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Express Tools en français

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Bonjour à vous,


Jusqu'à présent, j'ai tjs. eu mon menu Express Tools en Anglais, et j'aimerai savoir si ce menu existait

en Français ?


Si, oui. Peut-on le télecharger ?





Un coup de calgon une fois et voici le travail :

1 - Quitter AutoCAD

2 - Dans un bloc notes copier coller et enregistrer sous acetmain.mns

3 dans le dossier support :

- renommer l'ancien acetmain.mns en acetmain.old et effacer le acetmain.mnc

4 - copier dans ce dossier le nouveau acetmain.mns

5 - Relancez AutoCAD



// AutoCAD fichier de menu - C:\Documents and Settings\utilisateur\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Map 3D 2005\R16.1\fra\support\acetmain.mnu








ID_MNACETLAY [->&Calques]

ID_ACETLAYMAN [&Gestionnaire de Calques...]^C^Clman

ID_ACETLAYWLK [Gestionnaire de Calques en temps réel...]^C^C_.laywalk


ID_ACETLAYMCH [Changer le Calque]^C^Claymch

ID_ACETLAYCUR [Changer en Calque courant]^C^Claycur

ID_ACETCOPYTO [Copier des Objects vers un nouveau Calque]^C^Ccopytolayer


ID_ACETLAYISO [isoler les Calques]^C^Clayiso

ID_ACETLAYVPI [isoler le Calque dans la fenêtre courante]^C^Clayvpi


ID_ACETLAYOFF [Désactiver les Calques]^C^Clayoff

ID_ACETLAYON [Activer tous les Calques]^C^Clayon


ID_ACETLAYFRZ [Geler les Calques]^C^Clayfrz

ID_ACETLAYTHW [Liberer tous les Calques]^C^Claythw


ID_ACETLAYLCK [Verrouiller les Calques]^C^Claylck

ID_ACETLAYULK [Deverrouiller les Calques]^C^Clayulk


ID_ACETLAYMRG [Fusionner les Calques]^C^Claymrg

ID_ACETLAYDEL [<-Supprimer les Calques]^C^Claydel



ID_ACETXRFLST [Afficher les Propriétés des Xref/Blocs ]^C^Cxlist


ID_ACETNCOPY [&Copier des objets inclus dans un bloc ou une xref]^C^Cncopy

ID_ACETTRMBLK [Ajuster jusqu'à une entité d'un bloc ou une xref]^C^Cbtrim

ID_ACETEXTBLK [Prolonger jusqu'à une entité d'un bloc ou une xref]^C^Cbextend


ID_ACETBURST [Décomposer les Attributs d'un bloc en Textes]^C^Cburst

ID_ACETSHPBLK [Convertir une forme en Bloc]^C^Cshp2blk


ID_ACETATTOUT [Exporter les Informations d'Attributs]^C^Cattout

ID_ACETATTIN [importer les Informations d'Attributs]^C^Cattin


ID_ACETBLOCKTOXREF [Convertir bloc en xref]^C^Cblocktoxref

ID_ACETBLOCKREPLACE [<-Remplacer des blocs avec un autre bloc]^C^Cblockreplace



ID_ACETRTEXT [RTexte]^C^Crtext

ID_ACETTXTFIT [Etirer des Textes]^C^Ctextfit


ID_ACETTXTMSK [Masque de Texte]^C^Ctextmask

ID_ACETTXTUMSK [Démasquer des Textes]^C^Ctextunmask


ID_ACETTXTEXP [Décomposer les Textes]^C^Ctxtexp

ID_ACETTXT2MT [Convertir des Textes en TextesMultilignes]^C^Ctxt2mtxt

ID_ACETARCTXT [Texte en Arc]^C^C_.arctext


ID_ACETTJUST [Justification de Textes]^C^Ctjust

ID_ACETTORIEN [Pivoter des Textes]^C^Ctorient

ID_ACETTCIRCL [Encadrer des Textes]^C^Ctcircle

ID_ACETTCOUNT [Numérotation automatique de Textes]^C^Ctcount


ID_MNACETTCASE [<-Changer la Casse de Textes]^C^Ctcase


ID_MNACETLOUT [->Outils de présentation]

