1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 153 incr)) (setq stmx7 (* 122 incr)) (mon) (jul1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 184 incr)) (setq stmx8 (* 153 incr)) (mon) (aou1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 214 incr)) (setq stmx9 (* 184 incr)) (mon) (sep1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 245 incr)) (setq stmx10 (* 214 incr)) (mon) (oct1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 275 incr)) (setq stmx11 (* 245 incr)) (mon) (nov1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 306 incr)) (setq stmx12 (* 275 incr)) (mon) (dec1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 337 incr)) (setq stmx1 (* 306 incr)) (mon) (jan1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 365 incr)) (setq stmx2 (* 337 incr)) (mon) (fev1));;;;(defun twmon4 () (setq incr (/ 24.375 365)) (setq premx 0) (setq endmx (* 30 incr)) (setq stmx4 (* 0 incr)) (mon) (avr1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 61 incr)) (setq stmx5 (* 30 incr)) (mon) (mai1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 91 incr)) (setq stmx6 (* 61 incr)) (mon) (jun1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 122 incr)) (setq stmx7 (* 91 incr)) (mon) (jul1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 153 incr)) (setq stmx8 (* 122 incr)) (mon) (aou1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 183 incr)) (setq stmx9 (* 153 incr)) (mon) (sep1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 214 incr)) (setq stmx10 (* 183 incr)) (mon) (oct1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 244 incr)) (setq stmx11 (* 214 incr)) (mon) (nov1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 275 incr)) (setq stmx12 (* 244 incr)) (mon) (dec1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 306 incr)) (setq stmx1 (* 275 incr)) (mon) (jan1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 334 incr)) (setq stmx2 (* 306 incr)) (mon) (fev1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 365 incr)) (setq stmx3 (* 334 incr)) (mon) (mar1));;;;(defun twmon5 () (setq incr (/ 24.375 365)) (setq premx 0) (setq endmx (* 31 incr)) (setq stmx5 (* 0 incr)) (mon) (mai1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 61 incr)) (setq stmx6 (* 31 incr)) (mon) (jun1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 92 incr)) (setq stmx7 (* 61 incr)) (mon) (jul1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 123 incr)) (setq stmx8 (* 92 incr)) (mon) (aou1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 153 incr)) (setq stmx9 (* 123 incr)) (mon) (sep1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 184 incr)) (setq stmx10 (* 153 incr)) (mon) (oct1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 214 incr)) (setq stmx11 (* 184 incr)) (mon) (nov1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 245 incr)) (setq stmx12 (* 214 incr)) (mon) (dec1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 276 incr)) (setq stmx1 (* 245 incr)) (mon) (jan1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 304 incr)) (setq stmx2 (* 276 incr)) (mon) (fev1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 335 incr)) (setq stmx3 (* 304 incr)) (mon) (mar1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 365 incr)) (setq stmx4 (* 335 incr)) (mon) (avr1));;;;(defun twmon6 () (setq incr (/ 24.375 365)) (setq premx 0) (setq endmx (* 30 incr)) (setq stmx6 (* 0 incr)) (mon) (jun1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 61 incr)) (setq stmx7 (* 30 incr)) (mon) (jul1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 92 incr)) (setq stmx8 (* 61 incr)) (mon) (aou1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 122 incr)) (setq stmx9 (* 92 incr)) (mon) (sep1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 153 incr)) (setq stmx10 (* 122 incr)) (mon) (oct1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 183 incr)) (setq stmx11 (* 153 incr)) (mon) (nov1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 214 incr)) (setq stmx12 (* 183 incr)) (mon) (dec1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 245 incr)) (setq stmx1 (* 214 incr)) (mon) (jan1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 273 incr)) (setq stmx2 (* 245 incr)) (mon) (fev1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 304 incr)) (setq stmx3 (* 273 incr)) (mon) (mar1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 334 incr)) (setq stmx4 (* 304 incr)) (mon) (avr1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 365 incr)) (setq stmx5 (* 334 incr)) (mon) (mai1));;;;(defun twmon7 () (setq incr (/ 24.375 365)) (setq premx 0) (setq endmx (* 31 incr)) (setq stmx7 (* 0 incr)) (mon) (jul1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 62 incr)) (setq stmx8 (* 31 incr)) (mon) (aou1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 92 incr)) (setq stmx9 (* 62 incr)) (mon) (sep1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 123 incr)) (setq stmx10 (* 92 incr)) (mon) (oct1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 153 incr)) (setq stmx11 (* 123 incr)) (mon) (nov1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 184 incr)) (setq stmx12 (* 153 incr)) (mon) (dec1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 215 incr)) (setq stmx1 (* 184 incr)) (mon) (jan1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 243 incr)) (setq stmx2 (* 215 incr)) (mon) (fev1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 274 incr)) (setq stmx3 (* 243 incr)) (mon) (mar1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 304 incr)) (setq stmx4 (* 274 incr)) (mon) (avr1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 335 incr)) (setq stmx5 (* 304 incr)) (mon) (mai1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 365 incr)) (setq stmx6 (* 335 incr)) (mon) (jun1));;;;(defun twmon8 () (setq incr (/ 24.375 365)) (setq premx 0) (setq endmx (* 31 incr)) (setq stmx8 (* 0 incr)) (mon) (aou1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 61 incr)) (setq stmx9 (* 31 incr)) (mon) (sep1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 92 incr)) (setq stmx10 (* 61 incr)) (mon) (oct1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 122 incr)) (setq stmx11 (* 92 incr)) (mon) (nov1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 153 incr)) (setq stmx12 (* 122 incr)) (mon) (dec1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 184 incr)) (setq stmx1 (* 153 incr)) (mon) (jan1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 212 incr)) (setq stmx2 (* 184 incr)) (mon) (fev1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 243 incr)) (setq stmx3 (* 212 incr)) (mon) (mar1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 273 incr)) (setq stmx4 (* 243 incr)) (mon) (avr1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 303 incr)) (setq stmx5 (* 273 incr)) (mon) (mai1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 334 incr)) (setq stmx6 (* 303 incr)) (mon) (jun1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 365 incr)) (setq stmx7 (* 334 incr)) (mon) (jul1));;;;(defun twmon9 () (setq incr (/ 24.375 365)) (setq premx 0) (setq endmx (* 30 incr)) (setq stmx9 (* 0 incr)) (mon) (sep1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 61 incr)) (setq stmx10 (* 30 incr)) (mon) (oct1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 91 incr)) (setq stmx11 (* 61 incr)) (mon) (nov1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 122 incr)) (setq stmx12 (* 91 incr)) (mon) (dec1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 153 incr)) (setq stmx1 (* 122 incr)) (mon) (jan1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 181 incr)) (setq stmx2 (* 153 incr)) (mon) (fev1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 212 incr)) (setq stmx3 (* 181 incr)) (mon) (mar1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 242 incr)) (setq stmx4 (* 212 incr)) (mon) (avr1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 273 incr)) (setq stmx5 (* 242 incr)) (mon) (mai1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 303 incr)) (setq stmx6 (* 273 incr)) (mon) (jun1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 334 incr)) (setq stmx7 (* 303 incr)) (mon) (jul1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 365 incr)) (setq stmx8 (* 334 incr)) (mon) (aou1));;;;(defun twmon10 () (setq incr (/ 24.375 365)) (setq premx 0) (setq endmx (* 31 incr)) (setq stmx10 (* 0 incr)) (mon) (oct1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 61 incr)) (setq stmx11 (* 31 incr)) (mon) (nov1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 92 incr)) (setq stmx12 (* 61 incr)) (mon) (dec1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 123 incr)) (setq stmx1 (* 92 incr)) (mon) (jan1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 151 incr)) (setq stmx2 (* 123 incr)) (mon) (fev1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 182 incr)) (setq stmx3 (* 151 incr)) (mon) (mar1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 212 incr)) (setq stmx4 (* 182 incr)) (mon) (avr1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 243 incr)) (setq stmx5 (* 212 incr)) (mon) (mai1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 273 incr)) (setq stmx6 (* 243 incr)) (mon) (jun1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 304 incr)) (setq stmx7 (* 273 incr)) (mon) (jul1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 335 incr)) (setq stmx8 (* 304 incr)) (mon) (aou1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 365 incr)) (setq stmx9 (* 335 incr)) (mon) (sep1));;;;(defun twmon11 () (setq incr (/ 24.375 365)) (setq premx 0) (setq endmx (* 30 incr)) (setq stmx11 (* 0 incr)) (mon) (nov1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 61 incr)) (setq stmx12 (* 30 incr)) (mon) (dec1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 92 incr)) (setq