ID_ACETCHSPAC [Changer d'Espace]^C^Cchspace


ID_ACETASPACE [Aligner les Espaces]^C^Calignspace

ID_ACETVPSYNC [synchroniser des Fenêtres]^C^Cvpsync


ID_ACETVPSCAL [Afficher l'echelle d'une fenêtre]^C^Cvpscale


ID_ACETLAYOUTMRG [<-Fusionner des présentations]^C^Clayoutmerge


ID_MNACETDIM [->Cotations]

ID_ACETLEADER [->Outils de Repères]

ID_ACETQLATCH [Attacher un Repère à une Annotation]^C^C_.qlattach

ID_ACETQLDTCH [Detacher des Repères d'une Annotation]^C^C_.qldetachset

ID_ACETQLATAL [<-Associer des Repères avec des Annotations]^C^C_.qlattachset


ID_ACETDIMEX [Exporter des Styles de Cotations...]^C^C_.dimex

ID_ACETDIMIM [importer des Styles de Cotations...]^C^C_.dimim


ID_ACETDIMASSOC [<-Supprimer les valeurs des cotations forcées]^C^Cdimreassoc


ID_MNACETSEL [->Outils de Selection]

ID_ACETGETSEL [Obtenir un jeu de Selection]^C^Cgetsel

ID_ACETFSTSEL [<-Selection Rapide]'fs


ID_MNACETMOD [->Modifier]

ID_ACETMSTRCH [Etirer Multiple]^C^Cmstretch

ID_ACETMOCORO [Déplacer/Copier/Rotation]^C^C_.MOCORO

ID_ACETCLIPIT [Délimiter un bloc ou une Xref]^C^Cclipit


ID_ACETSHPBLK [Convertir une forme en Bloc]^C^Cshp2blk

ID_ACETCDORDER [Ordre de tracé par Couleur]^C^Ccdorder


ID_ACETOVERKILL [supprimer les doublons]^C^Coverkill

ID_ACETFLATTEN [Applatir les objets]^C^CFlatten


ID_ACETCOPYM [Copier Multiple]^C^Ccopym

ID_MNACETEXOFFSET [<-Décalage Etendu]^C^Cexoffset


ID_MNACETDRAW [->Dessiner]

ID_ACETBREAKL [symbole de Ligne Brisée]^C^Cbreakline

ID_ACETSHATCH [<-Super Hachures...]^C^Csuperhatch


ID_MNACETFTOOL [->Outils sur les fichiers]

ID_ACETMOVEBAK [Déplacer les fichiers BAK]^C^Cmovebak


ID_ACETPLT2DW [Convertir des PLT en DWG]^C^Cplt2dwg

ID_ACETIMGEDT [Editer une Image]^C^Cimageedit


ID_ACETREDIR [Redefinir les Chemins]^C^Credir


ID_ACETPROPULATE [Mise à jour des propriétés du Dessin]^C^CPropulate

ID_ACETSAVEALL [sauvegarder tous les Dessins]^C^Csaveall

ID_ACETCLOSEALL [Fermer tous les Dessins]^C^Ccloseall

ID_ACETQQUIT [Fermeture rapide]^C^Cqquit

ID_ACETREVERT [<-Revenir à la version Originale]^C^Crevert

ID_MNACETNET [->Outils Internet]