stmx1 (* 61 incr)) (mon) (jan1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 120 incr)) (setq stmx2 (* 92 incr)) (mon) (fev1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 151 incr)) (setq stmx3 (* 120 incr)) (mon) (mar1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 181 incr)) (setq stmx4 (* 151 incr)) (mon) (avr1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 212 incr)) (setq stmx5 (* 181 incr)) (mon) (mai1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 242 incr)) (setq stmx6 (* 212 incr)) (mon) (jun1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 273 incr)) (setq stmx7 (* 242 incr)) (mon) (jul1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 304 incr)) (setq stmx8 (* 273 incr)) (mon) (aou1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 334 incr)) (setq stmx9 (* 304 incr)) (mon) (sep1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 365 incr)) (setq stmx10 (* 334 incr)) (mon) (oct1));;;;(defun twmon12 () (setq incr (/ 24.375 365)) (setq premx 0) (setq endmx (* 31 incr)) (setq stmx12 (* 0 incr)) (mon) (dec1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 62 incr)) (setq stmx1 (* 31 incr)) (mon) (jan1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 90 incr)) (setq stmx2 (* 62 incr)) (mon) (fev1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 121 incr)) (setq stmx3 (* 90 incr)) (mon) (mar1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 151 incr)) (setq stmx4 (* 121 incr)) (mon) (avr1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 182 incr)) (setq stmx5 (* 151 incr)) (mon) (mai1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 212 incr)) (setq stmx6 (* 182 incr)) (mon) (jun1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 243 incr)) (setq stmx7 (* 212 incr)) (mon) (jul1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 274 incr)) (setq stmx8 (* 243 incr)) (mon) (aou1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 304 incr)) (setq stmx9 (* 274 incr)) (mon) (sep1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 335 incr)) (setq stmx10 (* 304 incr)) (mon) (oct1) (setq premx endmx) (setq endmx (* 365 incr)) (setq stmx11 (* 335 incr)) (mon) (nov1));;;;;(defun bordline () (command "setvar" "cmdecho" 0) (command "setvar" "limmin" "0,0") (command "setvar" "limmax" "36,24") (command "zoom" "a") (command "line") (command "0.625,0.625" "0.625,21.375" "33.125,21.375" "33.125,0.625" "close") (command "line") (command "8.625,21.375" "8.625,19.50" "0.625,19.50" "") (command "line") (command "0.625,19.375" "8.625,19.375" "8.625,0.625" "") (command "line") (command "8.75,21.375" "8.75,19.50" "33.125,19.50" "") (command "line") (command "33.125,19.375" "8.75,19.375" "8.75,0.625" "") (command "line") (command "8.75,20.50" "33.125,20.50" "") (command "setvar" "cmdecho" 1));;;;(defun gan1 () (setq mtexty 20.1875) (setq wtexty 19.875) (setq liney 19.5) (setq liney2 19.375) (setq incr 1) (setq task "t") (setq task1 "t") (setq h "t"));;;;(defun gan2 () (setq chtyp (itoa smonth)) (if (= chtyp "0") (twmon1)) (if (= chtyp "1") (twmon2)) (if (= chtyp "2") (twmon3)) (if (= chtyp "3") (twmon4)) (if (= chtyp "4") (twmon5)) (if (= chtyp "5") (twmon6)) (if (= chtyp "6") (twmon7)) (if (= chtyp "7") (twmon8)) (if (= chtyp "8") (twmon9)) (if (= chtyp "9") (twmon10)) (if (= chtyp "10") (twmon11)) (if (= chtyp "11") (twmon12)));;;;(defun ptask () (write-line task f) (command "setvar" "cmdecho" 0) (command "text") (command "r" tpt "0.25" "0" task) (command "setvar" "cmdecho" 1) (setq h nil));;;(defun ganhead_on () (if (= task 1) (progn (mode_tile "task" 1) (mode_tile "tstart_mon_list" 1) (mode_tile "tstart_day" 1) (mode_tile "tend_mon_list" 1) (mode_tile "tend_day" 1) (mode_tile "head" 0) (mode_tile "head" 2) ) (progn (mode_tile "task" 0) (mode_tile "task" 2) (mode_tile "tstart_mon_list" 0) (mode_tile "tstart_day" 0) (mode_tile "tend_mon_list" 0) (mode_tile "tend_day" 0) (mode_tile "head" 1) )));;;(defun ganhead () (setq ty (- ty 0.0625)) (setq ly (- ly 0.0625)) (setq tpt (list 8.5 ty)) (command "text") (command "r" tpt "0.375" "0" head) (command "setvar" "cmdecho" 1) (setq ty (- ty 0.375)) (setq ly (- ly 0.375)) (setq task1 nil) (setq h nil));;;;(defun ganend () (print) (print) (setq task nil) (setq task1 nil) (setq h nil) (unload_dialog dcl_id));;;;(defun twbar () (setq tans t) (print) (initget 7 "f o") (setq bartyp (getkword "Type of Bars (F)illed/(O)pen): ")) (if (= bartyp "f") (command "setvar" "fillmode" 1)) (if (= bartyp "o") (command "setvar" "fillmode" 0)) (setq dnam (getvar "dwgname")) (setq dnam (strcat dnam ".dat")) (setq f (open dnam "w")) (setq endmx 0) (setq ty 19.0) (setq ly 19.125) (while task (command "setvar" "cmdecho" 1) (setq task1 "t") (setq task "t") (setq h "t") (print) (setq tpt (list 8.5 ty)) (if (not (new_dialog "gantask" dcl_id)) (exit)) (set_tmonth_list) (set_day_list) (mode_tile "task" 2) (mode_tile "head" 1) (setq head nil) (setq tstart_month "0") (setq tstart_day "0") (setq tend_month "0") (setq tend_day "0") (action_tile "head_toggle" "(setq task (atoi $value)) (ganhead_on)") (action_tile "head" "(setq head $value)") (action_tile "task" "(setq task $value)") (action_tile "tstart_mon_list" "(setq tstart_month $value)") (action_tile "tstart_day" "(setq tstart_day $value)") (action_tile "tend_mon_list" "(setq tend_month $value)") (action_tile "tend_day" "(setq tend_day $value)") (action_tile "accept" "(setq tans 1) (done_dialog)") (action_tile "cancel" "(setq tans 0) (done_dialog)") (start_dialog) (if (or (= task " ") (= tans 0)) (ganend)) (if (/= head nil) (ganhead)) (while h (ptask) ) (while task1 (setq smon (itoa (+ (atoi tstart_month) 1))) (if (= smon "1") (setq endmx stmx1)) (if (= smon "2") (setq endmx stmx2)) (if (= smon "3") (setq endmx stmx3)) (if (= smon "4") (setq endmx stmx4)) (if (= smon "5") (setq endmx stmx5)) (if (= smon "6") (setq endmx stmx6)) (if (= smon "7") (setq endmx stmx7)) (if (= smon "8") (setq endmx stmx8)) (if (= smon "9") (setq endmx stmx9)) (if (= smon "10") (setq endmx stmx10)) (if (= smon "11") (setq endmx stmx11)) (if (= smon "12") (setq endmx stmx12)) (write-line smon f) (setq sday (+ (atoi tstart_day) 1)) (setq sdayt (rtos sday 2 2)) (write-line sdayt f) (setq sdayx (+ 8.75 (* sday incr) endmx)) (setq dayspt (list sdayx ly)) (setq endmx 0) (setq emon (itoa (+ (atoi tend_month) 1))) (if (= emon "1") (setq endmx stmx1)) (if (= emon "2") (setq endmx stmx2)) (if (= emon "3") (setq endmx stmx3)) (if (= emon "4") (setq endmx stmx4)) (if (= emon "5") (setq endmx stmx5)) (if (= emon "6") (setq endmx stmx6)) (if (= emon "7") (setq endmx stmx7)) (if (= emon "8") (setq endmx stmx8)) (if (= emon "9") (setq endmx stmx9)) (if (= emon "10") (setq endmx stmx10)) (if (= emon "11") (setq endmx stmx11)) (if (= emon "12") (setq endmx stmx12)) (write-line emon f) (setq eday (+ (atoi tend_day) 1)) (setq edayt (rtos eday 2 2)) (write-line edayt f) (setq edayx (+ 8.75 (* eday incr) endmx)) (setq dayept (list edayx ly)) (command "setvar" "cmdecho" 0) (command "trace") (command "0.25" dayspt dayept) (command "") (setq ty (- ty 0.375)) (setq ly (- ly 0.375)) (setq task1 nil) ) ));;;(defun set_tmonth_list () (setq month_list (list "Janvier" "Fevrier" "Mars" "Avril" "Mai" "Juin" "Juillet" "Aout" "Septembre" "Octobre" "Novembre" "Decembre")) (start_list "tstart_mon_list") (mapcar 'add_list month_list) (end_list) (start_list "tend_mon_list") (mapcar 'add_list month_list) (end_list));;;(defun set_day_list () (setq day_list (list "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" "13" "14" "15" "16" "17" "18" "19" "20" "21" "22" "23" "24" "25" "26" "27" "28" "29" "30" "31")) (start_list "tstart_day") (mapcar 'add_list day_list) (end_list) (start_list "tend_day") (mapcar 'add_list day_list) (end_list));;;(defun set_month_list () (setq month_list (list "Janvier" "Fevrier" "Mars" "Avril" "Mai" "Juin" "Juillet" "Aout" "Septembre" "Octobre" "Novembre" "Decembre")) (start_list "smonth_list") (mapcar 'add_list month_list) (end_list) (start_list "tstart_mon_list") (mapcar 'add_list month_list) (end_list) (start_list "tend_mon_list") (mapcar 'add_list month_list) (end_list));;;(defun set_smonth () (setq count smonth) (setq month_list2 month_list) (if (= count 0) (setq tb (car month_list2))) (while (> count 0) (setq month_list2 (cdr month_list2)) (setq smont (car month_list2)) (setq count (- count 1)) ));;(defun set_tstart_month () (setq count tstart_month) (setq month_list3 month_list) (if (= count 0) (setq tb (car month_list3))) (while (> count 0) (setq month_list3 (cdr month_list3)) (setq t_start_mon (car month_list3)) (setq count (- count 1)) ));;(defun set_tend_month () (setq count tend_month) (setq month_list4 month_list) (if (= count 0) (setq tb (car month_list4))) (while (> count 0) (setq month_list4 (cdr month_list4)) (setq t_end_mon (car month_list4)) (setq count (- count 1)) ));;;(defun C:GANTT () (command "setvar" "cmdecho" 0) (command "setvar" "blipmode" 0) (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "ddgantt.dcl")) (if (not (new_dialog "mongantt" dcl_id)) (exit)) (setq smon nil) (set_month_list) (setq smonth 0) (action_tile "smonth_list" "(setq smonth (atoi $value)) (set_smonth)") (action_tile "accept" "(setq ans 1) (done_dialog)") (action_tile "cancel" "(setq ans 0) (done_dialog)") (start_dialog) (if (and (= ans 1) (/= smont nil)) (progn (bordline) (gan1) (gan2) (twbar) (close f) ) ) (if (= ans 0) (unload_dialog dcl_id)));;;(princ "DDGANTT 2.0 © Greg MacGeorge, 2000....chargé.")(terpri)(princ "C:GANTT")(print);;************************************************************//// DDGANTT.DCL Version 2.0 May 2000//// DDGANTT.DCL - Used to get input for the DDGANTT.LSP program. dcl_settings : default_dcl_settings { audit_level = 0; } mongantt : dialog { label = "Gantt 2.0"; : column { :text {label = "Mois de départ:";} :popup_list { key = "smonth_list"; fixed_width; } } : row {ok_button; cancel_button;} }////gantask : dialog { label = "Gantt Tâche"; :row { :column { label = "Header"; : toggle { label = "Header"; key = "head_toggle"; } } :column { label = "Header"; :edit_box { label = "Texte: "; key = "head"; fixed_width = true; } } } spacer_1; :row { label = "Tâche"; :edit_box { label = "Tâche: "; key = "task"; fixed_width = 15; } } spacer_1; :row { label = "Départ"; :column { :text {label = "Sélectionné le Mois de départ:";} :popup_list { key = "tstart_mon_list"; fixed_width; } } :column { :text {label = "Première Journée:";} :popup_list { key = "tstart_day"; fixed_width = true; } } } spacer_1; :row { label = "Fin"; :column { :text {label = "Dernier Mois:";} :popup_list { key = "tend_mon_list"; fixed_width; } } :column { :text {label = "Dernier Mois:";} :popup_list { key = "tend_day"; fixed_width = true; } } } spacer_1; : row {ok_button; cancel_button;} }//// :)
(gile) Posté(e) le 4 janvier 2007 Posté(e) le 4 janvier 2007 Attention ! Le LISP ci-dessus ne fonctionnera que sur les versions anglo-saxonnes d'AutoCAD.Pour un fonctionnement sur toutes les versions il faut "internationaliser" les noms de commandes et les options dans tous les appels de la fonction commandExemple : (command "line") doit être remplacé par (command "_.line") Par ailleurs, il doit aussi pouvoir gagner en concision : (command "line")(command pt1)(command pt2)(command "") peut s'écrire : (command "_.line" pt1 pt2 "") ou encore : (command "setvar" "cmdecho" 1) peut s'écrire : (setvar "cmdecho" 0) Bon courrage ... [Edité le 4/1/2007 par (gile)] Gilles Chanteau - gileCAD - GitHub Développements sur mesure pour AutoCAD
TitOoN Posté(e) le 4 janvier 2007 Auteur Posté(e) le 4 janvier 2007 Le programme LISP fonctionne pas .. je pense avoir bien renommé chaque command, le DCL a l'air d'etre correctement fait, mais rien ne se lance "erreur / abandon", je vais continuer a chercher. Sinon pour ce qui est du GANTTProjet, ca fait un peu trop parfait pour un étudiant de présenter ca devant ces profs.en tout cas un grand merci pour l'aide..si par hasard d'autres programmes de création de gantt en lisp ou vba se présente, envoyez une copie ;) . cordialement TitOoN :P
(gile) Posté(e) le 4 janvier 2007 Posté(e) le 4 janvier 2007 mais rien ne se lance "erreur / abandon" As-tu bien enregistré le DCL sous DDGANTT.DCL dans un dossier du chemin de recherche des fichiers de support ? Gilles Chanteau - gileCAD - GitHub Développements sur mesure pour AutoCAD
TitOoN Posté(e) le 4 janvier 2007 Auteur Posté(e) le 4 janvier 2007 Oui j'ai bien enregistré le DCL comme il fallait mais pas au bon endroit, il y a de l'amélioration mais le programme s'arrete après la selection du mois de départ :"Commande: gantt modifvar Entrez le nom de la variable ou [?]: cmdecho Entrez une nouvelle valeur pour CMDECHO <1>: 0 Point ou option nécessaire. ; erreur: Fonction annulée Spécifiez le point suivant ou [Clore/annUler]:" Je pense que je vais laisser tomber cette solution et reprendre a zéro. Merci bcp. TitOoN :P
bonuscad Posté(e) le 5 janvier 2007 Posté(e) le 5 janvier 2007 (command "line") doit être remplacé par (command "_.line") Il n'y a pas que les commande à internationaliser, mais AUSSI les options des commandes. Dans ton cas c'est "close" de l'option ligne qui doit être "_close". Ne laisse pas tomber, j'ai essayé le lisp et après correction; il n'est pas très bien écrit, il fonctionne quand même... :casstet: Choisissez un travail que vous aimez et vous n'aurez pas à travailler un seul jour de votre vie. - Confucius
TitOoN Posté(e) le 5 janvier 2007 Auteur Posté(e) le 5 janvier 2007 j'ai corrigé quelque commande, il y a encore une grande amélioration, ca me dessine le planning que si je selectionne les mois de fevrier à decembre, janvier ne fonctionne pas. puis ensuite la 2eme boite de dialogue apparé, je le renseigne --> OK --> Pt d'insertion du texte --> Hauteur, angle et puis plus rien. je voulais savoir si il n'y a pas un fichier .dat à créé ? puisqu'il y a : (setq bartyp (getkword "Type of Bars (F)illed/(O)pen): "))(if (= bartyp "f") (command "modifvar" "fillmode" 1))(if (= bartyp "o") (command "modifvar" "fillmode" 0))(setq dnam (getvar "dwgname"))(setq dnam (strcat dnam ".dat"))(setq f (open dnam "w")) voila le .lsp : ;; DDGANTT.LSP 2.0 © Greg MacGeorge, May 2000;(defun wline ()(setq v 5)(repeat 4(setq xwk (+ 8.75 (* v incr) premx))(setq xwkpt (list xwk liney))(setq pt1 (polar xwkpt 0 0))(setq pt2 (polar pt1 1.5707963 0.25))(command "_line")(command pt1)(command pt2)(command "")(setq txtwk (list xwk w_texty))(command "_text")(command "c" txtwk ".125" "0" v)(setq v (+ v 7)))(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 1));;(defun mon ()(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 0)(setq xmon (+ 8.75 endmx))(setq monpt (list xmon liney))(setq monpt2 (list xmon liney2))(setq pt1 (polar monpt 0 0))(setq pt2 (polar pt1 1.5707963 1))(command "_line")(command pt1)(command pt2)(command "")(setq pt3 (polar monpt2 0 0))(setq pt4 (polar pt3 4.712389 18.75))(command "_line")(command pt3)(command pt4)(command "")(setq txtmon (/ (- endmx premx) 2))(setq txtmon (+ txtmon premx))(setq txtmon (+ 8.75 txtmon))(setq txtmonpt (list txtmon m_texty)));;(defun jan1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Janvier")(wline));;;;(defun fev1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Fevrier")(wline));;;;(defun mar1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Mars")(wline));;;;(defun avr1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Avril")(wline));;;;(defun mai1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Mai")(wline));;;;(defun jun1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Juin")(wline));;;;(defun jul1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Juillet")(wline));;;;(defun aou1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Aoust")(wline));;;;(defun sep1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Septembre")(wline));;;;(defun oct1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Octobre")(wline));;;;(defun nov1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Novembre")(wline));;;;(defun dec1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Decembre")(wline));;;;(defun twmon1 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 31 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 0 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 59 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 31 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 90 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 59 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 120 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 90 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 151 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 120 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 181 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 151 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 212 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 181 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 243 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 212 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 273 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 243 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 304 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 273 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 334 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 304 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 334 incr))(mon)(dec1));;;;(defun twmon2 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 28 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 0 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 59 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 28 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 89 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 59 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 120 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 89 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 150 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 120 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 181 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 150 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 212 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 181 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 242 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 212 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 273 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 242 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 303 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 273 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 334 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 303 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 334 incr))(mon)(jan1));;;;(defun twmon3 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 31 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 0 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 61 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 31 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 92 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 61 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 122 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 92 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 153 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 122 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 184 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 153 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 214 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 184 