ID_ACETSHWURL [Montrer les Liens]^C^Cshowurls

ID_ACETCHGURL [Changer les Liens]^C^Cchurls

ID_ACETREPURL [<-Trouver et remplacer les Liens]^C^Crepurls



ID_ACETALIAS [Editeur des Alias de Commandes...]^C^Caliasedit

ID_ACETSYSVAR [Editeur des Variable Systeme...]^C^C_.sysvdlg


ID_ACETMKLTYP [Créer des Types de Lignes]^C^Cmkltype

ID_ACETMKSHAP [Créer des Formes]^C^Cmkshape


ID_ACETRTUCS [sCU en temps réel]^C^Crtucs


ID_ACETXDATA [Attacher des Xdata]^C^Cxdata

ID_ACETXDLIST [Lister des Xdata]^C^Cxdlist


ID_ACETFSCREEN [Plein Ecran]^C^Cfullscreen


ID_MNACETEXPLAN [Repère Etendu]^C^Cexplan


ID_ACETEDITTIME [<-Temps d'Edition d'un DWG]^C^Cedittime


ID_AFRACOM [->Sur Ligne de Commande]

ID_AFRABLOCK [Renseignements de Bloc]^C^CBlock?

ID_AFRACDORDER [Ordre d'affichage par couleur]^C^CCDOrder

ID_AFRAEXTRIM [&Ajuster à l'emporte pièce]^c^cExTrim

ID_AFRAFLATTEN [Mise à plat]^C^CFlatten

ID_AFRAGATTE [&Modificateur de valeur d'attribut]^C^CGatte


ID_AFRALSP [&Gestionnaire LISP]^C^CLSP



ID_AFRAOVERKILL [suppression de doublons]^C^COVERKILL


ID_AFRASSX [selection Etendue]^c^cSSX

ID_AFRATFRAMES [<-Gestion des cadres des images et des Wipeouts]^C^Ctframes


ID_MNACETWEB [->Liens Internet]

ID_MNACETWEXP [E&xpress Tools Web site]^C^C_.browser

ID_MNACETNEWS [Express Tools &Newsgroup]^C^C_.browser news://


ID_MNACETWPRO [<-&Autodesk Products and Support Website]^C^C_.browser

ID_MNACETFAQ [Express Tools &FAQ]^C^C^P(acet-help "faq") ^P


ID_MNACETHELP [&Help]^C^C^P(acet-help) ^P





ID_TBACETLAY [_Toolbar("ET: Layers", _Floating, _Show, 187, 170, 1)]

ID_ACETLAYMAN [_Button("Layer Manager", "et_LAYMAN16.BMP", "et_LAYMAN24.BMP")]^C^Clman

ID_ACETLAYMCH [_Button("Match Object's Layer", "et_mchlay16.BMP", "et_mchlay24.BMP")]^C^Claymch

ID_ACETLAYCUR [_Button("Change to Current Layer", "et_curlay16.BMP", "et_curlay24.BMP")]^C^Claycur

ID_ACETLAYISO [_Button("Isolate Object's Layer", "et_LAYISO16.BMP", "et_LAYISO24.BMP")]^C^Clayiso

ID_ACETCOPYTO [_Button("Copy Objects to New Layer", "et_COPYTO16.BMP", "et_COPYTO24.BMP")]^C^Ccopytolayer

ID_ACETLAYWLK [_Button("Layer Walk", "et_wlklay16.BMP", "et_wlklay24.BMP")]^C^C_.laywalk


ID_ACETLAYFRZ [_Button("Freeze Object's Layer", "et_frzlay16.BMP", "et_frzlay24.BMP")]^C^Clayfrz

ID_ACETLAYOFF [_Button("Turn Object's Layer Off", "et_offlay16.BMP", "et_offlay24.BMP")]^C^Clayoff

ID_ACETLAYLCK [_Button("Lock Object's Layer", "et_lcklay16.BMP", "et_lcklay24.BMP")]^C^Claylck

ID_ACETLAYULK [_Button("Unlock Object's Layer", "et_ulklay16.BMP", "et_ulklay24.BMP")]^C^Clayulk




ID_TBACETTEXT [_Toolbar("ET: Text", _Floating, _Show, 110, 208, 1)]