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 245 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 214 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 275 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 245 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 306 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 275 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 337 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 306 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 337 incr))(mon)(fev1));;;;(defun twmon4 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 30 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 0 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 61 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 30 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 91 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 61 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 122 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 91 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 153 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 122 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 183 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 153 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 214 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 183 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 244 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 214 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 275 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 244 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 306 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 275 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 334 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 306 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 334 incr))(mon)(mar1));;;;(defun twmon5 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 31 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 0 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 61 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 31 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 92 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 61 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 123 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 92 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 153 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 123 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 184 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 153 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 214 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 184 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 245 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 214 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 276 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 245 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 304 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 276 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 335 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 304 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 335 incr))(mon)(avr1));;;;(defun twmon6 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 30 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 0 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 61 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 30 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 92 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 61 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 122 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 92 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 153 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 122 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 183 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 153 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 214 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 183 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 245 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 214 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 273 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 245 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 304 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 273 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 334 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 304 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 334 incr))(mon)(mai1));;;;(defun twmon7 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 31 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 0 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 62 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 31 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 92 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 62 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 123 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 92 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 153 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 123 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 184 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 153 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 215 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 184 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 243 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 215 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 274 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 243 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 304 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 274 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 335 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 304 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 335 incr))(mon)(jun1));;;;(defun twmon8 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 31 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 0 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 61 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 31 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 92 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 61 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 122 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 92 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 153 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 122 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 184 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 153 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 212 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 184 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 243 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 212 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 273 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 243 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 303 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 273 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 334 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 303 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 334 incr))(mon)(jul1));;;;(defun twmon9 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 30 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 0 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 61 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 30 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 91 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 61 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 122 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 91 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 153 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 122 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 181 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 153 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 212 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 181 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 242 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 212 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 273 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 242 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 303 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 273 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 334 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 303 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 334 incr))(mon)(aou1));;;;(defun twmon10 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 31 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 0 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 61 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 31 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 92 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 61 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 123 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 92 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 151 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 123 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 182 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 151 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 212 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 182 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 243 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 212 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 273 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 243 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 304 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 273 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 335 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 304 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 335 incr))(mon)(sep1));;;;(defun twmon11 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 30 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 0 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 61 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 30 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 92 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 61 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 120 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 92 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 151 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 120 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 181 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 151 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 212 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 181 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 242 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 212 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 273 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 242 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 304 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 273 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 334 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 304 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 334 incr))(mon)(oct1));;;;(defun twmon12 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 31 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 0 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 62 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 31 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 90 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 62 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 121 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 90 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 151 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 121 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 182 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 151 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 212 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 182 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 243 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 212 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 274 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 243 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 304 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 274 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 335 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 304 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 335 incr))(mon)(nov1));;;;;(defun bordline ()(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 0)(command "modifvar" "limmin" "0,0")(command "modifvar" "limmax" "36,24")(command "_zoom" "_a")(command "_line")(command "0.625,0.625" "0.625,21.375" "33.125,21.375" "33.125,0.625""_close")(command "_line")(command "8.625,21.375" "8.625,19.50" "0.625,19.50" "")(command "_line")(command "0.625,19.375" "8.625,19.375" "8.625,0.625" "")(command "_line")(command "8.75,21.375" "8.75,19.50" "33.125,19.50" "")(command "_line")(command "33.125,19.375" "8.75,19.375" "8.75,0.625" "")(command "_line")(command "8.75,20.50" "33.125,20.50" "")(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 1));;;;(defun gan1 ()(setq m_texty 20.1875)(setq w_texty 19.875)(setq liney 19.5)(setq liney2 19.375)(setq incr 1)(setq task "t")(setq task1 "t")(setq h "t"));;;;(defun gan2 ()(setq chtyp (itoa smonth))(if (= chtyp "0") (twmon1))(if (= chtyp "1") (twmon2))(if (= chtyp "2") (twmon3))(if (= chtyp "3") (twmon4))(if (= chtyp "4") (twmon5))(if (= chtyp "5") (twmon6))(if (= chtyp "6") (twmon7))(if (= chtyp "7") (twmon8))(if (= chtyp "8") (twmon9))(if (= chtyp "9") (twmon10))(if (= chtyp "10") (twmon11))(if (= chtyp "11") (twmon12)));;;;(defun ptask ()(write-line task f)(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 0)(command "_text")(command "r" tpt "0.25" "0" task)(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 1)(setq h nil));;;(defun ganhead_on ()(if (= task 1)(progn(mode_tile "task" 1)(mode_tile "tstart_mon_list" 1)(mode_tile "tstart_day" 1)(mode_tile "tend_mon_list" 1)(mode_tile "tend_day" 1)(mode_tile "head" 0)(mode_tile "head" 2))(progn(mode_tile "task" 0)(mode_tile "task" 2)(mode_tile "tstart_mon_list" 0)(mode_tile "tstart_day" 0)(mode_tile "tend_mon_list" 0)(mode_tile "tend_day" 0)(mode_tile "head" 1))));;;(defun ganhead ()(setq ty (- ty 0.0625))(setq ly (- ly 0.0625))(setq tpt (list 8.5 ty))(command "_text")(command "r" tpt "0.375" "0" head)(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 1)(setq ty (- ty 0.375))(setq ly (- ly 0.375))(setq task1 nil)(setq h nil));;;;(defun ganend ()(print)(print)(setq task nil)(setq task1 nil)(setq h nil)(unload_dialog dcl_id));;;;(defun twbar ()(setq tans t)(print)(initget 7 "f o")(setq bartyp (getkword "Type of Bars (F)illed/(O)pen): "))(if (= bartyp "f") (command "modifvar" "fillmode" 1))(if (= bartyp "o") (command "modifvar" "fillmode" 0))(setq dnam (getvar "dwgname"))(setq dnam (strcat dnam ".dat"))(setq f (open dnam "w"))(setq endmx 0)(setq ty 19.0)(setq ly 19.125)(while task(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 1)(setq task1 "t")(setq task "t")(setq h "t")(print)(setq tpt (list 8.5 ty)) (if (not (new_dialog "gantask" dcl_id))(exit)) (set_tmonth_list)(set_day_list)(mode_tile "task" 2)(mode_tile "head" 1)(setq head nil)(setq tstart_month "0")(setq tstart_day "0")(setq tend_month "0")(setq tend_day "0") (action_tile "head_toggle" "(setq task (atoi $value)) (ganhead_on)")(action_tile "head" "(setq head $value)")(action_tile "task" "(setq task $value)")(action_tile "tstart_mon_list" "(setq tstart_month $value)")(action_tile "tstart_day" "(setq tstart_day $value)")(action_tile "tend_mon_list" "(setq tend_month $value)")(action_tile "tend_day" "(setq tend_day $value)") (action_tile "accept" "(setq tans 1) (done_dialog)")(action_tile "cancel" "(setq tans 0) (done_dialog)") (start_dialog) (if (or (= task " ") (= tans 0)) (ganend))(if (/= head nil) (ganhead))(while h(ptask))(while task1(setq smon (itoa (+ (atoi tstart_month) 1)))(if (= smon "1") (setq endmx stmx1))(if (= smon "2") (setq endmx stmx2))(if (= smon "3") (setq endmx stmx3))(if (= smon "4") (setq endmx stmx4))(if (= smon "5") (setq endmx stmx5))(if (= smon "6") (setq endmx stmx6))(if (= smon "7") (setq endmx stmx7))(if (= smon "8") (setq endmx stmx8))(if (= smon "9") (setq endmx stmx9))(if (= smon "10") (setq endmx stmx10))(if (= smon "11") (setq endmx stmx11))(if (= smon "12") (setq endmx stmx12))(write-line smon f)(setq sday (+ (atoi tstart_day) 1))(setq sdayt (rtos sday 2 2))(write-line sdayt f)(setq sdayx (+ 8.75 (* sday incr) endmx))(setq dayspt (list sdayx ly))(setq endmx 0)(setq emon (itoa (+ (atoi tend_month) 1)))(if (= emon "1") (setq endmx stmx1))(if (= emon "2") (setq endmx stmx2))(if (= emon "3") (setq endmx stmx3))(if (= emon "4") (setq endmx stmx4))(if (= emon "5") (setq endmx stmx5))(if (= emon "6") (setq endmx stmx6))(if (= emon "7") (setq endmx stmx7))(if (= emon "8") (setq endmx stmx8))(if (= emon "9") (setq endmx stmx9))(if (= emon "10") (setq endmx stmx10))(if (= emon "11") (setq endmx stmx11))(if (= emon "12") (setq endmx stmx12))(write-line emon f)(setq eday (+ (atoi tend_day) 1))(setq edayt (rtos eday 2 2))(write-line edayt f)(setq edayx (+ 8.75 (* eday incr) endmx))(setq dayept (list edayx ly))(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 0)(command "_trace")(command "0.25" dayspt dayept)(command "")(setq ty (- ty 0.375))(setq ly (- ly 0.375))(setq task1 nil))));;;(defun set_tmonth_list ()(setq month_list (list "Janvier" "Fevrier" "Mars" "Avril""Mai" "Juin" "Juillet" "Aout" "Septembre""Octobre" "Novembre" "Decembre"))(start_list "tstart_mon_list")(mapcar 'add_list month_list)(end_list) (start_list "tend_mon_list")(mapcar 'add_list month_list)(end_list));;;(defun set_day_list ()(setq day_list (list "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10""11" "12" "13" "14" "15" "16" "17" "18" "19" "20""21" "22" "23" "24" "25" "26" "27" "28" "29" "30" "31"))(start_list "tstart_day")(mapcar 'add_list day_list)(end_list) (start_list "tend_day")(mapcar 'add_list day_list)(end_list));;;(defun set_month_list ()(setq month_list (list "Janvier" "Fevrier" "Mars" "Avril""Mai" "Juin" "Juillet" "Aout" "Septembre""Octobre" "Novembre" "Decembre"))(start_list "smonth_list")(mapcar 'add_list month_list)(end_list) (start_list "tstart_mon_list")(mapcar 'add_list month_list)(end_list) (start_list "tend_mon_list")(mapcar 'add_list month_list)(end_list));;;(defun set_smonth ()(setq count smonth)(setq month_list2 month_list)(if (= count 0) (setq tb (car month_list2)))(while (> count 0)(setq month_list2 (cdr month_list2))(setq smont (car month_list2))(setq count (- count 1))));;(defun set_tstart_month ()(setq count tstart_month)(setq month_list3 month_list)(if (= count 0) (setq tb (car month_list3)))(while (> count 0)(setq month_list3 (cdr month_list3))(setq t_start_mon (car month_list3))(setq count (- count 1))));;(defun set_tend_month ()(setq count tend_month)(setq month_list4 month_list)(if (= count 0) (setq tb (car month_list4)))(while (> count 0)(setq month_list4 (cdr month_list4))(setq t_end_mon (car month_list4))(setq count (- count 1))));;;(defun C:GANTT ()(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 0)(command "modifvar" "blipmode" 0) (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "ddgantt.dcl")) (if (not (new_dialog "mongantt" dcl_id))(exit)) (setq smon nil) (set_month_list)(setq smonth 0) (action_tile "smonth_list" "(setq smonth (atoi $value)) (set_smonth)") (action_tile "accept" "(setq ans 1) (done_dialog)")(action_tile "cancel" "(setq ans 0) (done_dialog)") (start_dialog) (if (and (= ans 1) (/= smont nil))(progn(bordline)(gan1)(gan2)(twbar)(_close f))) (if (= ans 0) (unload_dialog dcl_id)));;;(princ "DDGANTT 2.0 © Greg MacGeorge, 2000....chargé.")(terpri)(princ "C:GANTT")(print);;;*********************************************************** MERCI bcp .. TitOoN :P