ID_ACETTXTFIT [_Button("Text Fit", "et_TXTFIT16.BMP", "et_TXTFIT24.BMP")]^C^Ctextfit

ID_ACETTXTMSK [_Button("Text Mask", "et_TXTMSK16.BMP", "et_TXTMSK24.BMP")]^C^Ctextmask

ID_ACETTXTEXP [_Button("Explode Text", "et_txtexp16.BMP", "et_txtexp24.BMP")]^C^Ctxtexp

ID_ACETARCTXT [_Button("Arc-Aligned Text", "et_ARCTXT16.BMP", "et_ARCTXT24.BMP")]^C^C_.arctext




ID_TBACETBLK [_Toolbar("ET: Blocks", _Floating, _Show, 286, 208, 1)]

ID_ACETNCOPY [_Button("Copy Nested Objects", "et_NCOPY16.BMP", "et_NCOPY24.BMP")]^C^Cncopy

ID_ACETTRMBLK [_Button("Trim to Nested Objects", "et_TRMBLK16.BMP", "et_TRMBLK24.BMP")]^C^Cbtrim

ID_ACETEXTBLK [_Button("Extend to Nested Objects", "et_EXTBLK16.BMP", "et_EXTBLK24.BMP")]^C^Cbextend

ID_ACETXRFLST [_Button("List Xref/Block Properties", "et_XRFLST16.BMP", "et_XRFLST24.BMP")]^C^Cxlist

ID_ACETCLIPIT [_Button("Extended Clip", "et_CLIPIT16.BMP", "et_CLIPIT24.BMP")]^C^Cclipit

ID_ACETBURST [_Button("Explode Attributes to Text", "et_BURST16.BMP", "et_BURST24.BMP")]^C^Cburst




ID_TBACETTOOL [_Toolbar("ET: Standard", _Floating, _Show, 135, 132, 1)]

ID_ACETMSTRCH [_Button("Multiple Object Stretch", "et_MSTRCH16.BMP", "et_MSTRCH24.BMP")]^C^Cmstretch

ID_ACETMOCORO [_Button("Move/Copy/Rotate", "et_MOCORO16.BMP", "et_MOCORO24.BMP")]^C^C_.MOCORO


ID_ACETSHATCH [_Button("Super Hatch", "et_SHATCH16.BMP", "et_SHATCH24.BMP")]^C^Csuperhatch

ID_ACETTFRAME [_Button("Toggle Frames", "et_TFRAME16.BMP", "et_TFRAME24.BMP")]^C^Ctframes

ID_ACETSHWURL [_Button("Show URLs", "et_SHWURL16.BMP", "et_SHWURL24.BMP")]^C^Cshowurls

ID_ACETBREAKL [_Button("Break-line Symbol", "et_BREAKL16.BMP", "et_BREAKL24.BMP")]^C^Cbreakline


ID_ACETFSTSEL [_Button("Fast Select", "et_FSTSEL16.BMP", "et_FSTSEL24.BMP")]'fs


ID_ACETCOPYM [_Button("Multiple Copy", "et_COPYM16.BMP", "et_COPYM24.BMP")]^C^Ccopym




ID_MNACETTSPACEINVADE [Trouve et selectionne des textes qui has overlapping objects: TSPACEINVADERS]

ID_ACETOVERKILL [Cleans up overlapping geometry by removing duplicated and/or unneeded objects: OVERKILL]

ID_ACETTXT2MT [Convertir des textes crées avec TEXTE or DTEXTE en TEXTEMULTILIGNE: TXT2MTXT]

ID_ACETMOCORO [Deplacement, Copie, Rotation et Mise à l'échelle d'objets: MOCORO]

ID_ACETPSBSCALE [sets or Updates the scale of blocks relative to paper space: PSBSCALE]

ID_ACETBLOCKTOXREF [Convert a specified block and all of inserts of it to an xref: BLOCKTOXREF]

ID_ACETTCOUNT [Adds sequential numbering to text objects: TCOUNT]