bonuscad Posté(e) le 5 janvier 2007 Posté(e) le 5 janvier 2007 Tu as simplement encore oublié des corrections des options de commande. Ici(command "_.text")(command "r" tpt "0.25" "0" task) doit être(command "_.text")(command "_r" tpt "0.25" "0" task)justification à "droite" en francais ;) Il ya aussi l'option "c" qui traine pour le texte mais celle là est moins importante car c'est la même syntaxe en francais Tu vas y arriver :) Pour:(setq bartyp (getkword "Type of Bars (F)illed/(O)pen): ")) C'est simplement pour savoir si tu veux les barres graphiques pleine ou creuse Il y a effectivement un fichier DAT de créer, mais je ne sais pas à quoi il sert, je n'ai pas décortiqué le lisp, je l'ai juste essayé pour le "fun" Choisissez un travail que vous aimez et vous n'aurez pas à travailler un seul jour de votre vie. - Confucius
x13 Posté(e) le 5 janvier 2007 Posté(e) le 5 janvier 2007 L'origine du lisp , http://www.gregmacg.com/Autolisp.html :)
TitOoN Posté(e) le 5 janvier 2007 Auteur Posté(e) le 5 janvier 2007 Yes .. ca marche... un grand MERCI .. je n'ai pas laissé tomber ;) .Bon maintenant je vais le bidouiller pour l'améliorer.- j'aimerai créer des liens début-début et fin-début (c'est à dire que le départ d'une tache ce situ à la date de début de la tache précèdente pour le lien début-début ou à la fin pour le lien fin-début). j'ai une idée de l'affichage visuel, mais pour l'écriture du prog pas trop.je pense au cochage de 2 toggle: 1 début-début et 1 fin-début.- j'aimerai aussi supprimer la date de fin et le remplacer par la durée, ce qui est plus courant en réalité (on donne la date de départ de la tache puis ca durée d'execution et la date de fin s'obtient en ajoutant la durée d'execution à la date de départ).- En ce qui concerne les jours ouvrés je n'essayerai meme pas d'y penser. Merci a tous. Cordialement TitOoN :P
TitOoN Posté(e) le 16 janvier 2007 Auteur Posté(e) le 16 janvier 2007 Voila le planning GANTT avec les quelques petite modifs apportées..En vous remerciant toutes et tous..Cordialement TitOoN ;; PLANNING GANTT ;;chemin du fichier DCL:(setq chemindcl "C:/PROJET GC M1/BON/") ;pour enlever l'accroche objet:(setvar "osmode" 0) ;création des colones avec decalage:(defun wline ()(setq v 5)(repeat 4(setq xwk (+ 8.75 (* v incr) premx))(setq xwkpt (list xwk liney))(setq pt1 (polar xwkpt 0 0))(setq pt2 (polar pt1 1.5707963 0.25))(command "_line")(command pt1)(command pt2)(command "")(setq txtwk (list xwk w_texty))(command "_text")(command "c" txtwk ".125" "0" v)(setq v (+ v 7)))(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 1));;(defun mon ()(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 0)(setq xmon (+ 8.75 endmx))(setq monpt (list xmon liney))(setq monpt2 (list xmon liney2))(setq pt1 (polar monpt 0 0))(setq pt2 (polar pt1 1.5707963 1))(command "_line")(command pt1)(command pt2)(command "")(setq pt3 (polar monpt2 0 0))(setq pt4 (polar pt3 4.712389 18.75))(command "_line")(command pt3)(command pt4)(command "")(setq txtmon (/ (- endmx premx) 2))(setq txtmon (+ txtmon premx))(setq txtmon (+ 8.75 txtmon))(setq txtmonpt (list txtmon m_texty)));;(defun jan1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Janvier")(wline));;;;(defun fev1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Fevrier")(wline));;;;(defun mar1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Mars")(wline));;;;(defun avr1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Avril")(wline));;;;(defun mai1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Mai")(wline));;;;(defun jun1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Juin")(wline));;;;(defun jul1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Juillet")(wline));;;;(defun aou1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Aoust")(wline));;;;(defun sep1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Septembre")(wline));;;;(defun oct1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Octobre")(wline));;;;(defun nov1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Novembre")(wline));;;;(defun dec1 ()(command "_text")(command "c" txtmonpt "0.1875" "0" "Decembre")(wline));;;;(defun twmon1 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 31 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 0 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 59 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 31 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 90 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 59 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 120 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 90 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 151 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 120 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 181 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 151 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 212 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 181 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 243 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 212 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 273 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 243 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 304 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 273 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 334 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 304 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 334 incr))(mon)(dec1));;;;(defun twmon2 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 28 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 0 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 59 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 28 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 89 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 59 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 120 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 89 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 150 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 120 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 181 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 150 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 212 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 181 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 242 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 212 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 273 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 242 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 303 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 273 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 334 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 303 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 334 incr))(mon)(jan1));;;;(defun twmon3 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 31 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 0 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 61 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 31 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 92 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 61 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 122 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 92 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 153 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 122 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 184 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 153 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 214 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 184 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 245 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 214 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 275 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 245 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 306 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 275 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 337 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 306 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 337 incr))(mon)(fev1));;;;(defun twmon4 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 30 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 0 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 61 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 30 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 91 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 61 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 122 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 91 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 153 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 122 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 183 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 153 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 214 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 183 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 244 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 214 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 275 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 244 