ID_ACETTORIEN [Rotates text, multiline text, and block attribute objects to new orientation: TORIENT]

ID_ACETTFRAME [Toggles frames for images and wipeouts: TFRAMES]

ID_ACETXDLIST [Lists the extended object data (xdata) attached to an object: XDLIST]

ID_ACETLAYFRZ [Layers of selected object(s) will be frozen: LAYFRZ]

ID_ACETATTOUT [Extracts attribute information from the drawing: ATTOUT]

ID_ACETBREAKL [Creates polylines and inserts break-line symbol: BREAKLINE]

ID_ACETCHGURL [Modifies URL addresses: CHURLS]

ID_ACETLAYVPI [isolates object's layer to current viewport: LAYVPI]

ID_ACETSHATCH [uses images, blocks, external references, or wipeouts as hatch patterns: SUPERHATCH]

ID_ACETARCTXT [Creates text following a selected arc: ARCTEXT]

ID_ACETLAYOFF [Layers of selected object(s) will be turned off: LAYOFF]

ID_MNACETTSCALE [scales or sets the height for text, multiline text, attributes, and attribute definitions: TSCALE]

ID_ACETATTIN [inserts attribute information into the drawing: ATTIN]

ID_ACETMKLTYP [Creates a linetype based on selected objects: MKLTYPE]

ID_ACETFSCREEN [switches AutoCAD between full-screen and window displays: FULLSCREEN]

ID_ACETFLATTEN [Converts 3D geometry to 2D: FLATTEN]

ID_ACETSHWURL [shows the location of embedded URL addresses: SHOWURLS]

ID_ACETPLT2DW [imports HP-GL files into the current drawing session: PLT2DWG]

ID_ACETTXTEXP [Explodes text into polylines: TXTEXP]

ID_ACETLAYCUR [Changes the layer of selected object(s) to the current layer: LAYCUR]

ID_ACETBLOCKREPLACE [Replace all inserts of one block with inserts of another: BLOCKREPLACE]

ID_ACETCOPYTO [Copies entities to different layer: COPYTOLAYER]

ID_ACETQLDTCH [Dissassociates selected leaders from an annotation: QLDETACHSET]

ID_ACETLAYTHW [Thaws all layers in drawing: LAYTHW]

ID_ACETLAYMCH [Changes the layer of selected object(s) to the layer of a selected destination object: LAYMCH]


ID_ACETCOPYM [Copies objects multiple times with options to repeat, divide, measure, and array: COPYM]

ID_ACETLAYOUTMRG [Merges the objects from other layouts into one layout and saves corresponding views: LAYOUTMERGE]

ID_ACETREDIR [Redefines the paths in external references, images, shapes, and fonts: REDIR]

ID_ACETEXTBLK [Extends to objects nested in blocks and external references: BEXTEND]

ID_ACETLAYMRG [Merges two layers removing the first layer from the drawing: LAYMRG]


ID_MNACETPSTSCALE [sets text height relative to paper space: PSTSCALE]

ID_MNACETTCASE [Changes the case of selected text: TCASE]

ID_ACETTCIRCL [surrounds text or multiline text with circles, slots, or rectangles: TCIRCLE]

ID_ACETIMGEDT [Launches an image editor application for editing a selected image: IMAGEEDIT]

ID_ACETDIMEX [saves dimension styles to a file: DIMEX]

ID_ACETTXTFIT [Fits text between specified points: TEXTFIT]

ID_ACETXRFLST [Displays properties of objects nested in blocks and external references: XLIST]

ID_ACETLAYULK [Layer of selected object will be unlocked: LAYULK]

ID_ACETLAYLCK [Layer of selected object will be locked: LAYLCK]

ID_ACETDIMASSOC [Re-associates dimensions: DIMREASSOC]

ID_ACETMOVEBAK [Moves saved AutoCAD backup files to a directory: MOVEBAK]

ID_ACETMKSHAP [Creates a shape based on selected objects: MKSHAPE]

ID_ACETFSTSEL [selects objects that touch a specified object: FS]

ID_MNACETHELP [Displays Help for the AutoCAD Express Tools.]