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 306 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 275 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 334 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 306 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 334 incr))(mon)(mar1));;;;(defun twmon5 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 31 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 0 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 61 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 31 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 92 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 61 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 123 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 92 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 153 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 123 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 184 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 153 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 214 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 184 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 245 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 214 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 276 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 245 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 304 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 276 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 335 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 304 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 335 incr))(mon)(avr1));;;;(defun twmon6 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 30 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 0 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 61 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 30 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 92 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 61 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 122 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 92 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 153 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 122 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 183 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 153 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 214 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 183 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 245 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 214 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 273 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 245 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 304 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 273 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 334 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 304 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 334 incr))(mon)(mai1));;;;(defun twmon7 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 31 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 0 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 62 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 31 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 92 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 62 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 123 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 92 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 153 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 123 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 184 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 153 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 215 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 184 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 243 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 215 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 274 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 243 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 304 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 274 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 335 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 304 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 335 incr))(mon)(jun1));;;;(defun twmon8 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 31 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 0 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 61 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 31 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 92 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 61 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 122 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 92 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 153 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 122 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 184 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 153 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 212 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 184 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 243 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 212 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 273 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 243 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 303 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 273 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 334 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 303 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 334 incr))(mon)(jul1));;;;(defun twmon9 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 30 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 0 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 61 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 30 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 91 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 61 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 122 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 91 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 153 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 122 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 181 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 153 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 212 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 181 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 242 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 212 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 273 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 242 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 303 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 273 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 334 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 303 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 334 incr))(mon)(aou1));;;;(defun twmon10 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 31 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 0 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 61 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 31 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 92 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 61 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 123 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 92 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 151 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 123 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 182 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 151 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 212 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 182 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 243 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 212 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 273 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 243 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 304 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 273 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 335 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 304 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 335 incr))(mon)(sep1));;;;(defun twmon11 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 30 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 0 incr))(mon)(nov1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 61 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 30 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 92 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 61 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 120 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 92 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 151 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 120 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 181 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 151 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 212 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 181 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 242 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 212 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 273 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 242 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 304 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 273 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 334 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 304 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 334 incr))(mon)(oct1));;;;(defun twmon12 ()(setq incr (/ 24.375 365))(setq premx 0)(setq endmx (* 31 incr))(setq stmx12 (* 0 incr))(mon)(dec1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 62 incr))(setq stmx1 (* 31 incr))(mon)(jan1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 90 incr))(setq stmx2 (* 62 incr))(mon)(fev1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 121 incr))(setq stmx3 (* 90 incr))(mon)(mar1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 151 incr))(setq stmx4 (* 121 incr))(mon)(avr1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 182 incr))(setq stmx5 (* 151 incr))(mon)(mai1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 212 incr))(setq stmx6 (* 182 incr))(mon)(jun1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 243 incr))(setq stmx7 (* 212 incr))(mon)(jul1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 274 incr))(setq stmx8 (* 243 incr))(mon)(aou1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 304 incr))(setq stmx9 (* 274 incr))(mon)(sep1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 335 incr))(setq stmx10 (* 304 incr))(mon)(oct1)(setq premx endmx)(setq endmx (* 365 incr))(setq stmx11 (* 335 incr))(mon)(nov1));;;;;(defun bordline ()(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 0)(command "modifvar" "limmin" "0,0")(command "modifvar" "limmax" "36,24")(command "_zoom" "_a")(command "_line")(command "0.625,0.625" "0.625,21.375" "33.125,21.375" "33.125,0.625""_close")(command "_line")(command "8.625,21.375" "8.625,19.50" "0.625,19.50" "")(command "_line")(command "0.625,19.375" "8.625,19.375" "8.625,0.625" "")(command "_line")(command "8.75,21.375" "8.75,19.50" "33.125,19.50" "")(command "_line")(command "33.125,19.375" "8.75,19.375" "8.75,0.625" "")(command "_line")(command "8.75,20.50" "33.125,20.50" "")(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 1));;;;(defun gan1 ()(setq m_texty 20.1875)(setq w_texty 19.875)(setq liney 19.5)(setq liney2 19.375)(setq incr 1)(setq task "t")(setq task1 "t")(setq h "t"));;;;(defun gan2 ()(setq chtyp (itoa smonth))(if (= chtyp "0") (twmon1))(if (= chtyp "1") (twmon2))(if (= chtyp "2") (twmon3))(if (= chtyp "3") (twmon4))(if (= chtyp "4") (twmon5))(if (= chtyp "5") (twmon6))(if (= chtyp "6") (twmon7))(if (= chtyp "7") (twmon8))(if (= chtyp "8") (twmon9))(if (= chtyp "9") (twmon10))(if (= chtyp "10") (twmon11))(if (= chtyp "11") (twmon12)));;;;(defun ptask ()(write-line task f)(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 0)(command "_text")(command "_r" tpt "0.25" "0" task)(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 1)(setq h nil));;;(defun ganhead_on ()(if (= task 1)(progn(mode_tile "task" 1)(mode_tile "tstart_mon_list" 1)(mode_tile "tstart_day" 1)(mode_tile "tend_mon_list" 1)(mode_tile "tend_day" 1)(mode_tile "head" 0)(mode_tile "head" 2)(mode_tile "durée" 1))(progn(mode_tile "task" 0)(mode_tile "task" 2)(mode_tile "tstart_mon_list" 0)(mode_tile "tstart_day" 0)(mode_tile "tend_mon_list" 0)(mode_tile "tend_day" 0)(mode_tile "head" 1)(mode_tile "durée" 0))));;;(defun ganhead ()(setq ty (- ty 0.0625))(setq ly (- ly 0.0625))(setq tpt (list 8.5 ty))(command "_text")(command "_r" tpt "0.375" "0" head)(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 1)(setq ty (- ty 0.375))(setq ly (- ly 0.375))(setq task1 nil)(setq h nil));;;;(defun ganend ()(print)(print)(setq task nil)(setq task1 nil)(setq h nil)(unload_dialog dcl_id));;;;(defun twbar ()(setq tans t)(print)(initget 7 "p c")(setq bartyp (getkword "Type de barre (P)leine/©reuse): "))(if (= bartyp "p") (command "modifvar" "fillmode" 1))(if (= bartyp "c") (command "modifvar" "fillmode" 0))(setq dnam (getvar "dwgname"))(setq dnam (strcat dnam ".dat"))(setq f (open dnam "w"))(setq endmx 0)(setq ty 19.0)(setq ly 19.125)(while task(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 1)(setq task1 "t")(setq task "t")(setq h "t")(print)(setq tpt (list 8.5 ty)) (if (not (new_dialog "gantask" dcl_id))(exit)) (set_tmonth_list)(set_day_list)(mode_tile "task" 2)(mode_tile "head" 1)(setq head nil)(setq tstart_month "0")(setq tstart_day "0")(setq tend_month "0")(setq tend_day "0") (action_tile "head_toggle" "(setq task (atoi $value)) (ganhead_on)")(action_tile "head" "(setq head $value)")(action_tile "task" "(setq task $value)")(action_tile "tstart_mon_list" "(setq tstart_month $value)")(action_tile "tstart_day" "(setq tstart_day $value)")(action_tile "tend_mon_list" "(setq tend_month $value)")(action_tile "tend_day" "(setq tend_day $value)") (action_tile "accept" "(setq tans 1) (done_dialog)")(action_tile "cancel" "(setq tans 0) (done_dialog)") (start_dialog) (if (or (= task " ") (= tans 0)) (ganend))(if (/= head nil) (ganhead))(while h(ptask))(while task1(setq smon (itoa (+ (atoi tstart_month) 1)))(if (= smon "1") (setq endmx stmx1))(if (= smon "2") (setq endmx stmx2))(if (= smon "3") (setq endmx stmx3))(if (= smon "4") (setq endmx stmx4))(if (= smon "5") (setq endmx stmx5))(if (= smon "6") (setq endmx stmx6))(if (= smon "7") (setq endmx stmx7))(if (= smon "8") (setq endmx stmx8))(if (= smon "9") (setq endmx stmx9))(if (= smon "10") (setq endmx stmx10))(if (= smon "11") (setq endmx stmx11))(if (= smon "12") (setq endmx stmx12))(write-line smon f)(setq sday (+ (atoi tstart_day) 1))(setq sdayt (rtos sday 2 2))(write-line sdayt f)(setq sdayx (+ 8.75 (* sday incr) endmx))(setq dayspt (list sdayx ly))(setq endmx 0)(setq emon (itoa (+ (atoi tend_month) 1)))(if (= emon "1") (setq endmx stmx1))(if (= emon "2") (setq endmx stmx2))(if (= emon "3") (setq endmx stmx3))(if (= emon "4") (setq endmx stmx4))(if (= emon "5") (setq endmx stmx5))(if (= emon "6") (setq endmx stmx6))(if (= emon "7") (setq endmx stmx7))(if (= emon "8") (setq endmx stmx8))(if (= emon "9") (setq endmx stmx9))(if (= emon "10") (setq endmx stmx10))(if (= emon "11") (setq endmx stmx11))(if (= emon "12") (setq endmx stmx12))(write-line emon f)(setq eday (+ (atoi tend_day) 1))(setq edayt (rtos eday 2 2))(write-line edayt f)(setq edayx (+ 8.75 (* eday incr) endmx))(setq dayept (list edayx ly))(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 0)(command "_trace")(command "0.25" dayspt dayept)(command "")(setq ty (- ty 0.375))(setq ly (- ly 0.375))(setq task1 nil))));;;(defun set_tmonth_list ()(setq month_list (list "Janvier" "Fevrier" "Mars" "Avril""Mai" "Juin" "Juillet" "Aout" "Septembre""Octobre" "Novembre" "Decembre"))(start_list "tstart_mon_list")(mapcar 'add_list month_list)(end_list) (start_list "tend_mon_list")(mapcar 'add_list month_list)(end_list));;;(defun set_day_list ()(setq day_list (list "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10""11" "12" "13" "14" "15" "16" "17" "18" "19" "20""21" "22" "23" "24" "25" "26" "27" "28" "29" "30" "31"))(start_list "tstart_day")(mapcar 'add_list day_list)(end_list) (start_list "tend_day")(mapcar 'add_list day_list)(end_list));;;(defun set_month_list ()(setq month_list (list "Janvier" "Fevrier" "Mars" "Avril""Mai" "Juin" "Juillet" "Aout" "Septembre""Octobre" "Novembre" "Decembre"))(start_list "smonth_list")(mapcar 'add_list month_list)(end_list) (start_list "tstart_mon_list")(mapcar 'add_list month_list)(end_list) (start_list "tend_mon_list")(mapcar 'add_list month_list)(end_list));;;(defun set_smonth ()(setq count smonth)(setq month_list2 month_list)(if (= count 0) (setq tb (car month_list2)))(while (> count 0)(setq month_list2 (cdr month_list2))(setq smont (car month_list2))(setq count (- count 1))));;(defun set_tstart_month ()(setq count tstart_month)(setq month_list3 month_list)(if (= count 0) (setq tb (car month_list3)))(while (> count 0)(setq month_list3 (cdr month_list3))(setq t_start_mon (car month_list3))(setq count (- count 1))));;(defun set_tend_month ()(setq count tend_month)(setq month_list4 month_list)(if (= count 0) (setq tb (car month_list4)))(while (> count 0)(setq month_list4 (cdr month_list4))(setq t_end_mon (car month_list4))(setq count (- count 1))));;;(defun C:GANTT ()(command "modifvar" "cmdecho" 0)(command "modifvar" "blipmode" 0) (setq dcl_id (load_dialog (strcat chemindcl "ddgantt.dcl"))) (if (not (new_dialog "mongantt" dcl_id))(exit)) (setq smon nil) (set_month_list)(setq smonth 0) (action_tile "smonth_list" "(setq smonth (atoi $value)) (set_smonth)") (action_tile "accept" "(setq ans 1) (done_dialog)")(action_tile "cancel" "(setq ans 0) (done_dialog)") (start_dialog) (if (and (= ans 1) (/= smont nil))(progn(bordline)(gan1)(gan2)(twbar)(_close f))) (if (= ans 0) (unload_dialog dcl_id)));;;;(terpri)(princ "pour lancer l'application taper la commande ==> GANTT")(print);;; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// le .DCL maintenant //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// FICHIER .DCL : mongantt : dialog {label = "Gantt";: column {:text {label = "Mois de départ:";}:popup_list {key = "smonth_list";width=20;}} : row {ok_button; cancel_button;} }////gantask : dialog {label = "Gantt Tâche";:row {:column {label = "Titre :";: toggle {label = "cocher pr ajouter un titre ==>";key = "head_toggle";}}:column {label = "Titre :";:edit_box {label = "Texte: ";key = "head";width = 15;}}} spacer_1;:row {label = "Tâche";:edit_box {label = "Tâche: ";key = "task";width = 15;}}spacer_1;:row {label = "Départ :";:column {:text {label = "Sélectionner le Mois de départ:";}:popup_list {key = "tstart_mon_list";width=20;}}:column {:text {label = "Première Journée:";}:popup_list {key = "tstart_day";width = 8;}}} spacer_1;:column {label = "Durée :";:edit_box {label = "Texte: ";key = "durée";width=15;}} spacer_1;:row {label = "Fin :";:column {:text {label = "Selectionner le dernier Mois :";}:popup_list {key = "tend_mon_list";width=8;}}:column {:text {label = "Dernière journée:";}:popup_list {key = "tend_day";width = 20;}}}spacer_1;: row {ok_button; cancel_button;} }////
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