ID_ACETQLATCH [Associate a leader to an annotation object: QLATTACH]

ID_MNACETBUG [sends a bug report about a Beta issue to the AutoCAD Express Tools team: ETBUG]

ID_ACETEDITTIME [Tracks total active editing time in drawing: EDITTIME]

ID_ACETREPURL [Replaces URL addresses with others: REPURLS]

ID_MNACETFAQ [Displays an FAQ for AutoCAD Express Tools.]

ID_ACETDIMIM [imports dimension styles saved to a file using DIMEX: DIMIM]

ID_ACETTRMBLK [Trims to objects nested in blocks and external references: BTRIM]

ID_ACETLAYISO [Layers of selected object(s) will be isolated: LAYISO]

ID_ACETLAYWLK [isolates each layer: LAYWALK]

ID_ACETCHSPAC [Moves objects between model space and paper space: CHSPACE]

ID_ACETGETSEL [selects specific types of objects: GETSEL]

ID_ACETCLOSEALL [Closes all open drawings: CLOSEALL]

ID_ACETASPACE [Aligns model space objects in different viewports with each other or with objects in paper space: ALIGNSPACE]

ID_MNACETNEWS [Launches a news reader and displays the AutoCAD Express Tools newsgroup.]

ID_ACETQQUIT [Closes all drawings and exits: QQUIT]

ID_ACETLSP [Lisp function and command searching utility: LSP]

ID_ACETPROPULATE [updates, lists, and clears drawing property information: PROPULATE]

ID_ACETREVERT [Closes the current drawing and re-opens the original version: REVERT]

ID_ACETTJUST [Justifies text created with MTEXT and ATTDEF: TJUST]

ID_ACETVPSYNC [synchronizes one or more viewports with a master viewport: VPSYNCH]

ID_ACETVPSCAL [Lists the scale of a selected viewport: VPSCALE]

ID_ACETTXTMSK [Places a mask behind selected text: TEXTMASK]

ID_ACETTXTUMSK [Removes a mask from behind selected text: TEXTUNMASK]

ID_ACETRTEXT [inserts or edits a remote text object: RTEXT]

ID_MNACETWVIP [Launches a web browser and displays the AutoCAD Express Tools website.]

ID_ACETALIAS [Launches an editor for aliases stored in the AutoCAD.pgp file: ALIASEDIT]

ID_ACETLAYMAN [Layer Manager saves and restores layer settings: LMAN]

ID_ACETBSCALE [scale blocks from insertion points: BSCALE]

ID_ACETLSPSURF [Lisp file viewing utility: LSPSURF]

ID_ACETCDORDER [Aranges draw order of objects based on color: CDORDER]

ID_ACETSHPBLK [Converts from a shape definition to a block definition: SHP2BLK]

ID_MNACETWPRO [Launches a web browser and displays the Autodesk Products website.]

ID_ACETQLATAL [Associates selected leaders with a likely annotation: QLATTACHSET]

ID_ACETBURST [Explodes block and converts attributes to text: BURST]

ID_ACETSAVEALL [saves all open drawings: SAVEALL]

ID_ACETRTUCS [Changes the UCS in real time: RTUCS]

ID_MNACETWSUP [Launches web browser and loads the Autodesk support Web site.]

ID_MNACETWEXP [Launches web browser and loads the AutoCAD Express Tools Web site.]

ID_ACETSYSVAR [Launches an editor for system variables: SYSVDLG]

ID_ACETMSTRCH [stretches objects with multiple selection windows: MSTRETCH]

ID_ACETNCOPY [Copies objects nested inside blocks and external references: NCOPY]

ID_ACETLAYON [Turns on all layers in drawing: LAYON]

ID_ACETLAYDEL [Permanently deletes layer from drawing: LAYDEL]

ID_ACETXDATA [Attaches extended object data (xdata) to an object: XDATA]

ID_ACETCLIPIT [Adds arc, circle, and polyline capability to XCLIP: CLIPIT]

ID_AFRABLOCK [Lists the objects in a block definition.]

ID_AFRABCOUNT [Counts, itemizes, and displays in tabular form, the number of insertions of each block in the selected objects or in the entire drawing. ]

ID_AFRACDORDER [Arranges the drawing order of objects by color number]

ID_AFRADWGLOG [Creates and maintains an individual log file for each drawing file as it is accessed. ]

ID_AFRAEXTRIM [Trims all objects at the cutting edge specified by a selected Polyline, Line, Circle, Arc, Ellipse, Text, mtext, or Attribute Definition. ]

ID_AFRAFLATTEN [Converts 3D geometry to 2D geometry]

ID_AFRAGATTE [Globally changes attribute values for all insertions of a specific block.]

ID_AFRAJULIAN [AutoCAD Julian date / calendar date conversion routines. ]

ID_AFRALSP [Displays a list of AutoLISP commands available at the command prompt. ]

ID_AFRALSPSURF [Displays the contents of an AutoLISP file by individual functions.]

ID_AFRAMPEDIT [Fonctionne comme PEDIT mais sur plusieures polylignes. Convertie les objets lignes et les arcs en polylignes. ]

ID_AFRAOVERKILL [Removes unneeded objects by deleting duplicates and combining line and arc segments that overlap.]

ID_AFRAREDIRMODE [sets options for the REDIR command by specifying which object types the command should act on.]

ID_AFRASSX [Creates a selection set]

ID_AFRATFRAMES [Toggles the state of frames for Wipeout and image objects. If frames are turned on, this command turns them off, and vice versa. ]

ID_AFRALISP [AfraLisp-AutoLisp, Visual Lisp, VBA, VB Website]

ID_AFRAAUGAFRICA [AutoCAD Users Group Africa]

ID_AFRABEDROCK [bedRock - The Band In The Sand]



// Fin du fichier de menu AutoCAD - C:\Documents and Settings\utilisateur\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Map 3D 2005\R16.1\fra\support\acetmain.mnu



Bonne utilisation


... :cool: :cool: j'ai l'air malin moi maintenant...!!!!

Non sérieusement c'est grandiose ;) depuis le temps que la question était posée...!!!


Merci Fabcad,




C'est génial, merci , mais Heu....


C:\Documents and Settings\utilisateur\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk[surligneur] Map 3D[/surligneur] Map 3D 2005\R16.1\fra\support\acetmain.mnu



question idiote, mais çà marche aussi avec Autocad 2005 aussi, n'est-ce pas ??


bonne journée



Oui pas de pb Esbe ça tourne également en 2005.......c'est ma version également.


...par contre je suis surpris du peu de réaction du monde de Cadxp..... :exclam: :exclam: il faut peut-être le crier plus fort...!!!

[surligneur]....... ...hééé!!.....hoooo! compagnie, les EXPRESS TOOL sont en français......on se réveille. [/surligneur]


et grace à Fabcad, il mérite nos remerciement pour ce cadeau de fin d'année non ? ;) ;)


bonne journée à tous,





....... ...hééé!!.....hoooo! compagnie, les EXPRESS TOOL sont en français......on se réveille.


Quel Scoop !!!!!


Ca existe depuis pas mal de temps


Voir ces message pour les versions après et avant AutoCAD 2006


J'ai suivi la procédure de fabcad mais le problème est que la barre d'outil des Express tools à perdue ses icônes :o


Pour le taf; Windows (et ses emmerdes) sinon pas d'AutoCAD.

Pour le perso Linux Mint et pas de problèmes. Mais pas d'AutoCAD.

En rêve; AutoCAD sous Linux.

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